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A decentralized KYC solution using NFTs as a proof of identity (POC)

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Decentralized KYC NFT Solution (Proof of concept)


The blockchain technology that powers the cryptocurrencies business is being hailed as a game-changing innovation that is bringing transparency to monetary transactions. Despite some instability, the cryptocurrency market has grown in value over the last two years. And, according to financial experts, it will continue to be a rising industry for the foreseeable future. This steady increase has drew the attention of authorities and lawmakers all across the world. Because this is a new industry, they are keeping a careful eye on how it develops and functions. Regulators have put in place a number of safeguards to ensure the industry's smooth growth and avoid any unexpected hiccups. KYC (Know Your Customer) is one of these methods. It refers to a financial institution's responsibility to confirm a client's identity and conduct background checks before enabling them to utilize a product or platform. It's part of a larger package of anti-money laundering measures. Simply defined, it prevents criminals from concealing the source of their illicit funds. Financial institutions may ask their clients for information about their investment knowledge, risk tolerance, personal details, and financial situation as part of the KYC process. For online financial service providers, this usually entails collecting a proof of address -- such as a passport, driver's license, or national card id. Ideally, when you fulfil the KYC requirements at a particular bank, the other bank still has no clue about who you are, and so they will be obliged to walk you through their own KYC process if for some reason, you decide to access their services. To solve this redundancy and improve the user experience while not sacrificing the privacy of the customers online. I have engineered a decentralized KYC system that allows any KYC issuer to register their customers on a public ledger in a very secure way ---giving their customers the freedom to enjoy broader services from various financial services providers while sharing minimal personal data with them. The following report will walk you through the ups and downs of building a decentralized solution that I had to market to one of the most centralized and mysterious institutions in the world: banks & centralized exchanges.

Key Words: KYC, Public Ledger, Ethereum, NFT, Blockchain, Cryptography, privacy, data


I dedicate this work to all the free spirits who believe in the web3 era which is already taking the world by storm. I dedicate this work to all those who believe in decentralized finance and the power it has to change the balances of power. I simply do dedicate all the toil and sweat put into this work to everyone who believes the web should belong to everyone.

List of Acronyms

::: acronym CCPA - California Consumer Privacy Act CSP - Communication Service Provider DApp - Decentralized Application

RPC - Remote Procedure Call NFT - Non-fungible Token DEFI - Decentralized Finance EVM - Ethereum Virtual Machine FCA - Financial Conduct Authority GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation IPFS - Interplanetary File System K8s - Kubernetes KYC - Know Your Customer MVP - Minimal Viable Product POC - Proof Of Concept PAN -Permanent Account Number SAAS - Software As A Service

General Introduction

KYC (Know Your Customer)is the basic procedure fulfilled by online financial providers (banks, exchanges...etc) to verify their consumers' identities and financial profiles. A customer is usually required to provide a variety of verification data and documents online, such as proof of name, address, marital status, and job. KYC forms are used in the identification and verification process to assist businesses and the government in tracking and preventing suspicious or potentially dangerous behaviours such as fraud, bribery, and corruption. Because I'm fully concerned about the archaic current KYC approach which costs each bank millions of dollars annually, I was lucky enough to have the time to think about this for the couple last months. The proposed solution leverages the power of non-fungible tokens -cryptographic assets on the blockchain with unique metadata that distinguish them from each other- on the blockchain to protect ownership of data, and easily verify any newly added customer by all parties. Our decentralized approach proved to be efficient in lowering the expenses for financial institutions' primary KYC verification procedures and enhancing customers' satisfaction. Since, our main goal at the beginning was to offer a solution where the fundamental KYC verification process is only carried out once for each customer no matter how many financial institutions he/she desires to cooperate with, . Customers can securely communicate the outcome of the primary KYC verification with any financial institutions they desire to do business with thanks to their Non-fungible token that will be minted for them on the blockchain. In the following chapters of this report, I'm going to walk you through our journey from the brainstorming of the idea, the requirements analysis and specification, the design choices of our system we had to make and finally the implementation phase, where I will be addressing more in detail the software architecture of our system and the underlying technologies of our system. I'll be concluding with some final thoughts on what were the encountered challenges, what could have been improved and the key results of this journey.

