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Releases: infobloxopen/infoblox-go-client

Upgrade Go version to 1.21 and add support for new object ForwardZone

20 Jun 10:57
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Release Summary

  • Create, Update, Delete and Get operations for zone-forward record is being added.

Major Changes

  • Upgraded go version from 1.17 to 1.21
  • Added Create, Update and Delete operations for zone-forward record.
  • Added GetZoneForwardByRef function to fetch zone-forward record by reference.
  • Added GetZoneForwardFilters function to fetch all zone-forward records with the given filters.
  • Added wrapper structs NullableForwardingServers and NullForwardTo to handle omitempty fields Forwardingmemberserver and ForwardTo of ZoneForward struct.

Go-Client with changes of fetching records/objects with internal ID

08 Apr 07:23
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Release Summary

  • Added a generic function to fetch objects by internal id.
  • Added support for the http calls with headers to WAPI.

Major Changes

  • Added a generic function SearchObjectByAltId to fetch objects by internal id.
  • Added validations for objects fetched by internal id.

Minor Changes

  • Added two functions GetDnsMember and GetDhcpMember to fetch DNS and DHCP members respectively.
  • Added two functions UpdateDnsStatus and UpdateDhcpStatus to update DNS and DHCP status respectively.

Go-client changes for fetching objects with internal id

05 Apr 13:47
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Release Summary

  • Added a generic function to fetch objects by internal id.
  • Added support for the http calls with headers to WAPI.

Major Changes

  • Added a generic function SearchObjectByAltId to fetch objects by internal id.
  • Added validations for objects fetched by internal id.

Minor Changes

  • Added two functions GetDnsMember and GetDhcpMember to fetch DNS and DHCP members respectively.
  • Added two functions UpdateDnsStatus and UpdateDhcpStatus to update DNS and DHCP status respectively.

Go-client with Auto Generated Objects

30 Oct 13:33
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Release Summary

Added 'object_generated' file contains auto generated WAPI object structures and associated functions from WAPI instance.
Added E2E tests for functionality validation on WAPI's instance.
Updated CHANGELOG file with structs and fields of corresponding objects generated.
Some fields of structs are updated with pointers corresponding to WAPI instance.

Major Changes

Updated vendor directory and some dependencies like ginkgo with version update for test files.
Added object_generated file contains supported objects from go-client and other WAPI objects with structs.
Added Multi Value Extensible Attribute search validation for terraform plugin.
Removed record_ns file as RecordNS object struct already exists in object_generated file.

Host Record Enhancement and Code Refinements

26 Oct 07:43
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Release Summary

  • Enhancements in Host Record functionality
  • Code refinements

Minor Changes

  • SearchHostRecordByAltId function to search Host Record By alternative ID from terraform.
  • The code for every record has been separated and added under a new file.

Major Upgrade

21 Jul 13:20
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As part of this release, below are the major features added.
Create, Update, Delete and Get operation on below records are being added or enhanced.

  • Network View with comment and EAs
  • IPv4 and IPv6 network containers with comment and EAs
  • IPv4 and IPv6 network with comment and EAs
  • Host Record with comment, EAs, EnableDns, EnableDhcp, UseTtl, Ttl, Alias attributes
  • Fixed Address record with comment and EAs
  • A record with comment, EAs, UseTtl, Ttl
  • AAAA record with comment, EAs, UseTtl, Ttl
  • PTR record with comment, EAs, UseTtl, Ttl
  • Added IPv6 support for PTR record
  • CNAME record with comment, EAs, UseTtl, Ttl
  • Adds a compile-time check to the interface to make sure it stays in sync with the actual implementation.
  • Added default value of network view in AllocateIP, CreateHostRecord and CreatePTRRecord Function
  • Added apt UTs and updated respective UTs

New features and bug fixes

18 May 05:45
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This release includes the below features,

  • Support for ProxyURL field in TransportConfig
  • Added TLS Renegotiate flag
  • Add option to skip Cloud Attributes
  • Enabled Update operation for A and CNAME Records
  • Creation and deletion of AuthZones
  • TTL field support for CNAME and TXT Records
  • Enabled Delete operation on Network View
  • Display of master and develop branch Travis build status

Support for new objects

15 Apr 06:37
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CRUD management for TXT record

CRUD operations for zone_delegated
minor updates to CNAME and network view

DNS Support

07 Feb 05:24
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Added support for A , PTR, CNAME and HOST records.

CP member support

05 Jun 08:50
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Added new struct queryParams which can be used for forceProxy, returnFields, eaForSearch, max_results, paging. forceProxy implemented using queryParam in this release