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Tic Tac Toe Grow

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.


View the current state of this project

Note: this uses normalize.css, see that file's comment for details.

How to play

Win by getting either 7-in-a-row, or a checkmark.
The board grows 1-step orthogonally from each square that's been played.

A checkmark would be a right angle if the squares' height and width are the same,
which they usually aren't. A checkmark is connected diagonally,
with two sides having 2 and 4 squares respectively,
where all squares are played by the same player,
and the two sides share a square.


Lots of moves have been played, O has won with a sideways checkmark. Easy 7 in a row win. All moves by X are in the 7 in a row.

There's a more detailed explanation if you scroll down in the website itself.


[ ] Add custom games  
   [ ] Add and delete people
   [ ] Add and delete bots
[ ] Add more bots
[ ] Create a tournament to rank the bots
   [x] Game history
[ ] Settings
   [ ] Green/red mode
   [ ] Max length and turns check
      [ ] Non constant
      [ ] Note: MAX_LENGTH and MAX_TURNS are/should be static properties
      [ ] Note: MAX_TURNS will be 1000, MAX_LENGTH will be 880
[x] Add helper/tic-tac-toe-grow.js for other people
   [ ] See other repository

List of strategies

[x] random   DONE
[x] middleIndex   DONE
[x] copy_index   DONE
[ ] closerSelf (huddle)
[ ] closerOpp (swarm)
[x] closerAll (closer) DONE
[ ] avoidSelf 
[ ] avoidOpp (scared)
[x] avoidAll (avoider) DONE
[ ] self_play
[ ] spiral (8 ways)
[x] firstOnDiagonal1 (firstDiagonal) DONE
[ ] last~
[ ] first~2
[ ] last~2
[ ] lastBackwards~
[ ] orthgonalToOpponent
[ ] diagonalToOpponent
[ ] adjacentToOpponent
[ ] orthogonalToSelf
[ ] diagonalToSelf
[x] adjacentToSelf (next2self) DONE
[ ] closeToCenter
[ ] middleAlpha
[ ] middleRot13
[ ] randomStrat
[ ] pi
[ ] e
[ ] phi1&2
[ ] squareboard
[ ] EvenAlphaIndex
[ ] OddAlphaIndex
[ ] (first, last)knight
[ ] (biggest, average, smallest) ~ when (xor, or, and, left/right shift) with (previous index, 1, so many ideas)
[ ] previous number