Requirements analysis

Business requirements

The solution should:

  1. be easily integrated by developers

  2. be marketed to customers as a Saas

  3. be compliant with the business standards

Architecture and Design requirements

Non-functional requirements

Technical constraints

DeKYC will be accessible in SAAS mode. This mode of operation imposes a certain number of constraints:

  1. Availability: The application must ensure the proper functioning of its service 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, that said the application must be able to process several requests at the same time without interference.

  2. Security: DeKYC must ensure protection against as many vulnerabilities as possible.

  3. The speed of processing: Indeed, given the large number of daily job transactions, it is absolutely necessary that the execution time of the processing approaches real time as much as possible.

  4. Integrity: The application must guarantee the security of access to the data of each user.

  5. Adaptability: Among the most necessary requirements, the application must understand and process several incoming data.

  6. User-friendliness: The application must be easy to use, it must offer simple, ergonomic interfaces adapted to the user.

Legal compliance

The first concerns to be raised is how we can handle users private data and personal documents. While it may sound challenging at first to be compliant with international standards such as the GDPR in Europe or the CCPA in the USA, it was easy for us to bypass those regulations and be fully compliant with it. For the sake of brevity I will be introducing the GDPR and some of the questions we had to answer since the European market was our first target.

What is GDPR?

  The purpose of the EU GDPR is to protect user's data and to prevent large-scale online platforms or large enterprises from collecting or using user's data without their permission. Violators will be punished by the EU with up to 20 million Euros (equal to 700 million NT dollars) or 4% of the worldwide annual revenue of the prior financial year. The aim is to promote free movement of personal data within the European Union, while maintaining adequate level of data protection. It is a technology-neutral law, any type of technology which is for processing personal data is applicable. So problem about whether the data on blockchain fits GDPR regulation has been raised.

How GDPR applies to blockchain ?

  First, it should be determined whether the data on the blockchain is personal data protected by GDPR. Second, what is the relationship and respective responsibilities of the data subject, data controller, and data processor. According to Opinion 05/2014 on Anonymization Techniques by Article 29 Data Protection Working Party of the European Union, *anonymization is a technique applied to personal data in order to achieve irreversible de-identification. And it also said the "Hash function" of blockchain is a pseudonymization technology, the personal data is possible to be re-identified. Therefore it is not an "anonymization", the data on the blockchain may still be the personal data stipulated by the GDPR. As the blockchain evolves, it will be possible to develop technologies that are not regulated by GDPR, such as part of the encryption process, which will be able to pass the court or European data protection authorities requirement of anonymization. There are also many compliance solutions which use technical in the industry, such as avoiding transaction data stored directly on the chain. Therefore, if data subject cannot be identified by the personal data on the blockchain, that is an anonymous data, excluding the application of GDPR.**In other words the GDPR applies only when data is not anonymized!

International data transmission?

  Furthermore, in accordance with Article 3 of the GDPR, "This regulation applies to the processing of personal data in the context of the activities of an establishment of a controller or a processor in the Union, regardless of whether the processing takes place in the Union or not where the processing activities are related to: (a) the offering of goods or services, irrespective of whether a payment of the data subject is required, to such data subjects in the Union; or (b) the monitoring of their behaviour as far as their behaviour takes place within the Union".

Existing Systems


KILT is a decentralized blockchain protocol for issuing self-sovereign, anonymous, and verifiable credentials, enabling trust market business models in Web 3, the next generation of the internet. KILT's mission is to return control over personal data to its owner, restoring privacy to the individual.

How does it work?

KILT enables an alternative. As a building block of the next generation of the internet, KILT provides a new mechanism for handling user data, enabling the issuance and holding of credentials digitally. An Attester issues a credential at the request of a user (Claimer). The credential describes certain attributes of the Claimer, which the Attester can determine. The Attester sends the credential to the user who stores it locally. This way the user gains full control over their credentials and thus their data. KILT works like the credential process in the real world, where trusted authorities issue documents which are then owned and controlled by the individual. controlled by the people. A blockchain identity protocol for issuing self-sovereign, anonymous, verifiable credentials and decentralized identifiers

Accessing online services using the KILT identity

Handling personal data on KILT

KILT stores a checksum (hash) of this credential on the KILT Blockchain. Blockchain technology enables the user to prove the authenticity of their document to anyone they decide to show it to. KILT is built on privacy by design principles, never storing any personal data on the blockchain. The personal data is in the credential which is under complete control of the user, while the blockchain only stores hash values.



