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Editor API

cvasseng edited this page Sep 5, 2016 · 1 revision

The highed.Editor object is the full chart editor, containing by default a wizard-style interface for chart creation.


highed.Editor(parent, properties) creates a new chart editor instance, and attaches it to the supplied parent node. The parent argument can either be a string containing the ID of a DOM node, or a DOM node instance.

Properties is an object as such:

    //The initial chart options
    defaultChartOptions: <object>,
    //Events to listen for - same as calling Editor.on(...)
    on: {
        'EventName': <function>
    //Plugins to use
    plugins: {
        <name of plugin>: <object with plugin options>
    //If true, an SVG chart will be inserted when exporting to provide
    //a fallback when js is not enabled/available.
    includeSVGInHTMLEmbedding: bool,
    //Features to use
    features: 'import export templates customize'


  • Editor.on(<event>, <callback>): Listen for an event emitted by the editor. See list of events below.
  • Editor.resize(): Force a resize of the editor widget.
  • Editor.getEmbeddableHTML(): Get a string containing HTML to replicate the current chart.
  • Editor.getEmbeddableJSON(): Get a json string containing the current charts properties that can be used to initialize a duplicate chart.

Editor Events

  • Resized: Emitted when the editor is resized
  • ChartChange: Emitted when the chart being edited changes. Passed argument is the current chart settings.