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Releases: grafana/alloy


26 Jun 15:15
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This is release v1.2.0 of Grafana Alloy.


Read the release notes for specific instructions on upgrading from older versions:

Notable changes:

Breaking changes

  • Updated OpenTelemetry to v0.102.1. (@mattdurham)
    • Components otelcol.receiver.otlp,otelcol.receiver.zipkin,otelcol.extension.jaeger_remote_sampling, and otelcol.receiver.jaeger setting max_request_body_size default changed from unlimited size to 20MiB. This is due to CVE-2024-36129.

Breaking changes to non-GA functionality

  • Component otelcol.receiver.vcenter removed,, and
    • replaced by
    • replaced by
    • replaced by


  • Add an otelcol.exporter.kafka component to send OTLP metrics, logs, and traces to Kafka.

  • Added live debugging to the UI. Live debugging streams data as they flow through components for debugging telemetry data.
    Individual components must be updated to support live debugging. (@wildum)

  • Added live debugging support for prometheus.relabel. (@wildum)

  • (Experimental) Add a otelcol.processor.deltatocumulative component to convert metrics from
    delta temporality to cumulative by accumulating samples in memory. (@rfratto)

  • (Experimental) Add an otelcol.receiver.datadog component to receive
    metrics and traces from Datadog. (@carrieedwards, @jesusvazquez, @alexgreenbank, @fedetorres93)


  • (Public preview) Add native histogram support to otelcol.receiver.prometheus. (@wildum)

  • Added scrape_protocols option to prometheus.scrape, which allows to control the preferred order of scrape protocols. (@thampiotr)

  • Improved filesystem error handling when working with loki.source.file and local.file_match, which removes some false-positive error log messages on Windows (@thampiotr)

  • Updates receiver/vcenter to use new features and bugfixes introduced in OTEL releases v0.100.0 and v0.101.0.
    Refer to the v0.100.0 and v0.101.0 release notes for more detailed information.

  • Add yaml_decode to standard library. (@mattdurham, @djcode)

  • Add base64_decode to standard library. (@hainenber)

  • Updated OpenTelemetry Contrib to v0.102.0. (@mattdurham)

  • otelcol.processor.resourcedetection: Added a tags config argument to the azure detection mechanism. It exposes regex-matched Azure resource tags as OpenTelemetry resource attributes.


  • Fixed an issue with prometheus.scrape in which targets that move from one cluster instance to another could have a staleness marker inserted and result in a gap in metrics (@thampiotr)

  • Fix panic when import.git is given a revision that does not exist on the remote repo. (@hainenber)

  • Fixed an issue with loki.source.docker where collecting logs from targets configured with multiple networks would result in errors. (@wildum)

For a full list of changes, please refer to the CHANGELOG!


Refer to our installation guide for how to install Grafana Alloy.


24 Jun 19:47
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v1.2.0-rc.1 Pre-release

This is release v1.2.0-rc.1 of Grafana Alloy.


Read the release notes for specific instructions on upgrading from older versions:


Security fixes


Refer to our installation guide for how to install Grafana Alloy.


18 Jun 13:28
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v1.2.0-rc.0 Pre-release

This is release v1.2.0-rc.0 of Grafana Alloy.


Full a full list of changes, refer to the v1.2.0-rc.0 CHANGELOG.

Notable changes:

Breaking changes

  • Updated OpenTelemetry to v0.102.1. (@mattdurham)
    • Components otelcol.receiver.otlp,otelcol.receiver.zipkin,otelcol.extension.jaeger_remote_sampling, and otelcol.receiver.jaeger setting max_request_body_size default changed from unlimited size to 20MiB. This is due to CVE-2024-36129.

Breaking changes to non-GA functionality

  • Component otelcol.receiver.vcenter removed,, and
    • replaced by
    • replaced by
    • replaced by


  • Add an otelcol.exporter.kafka component to send OTLP metrics, logs, and traces to Kafka.