Polkadex [@polkadex] is a decentralized KYC platfrom built on the KILT blockchain it allows users to verify their identity while keeping their personal data and documents private. This means that Polkadex (or any other decentralized application you choose for proof of authentication) never has access to your personal details as they always remain stored in your wallet. It also means that you only go through the KYC process once and then can just use your wallet for automatic verification on multiple Web3 platforms that also use KILT Protocol. Cryptographic magic!

Privacy of users

Essentially, the proof shows that an attester was verified, which means they signed with their keys into the KILT blockchain. Polkadex verifies whether the attester has attested or verified the credentials provided by the user. This is how KILT verifies credentials without sharing the actual data on the blockchain.


Polkadex users do not need to re-prove their credentials with Polkadex (or any other future DApp that uses KILT Protocol for decentralized KYC, for that matter) as the blockchain will show that Fractal has already attested to the authenticity of their credentials.

Limitations of current solutions

First, as we can already notice, the current solutions are built on a specific blockchain which poses interoperability challenges and limits the scope of what the users can do with their online digital identity (a non-fungible token stored on the blockchain in our case). Second, current solutions rely on identifying the user with a wallet, which introduces a single point of failure where a digital wallet can be stolen, and so anyone with the private key of that wallet can sign-up to online services and use then underlying identity to benefit from the premium services online.That's why we needed a solution that will live on multiple blockchains and have a second layer of security which on top of proving the ownership of a wallet (a what you have)a user will still have to provide (a PIN code in our case).

To achieve that we have decided to use a non-fungible token (NFT) that will be linked to a user's signature online and be be moved seamlessly cross chain

Proposed System

The proposed solution leverages the blockchain technology for all the benefits it offers to build a decentralized solution that we will adopt as DeKYC -for now- (see logo below). It is important to analyze why using the blockchain is better than other potential technologies. First of all, the auditing and tracking are both improved by this approach because of the immutable nature the blockchain. This is beneficial for the national regulator since it gives them a clear record of the data that financial institutions confirm before opening the accounts or allowing any transactions inside of their protocols (in case of cryptocurrencies exchanges) and may act as a single source of truth in the event of a disagreement. Second, this approach enables cooperation between financial institutions that do not necessarily trust each others.


Our approach aims at making it possible for a customer to only pass the KYC once, and then have his data available for the different subscribing banks and online businesses (see figure 11).

Our KYC approach vs current approach

DeKYC can be broken down into two parts, a part dealing with the user's identity and the second on the blockchain network itself on top of which the identity should live.

Functional Architecture

DeKYC functional architecture

On the KYC vendor side:

  1. After a successful KYC, the user receives a 4 digit secret code that will allow him later to prove his identity to third party actors.

  2. The KYC issuer will mint a new NFT(Non-fungible token) -more details on how NFTs work will follow in this report- for the user by providing the hashed string of his full name, passport ID, and secret code into the metadata of the NFT.

Using the web3.js one-way sha256 hash function will result in something like this:


The hash will be then stored on-chain and would be callable through the tokenURI function of our NFT.

Every NFT will have its own URL on IPFS, the timestamp (to make sure that the KYC is still valid) and the hashed user data (referred to as signature).

NFT minting

On the KYC NFT verifier side:

  1. The customer submits his full name, his passport ID and the secret number on the third party's website.

  2. The data is then hashed and a call is sent to the smart contract to verify that the hash exists and whether the KYC is still valid or not (by checking the timestamp)

  3. If the hash exists on-chain and matches the token ID, the identity of the customer will be deemed valid by the verifier.

A cross-chain identity

Target P2P network

The second layer of our solution. Customers should be able to rely on their NFT to prove their identity on different platforms in an easy and simple way.

