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Copy env vars from Cloud Run to Cloud Build

It's a Hack!

So you have a Cloud Run service, and you'd like to run a build step that has access to some secrets stored in your service's env vars -- like a database migration, for example.

You could do this the right, by messing with KMS and secrets and stuff. But you're lazy, and env vars are fine by your threat model.

So here's this dingus. It'll copy env vars from a Cloud Run service into an env file, which you can then read in a later build step.


  1. Push this guy to your private container registry so you can use it in cloudbuild:

    git clone
    cd cloud-builder-copy-env
    gcloud builds submit
  2. Grant permissions - this guy needs to be able to be able to read env vars from that project:

    export PROJECT_ID=your-project-id
    export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe ${PROJECT_ID} --format 'value(projectNumber)')
    export SERVICE_ACCOUNT="${"
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
      --member serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT \
      --role roles/run.admin

    NB: you may also want to add roles/cloudsql.client while you're at it, as if you're using this for the common database migration use case, you'll need that permission later too.

    FIXME: is this correct? I did things differently so I'm not 100% sure.

  3. Use this build step in your cloudbuild.yaml:

      - id: copyenv
        args: [--service, your-service-name]

    This takes some optional arguments:

    • --region (default: us-central)
    • --platform (default: managed)
    • --dest (default: /workspace.env)

This will write all your secrets to /workspace/.env, which is automatically persisted between build steps. So subsequent build steps can read from there and pick up all your config.

For example, I use django-environ, so my Django settings file has something like this:

import environ

env = environ.Env()
env.read_env(os.environ.get("ENV_FILE", ".env"))
DATABASES = {"default": env.db()}

And I make sure that my migration build step looks like:

  - id: release
      - -i
      - -e
      - ENV_FILE=/workspace/.env  # <- 👀 this is the important line
      - --
      - sh