  • Added live debugging to the UI. Live debugging streams data as they flow through components for debugging telemetry data.
    Individual components must be updated to support live debugging. (@wildum)

  • Added live debugging support for prometheus.relabel. (@wildum)

  • (Experimental) Add a otelcol.processor.deltatocumulative component to convert metrics from
    delta temporality to cumulative by accumulating samples in memory. (@rfratto)

  • (Experimental) Add an otelcol.receiver.datadog component to receive
    metrics and traces from Datadog. (@carrieedwards, @jesusvazquez, @alexgreenbank, @fedetorres93)


  • (Public preview) Add native histogram support to otelcol.receiver.prometheus. (@wildum)

  • Added scrape_protocols option to prometheus.scrape, which allows to control the preferred order of scrape protocols. (@thampiotr)

  • Improved filesystem error handling when working with loki.source.file and local.file_match, which removes some false-positive error log messages on Windows (@thampiotr)

  • Updates receiver/vcenter to use new features and bugfixes introduced in OTEL releases v0.100.0 and v0.101.0.
    Refer to the v0.100.0 and v0.101.0 release notes for more detailed information.

  • Add yaml_decode to standard library. (@mattdurham, @djcode)

  • Add base64_decode to standard library. (@hainenber)

  • Updated OpenTelemetry Contrib to v0.102.0. (@mattdurham)

  • otelcol.processor.resourcedetection: Added a tags config argument to the azure detection mechanism. It exposes regex-matched Azure resource tags as OpenTelemetry resource attributes.


  • Fixed an issue with prometheus.scrape in which targets that move from one cluster instance to another could have a staleness marker inserted and result in a gap in metrics (@thampiotr)

  • Fix panic when import.git is given a revision that does not exist on the remote repo. (@hainenber)

  • Fixed an issue with loki.source.docker where collecting logs from targets configured with multiple networks would result in errors. (@wildum)


Refer to our installation guide for how to install Grafana Alloy.


30 May 14:41
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This is release v1.1.1 of Grafana Alloy.


Read the release notes for specific instructions on upgrading from older versions:

Notable changes:

  • Fix panic when component ID contains / in otelcomponent.MustNewType(ID).(@qclaogui)

  • Exit Alloy immediately if the port it runs on is not available.
    This port can be configured with --server.http.listen-addr or using
    the default listen address127.0.0.1:12345. (@mattdurham)

  • Fix a panic in loki.source.docker when trying to stop a target that was never started. (@wildum)

  • Fix error on boot when using IPv6 advertise addresses without explicitly
    specifying a port. (@matthewpi)

  • Fix an issue where having long component labels (>63 chars) on otelcol.auth
    components lead to a panic. (@tpaschalis)

  • Update prometheus.exporter.snowflake with the latest version of the exporter as of May 28, 2024 (@StefanKurek)

    • Fixes issue where returned NULL values from database could cause unexpected errors.
  • Bubble up SSH key conversion error to facilitate failed import.git. (@hainenber)


Refer to our installation guide for how to install Grafana Alloy.


14 May 22:59
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This is release v1.1.0 of Grafana Alloy.

Notable changes:

Full a full list of changes, refer to the v1.1.0 CHANGELOG.


  • (Public preview) Add support for setting GOMEMLIMIT based on cgroup setting. (@mattdurham)

  • (Public preview) Introduce BoringCrypto Docker images. The BoringCrypto image is tagged with the -boringcrypto suffix and is only available on AMD64 and ARM64 Linux containers. (@rfratto, @mattdurham)

  • (Public preview) Introduce boringcrypto release assets. BoringCrypto builds are publshed for Linux on AMD64 and ARM64 platforms. (@rfratto, @mattdurham)

  • otelcol.exporter.loadbalancing: Add a new aws_cloud_map resolver. (@ptodev)

  • Introduce a otelcol.receiver.file_stats component from the upstream OpenTelemetry filestatsreceiver component. (@rfratto)


  • Update prometheus.exporter.kafka with the following functionalities (@wildum):