The two common authentication factors that we will be relying on to authenticate users on third parties' platforms are:

Something you have: NFT (in your wallet)

Something you know: A randomly generated 4 digits number (PIN code)

In our case the proposed solution was to store users' hashed data in a blockchain agnostic way, so that the user can freely move his "identity" across multiple chains. The DeKYC gateway will allow users to move their NFTs cross chain and allow issuers to easily identify on which blockchain the user's identity is living. To achieve just that, we relied on 2nd generation blockchains which offers an application layer where you can write your smart contracts in a Turing complete way. The idea was to have a smart contract on the Ethereum platform that stores all the valid customers who fulfilled the KYC process by a recognized list of KYC vendors and make them easily verifiable by everyone without giving up on the ownership and privacy of customers.

Requirements specification

We will be tackling the project's software modeling by exposing the data flow within our system, the involved actors(in our case online banks, KYC vendors and consumers). Also we will be going through some of the use cases depending on who is interacting with the system.

Software modeling

Use cases diagram

A use case diagram is the best tool to summarize the details of what DeKYC is all about, since it allows us to easily understand the use cases of our solutions and the different actors that would be involved.

Registering new customer by KYC vendor

When a customer fills in the KYC form online, the KYC vendor can check first of all whether the user is already registered by another KYC vendor, and see which type or category of KYC he falls in before going any further with the procedure. If the customer is new to the network, a digital signature would be generated and stored on the blockchain as an NFT, minted immediately to the customer's Ethereum wallet[@wallet].

KYC vendor interaction with the system

Verifying customer identity

An online service provider can request the PIN code, and basic personal data from the users to generate a signature. The signature is later verified by the online platform through DeKYC. If the signature exists, it means that the customer was verified by one of the KYC vendors. The platform can also get basic info regarding the KYC procedure fulfilled by the customer( date, number of verified documents, AML checks, risk rating...) but not personal data like name, address and country of residence.

Verifying customer identity

Customers interaction with DeKYC

The customers can also directly interact with DeKYC through its API, if needed to restore a PIN code or change the underlying wallet that stores the hashed signature.

Customers interaction with DeKYC

Data flow diagram

A data flow diagram shows how data moves through an information system graphically. It may show the flow of stored data as well as incoming and outgoing data. Below is our Level 1 DFD which depicts basic modules in the system and flow of data among our modules.

Data Flow Diagram Level 1 DeKYC

Software design

This chapter will present an overview on the general design choices of the proposed solution, the sequence diagrams, and the general class diagram.

Architecture of the decentralized KYC solution

The solution stores users signatures on-chain and all necessary KYC files on IPFS. A relayer [@relayer] allows the bridging[@bridge] of KYC NFTs cross-chains, allowing users to enjoy the limitless services offered by different protocols built on different blockchains.

Design of DeKYC solution.

Sequence diagrams

Issuing a new identity on-chain

Adding a new customer to the DeKYC protocol, follows the sequence below. After a KYC vendor validates the identity of the user, it sends a mint order to our REST API by calling the registerCustomer controller which hashes the user data and stores the signature in the smart contract deployed on the Polygon sidechain. A non-fungible token is then minted to the customer's wallet address.

KYC vendor interaction with the system

Customers authentication with DeKYC

The online financial services provider (verifier) submits the form data filled by the customer. Only a portion of that data is communicated with DeKYC API, where it will be hashed and tested against the stored values on the DeKYC smart contract. If the generated signature corresponds to one of the NFTs, the metadata related to it will be sent in response to the verifier.

Authentication using DeKYC

System class diagram

The following class diagram is used to model the objects that make up our system, to display the relationships between the objects, and to describe what those objects do and the services that they provide. It was proven to be very useful in many stages of our design branch. Note here that the bank can act as a verifier and attester at teh same time in case it conducts an offline KYC. A bank can always vouch for a new customer and share it with the KYC providers.

System class diagram


After the requirements specification and analysis and design phases, this chapter presents what has been done in terms of technological choices and code. We will also present screens that illustrate the implementation of the solution.

Software architecture

General system architecture

The whole system architecture can be broken into 5 main components which comprise:

  • A front-end (dashboard): for all necessary analytics visualization and admin actions

  • Indexer: to index data on the blockchain ( used The Graph)

  • A Web3/Node provider: to interact with the blockchain network

  • A RESTful API: to interact with the blockchain in a seamless and easy way.

  • A smart contract: to execute and store all the protocol logic and data (only recent data not historic data, that's where the indexer comes in)

DeKYC Software Architecture


To make building the solution easier, DeKYC wraps all interactions with the blockchain in a REST API. Every interaction, from minting to verifying a signature on-chain, is as simple as an API call. Converting complex asynchronous blockchain interactions, which can take minutes or hours, into synchronous REST API calls, is a powerful upgrade to existing blockchain development paradigms. Without the need to interact directly with smart contracts, service providers, such as established banks and kyc vendors can easily onboard the solutions to what they already have. The diagram below shows how KYC vendors interact with the API to push a new customer.

Swagger, a software tool for designing, creating, documenting, and using RESTful APIs, was used to document the API. It adheres to the OpenAPI standard. This is a specification for constructing RESTful API interfaces for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing them.

To have an overview on the class diagram of our DeKYC API we have used a Java library (openapi-to-plantuml) to generate a PlantUML Class Diagram from the OpenAPI 3.0 definition of our Swagger YAML file

DeKYC API Class Diagram

Jobs and queue management


I used the Node.js library Bee-queue which is a simple, fast, robust job/task queue for Node.js, backed by Redis.

Managing work & processing queue inside of DeKYC API

Caching strategy

Managing work & processing queue on deKYC REST API

Pin code generation
To generate the pin code we have relied on a NPM package "Secure-Pin" that uses a cryptographically secure method of generating pins, ensuring a high amount of entropy.

The graph of 100,000 randomly generated 4 Digit PINs

Above is a graph of 100,000 randomly generated 4 Digit PINs, with an even distribution across the graph.

The X-Axis represents the PIN number/1000.0f, the Y-Axis represents the amount of times the PIN was generated during the 100,000 cycle.

DeKYC Smart Contract

At the core of our solution, there is a smart contract which stores all our KYC NFTs data. The smart contract was deployed on the Polygon sidechain. It has an admin user (defined by a wallet address) which later can define more roles, and whitelist new KYC vendors to mint new NFTs to customers on the network.

The smart contract allows us to:

  • add/remove new KYC vendor

  • verify user checksum

  • store all users KYC metadata

  • mint new NFTs for customers

  • keep track of all KYC vendors data

  • manage access control

The contracts are written in Solidity (native language of smart contracts on EVM) which supports inheritance between smart contracts, where multiple contracts can be inherited into a single contract. Below is the UML class diagram of our smart contracts. Note that the main contract is KYC which has its own interface IKYC, and inherits from ERC721Enumerable (enhanced ERC721 contract) and ownable (for admin role and access control).

The generated UML class diagram of DeKYC smart contracts

Smart contracts are immutable by nature. Thus, updating and fixing source code in order to create iterative releases has a significant impact on the quality of software. A certain amount of mutability is still required for bug fixes and possible product upgrades, even if blockchain-based software benefits greatly from the technology's immutability. The solution was to ensure upgradeability of the contracts using a Proxy Pattern as depicted below:

Upgradeable contracts using the Proxy Pattern

Users engage directly with the proxy which serves as a straightforward wrapper or as it is responsible for transmitting transactions to and from the second contract, which houses the logic. The crucial idea to grasp is that, unlike the proxy or access point, the logic contract may be altered.

DeKYC Dashboard

The dashboard offers two views. One for the admin and the second for the KYC vendors where they can sign in to their private space and have access the basic services listed below (by role):

  • For admin: keep track of all NFTs minted by KYC vendors, number of requests made to the API, and overall view on verified customers.

  • For KYC vendors: overview of the total spent on NFTs minting, the average fee, the number of active customers...etc

::: center DeKYC Dashboard :::

DeKYC NFT Gateway(under development)

The DeKYC gateway is responsible for tracking all transfers of NFT cross multiple chains. The main function fulfilled by the gateway is to locate the token and return its network id.

The gateway relies on a subgraph that subscribes to all events logged by the contract deployed on Polygon.

Kubernetes cluster

Why use K8s?

Kubernetes takes care of scaling and manages failover for your application, provides deployment patterns, and more.

All in all working with Kubernetes offered us the following:

Final thoughts

Working with web3 technologies wasn't void of challenges and heated discussions. But whether it is a web2 or a web3 technology each poses its own challenges. Here are some of the points that either went suspended or delayed because of security concerns:

Storing users personal documents on IPFS

When a KYC vendor registers a new user, usually the scanned ID card of the user ends up in a private server owned by the KYC vendor, which makes the question of availability of these documents to everyone in the network a very challenging idea to implement. Our approach to this question from the beginning was to include IPFS (Interplanetary File Storage) a P2P network for file storage in our DeKYC solution for KYC vendors to use when pushing a new customer. However, since every file on IPFS is identified with a unique hash that is used later to retrieve the file and serve it through a public gateway, the problem of storing all those files on IPFS poses some security concerns. First, a file cannot be "deleted" on IPFS and secondly anyone in the world with the hash can see view the file with all your scanned IDs. Also, storing personal data in a decentralized network like IPFS was against the guidelines of GDPR. Two different solutions were suggested for this matter:

  • store IPFS files hashes in the smart contract: every data in the smart contract is public so anyone can retrieve the files hashes and download the customers ID cards from IPFS.

  • store hashes in a centralized database and make them available for network participants. Although it might sound like the best solution, it introduces a single point of failure and makes the system less decentralized.

  • use private IPFS nodes to store sensitive files and only allow access to certain participants (currently researching this solution)

IPFS private node

We are currently looking into different ways we can make scanned IDs verifiable by any participants in a secure way. The purpose is to reduce the friction of submitting your ID each time you sign up to an online service provider.

A serverless architecture?

We were also very tempted by going with a serverless architecture using the Lambda function by AWS because of the automatic scaling, reduced software complexity, quick deployment and the lower costs it offers. But still, some points like security and privacy had to be seriously considered since we are handling very sensitive data.

Transferrable Non-fungible tokens?

When minting a new KYC badge to a wallet address, the question of whether the user should be given the freedom to transfer his NFT to different wallets, a thing that will allow the user to "lend" their identity to others to benefit from a service even when they are not allowed to do so. Security was a serious matter and that's why we have introduced a "whitelisting" mechanism that allows users to only transfer their KYC tokens to verified addresses.

Cold or hot storage?

Since each service provider participating in the network (pushing new customers or validating) needed to sign the transaction with their Ethereum wallet private key, there has been a security risk about the handling of private keys since day one. Choosing between a hot wallet (connected to the internet) for faster and easier transactions and a cold wallet (not linked to the internet) for greater security but less convenience was a bottleneck. But the most secure scenario at the end was to let the participants have full custody over their wallet. And only provide their private key when a transaction is needed to be signed.


In our decentralized approach, we sought to identify the core issues that traditional KYC processes face, as well as how we can leverage the blockchain technology to revolutionize the entire identity ecosystem online and return privacy control to end-users or end-customers, who will use DeKYC as a decentralized, transparent, and trust-based online identity solution. We were also able to deliver a proof of concept and MVP to our customers. It's true our solution couldn't solve all the problems that the institutions and online services provider encounter in the digital space. Some of the open topics for research and improvement are fraud prevention utilizing artificial intelligence, defining the devices' identification, decentralized Apps application models, on-chain/off-chain oracles, performance, and the design for decentralized score-based KYC.

::: Bibliography

Kevin Rutter, "first succeed decentralized", R3, 2018 :::

Storing KYC documents on IPFS

In order to achieve maximum decentralization when storing the KYC documents on IPFS, an open source solution for IPFS storage I've previously worked on during a previous internship could be adopted. The API allows anyone to push a file on IPFS and store its ahsh on a smart contract in the Ethereum blockchain. It's also worth mentioning here, that the hashes of the files are not stored on a publicly known smart contract) since every data on the smart contract is public even when variables are declared internal or private.

Here is in a nutshell how the IPFS API works:

  • The user pushes the file to the API endpoint

  • The file is then pushed to IPFS and has a unique content identifier called (CID)

  • The unique hash is then stored on the smart contract as well as other metadata (owner, timestamp, title, description of content..)

  • The user can now retrieve the file from the smart contract by providing the title of the requested file to the API endpoint.

IPFS API architecture


A decentralized KYC solution using NFTs as a proof of identity (POC)







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