    • GSSAPI config
    • enable/disable PA_FX_FAST
    • set a TLS server name
    • show the offset/lag for all consumer group or only the connected ones
    • set the minimum number of topics to monitor
    • enable/disable auto-creation of requested topics if they don't already exist
    • regex to exclude topics / groups
    • added metric kafka_broker_info
  • In prometheus.exporter.kafka, the interpolation table used to compute estimated lag metrics is now pruned on metadata_refresh_interval instead of prune_interval_seconds. (@wildum)

  • Don't restart tailers in loki.source.kubernetes component by above-average time deltas if K8s version is >= 1.29.1 (@hainenber)

  • In mimir.rules.kubernetes, add support for running in a cluster of Alloy instances by electing a single instance as the leader for the mimir.rules.kubernetes component to avoid conflicts when making calls to the Mimir API. (@56quarters)


Refer to our installation guide for how to install Grafana Alloy.


09 May 19:37
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v1.1.0-rc.0 Pre-release

This is pre-release v1.1.0-rc.0 of Grafana Alloy. Release v1.1.0 will be published after four working days on 2024-05-14 if no blocking issues are discovered with the release candidate.

Notable changes:

Full a full list of changes, refer to the v1.1.0-rc.0 CHANGELOG.


  • (Public preview) Add support for setting GOMEMLIMIT based on cgroup setting. (@mattdurham)

  • (Public preview) Introduce BoringCrypto Docker images. The BoringCrypto image is tagged with the -boringcrypto suffix and
    is only available on AMD64 and ARM64 Linux containers. (@rfratto, @mattdurham)

  • (Public preview) Introduce boringcrypto release assets. BoringCrypto builds are publshed for Linux on AMD64 and ARM64 platforms. (@rfratto, @mattdurham)

  • otelcol.exporter.loadbalancing: Add a new aws_cloud_map resolver. (@ptodev)

  • Introduce a otelcol.receiver.file_stats component from the upstream OpenTelemetry filestatsreceiver component. (@rfratto)


  • Update prometheus.exporter.kafka with the following functionalities (@wildum):

    • GSSAPI config
    • enable/disable PA_FX_FAST
    • set a TLS server name
    • show the offset/lag for all consumer group or only the connected ones
    • set the minimum number of topics to monitor
    • enable/disable auto-creation of requested topics if they don't already exist
    • regex to exclude topics / groups
    • added metric kafka_broker_info
  • In prometheus.exporter.kafka, the interpolation table used to compute estimated lag metrics is now pruned on metadata_refresh_interval instead of prune_interval_seconds. (@wildum)

  • Don't restart tailers in loki.source.kubernetes component by above-average time deltas if K8s version is >= 1.29.1 (@hainenber)

  • In mimir.rules.kubernetes, add support for running in a cluster of Alloy instances by electing a single instance as the leader for the mimir.rules.kubernetes component to avoid conflicts when making calls to the Mimir API. (@56quarters)


Refer to our installation guide for how to install Grafana Alloy.


05 Apr 21:02
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Grafana Labs is excited to announce Grafana Alloy, our open source distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector. Alloy is a telemetry collector that is 100% OTLP compatible and offers native pipelines for OpenTelemetry and Prometheus telemetry formats, supporting metrics, logs, traces, and profiles.

We’ve built Alloy on the foundation of our work with Grafana Agent, while also incorporating lessons learned from some of the toughest use cases we’ve seen over the years. As a result, Alloy — which is production ready and released as v1.0 — is broadly compatible with the most popular open source telemetry signals. Plus, it includes enterprise-grade features — such as native clustering for production at scale and built-in Vault support for enhanced security — all out of the box.

Overall, Alloy is an extension of our “big tent” philosophy at Grafana Labs. We believe that organizations should own their observability strategy, choose their own tools, and have the freedom to bring all their data together in one view. Grafana Alloy helps you achieve just that as a telemetry collector that’s compatible with a suite of different signals that can meet a wide array of different needs.

Learn more: