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Build an NFT marketplace
Benjamin Fuentes (Marigold)
22 May 2024

This tutorial guides you through creating a web application that allows users to buy and sell NFTs of different types. You will use the Taqueria platform to manage smart contracts and a distributed web application (dApp) to handle the backend and frontend of the project.

You will learn:

  • What kinds of tokens Tezos supports
  • What token standards are
  • How to create contracts that are based on existing templates for token standards
  • How to store token metadata in distributed storage with IPFS
  • How to handle token transfers and other operations
  • How to list tokens for sale and accept payments from buyers


  1. Optional: If you haven't worked with Tezos NFTs before, consider doing the tutorial Create an NFT first.

  2. Set up an account with Pinata if you don't have one already and get an API key and API secret. For instructions, see the Configure IPFS storage section of the tutorial Create a contract and web app that mints NFTs.

  3. Make sure that you have installed these tools:

    • npm: NPM is required to install the web application's dependencies
    • Taqueria, version 0.50.0 or later: Taqueria is a platform that manages the contracts and front ends for Tezos dApps
    • Docker: Docker is required to run Taqueria
    • jq: Some commands use the jq program to extract JSON data
    • yarn: The frontend application uses yarn to build and run (see this article for details about differences between npm and yarn)
    • Any Tezos-compatible wallet that supports Ghostnet, such as Temple wallet
  4. Optionally, you can install VS Code to edit your application code in and the LIGO VS Code extension for LIGO editing features such as code highlighting and completion. Taqueria also provides a Taqueria VS Code extension that helps visualize your project and run tasks.

  5. Optional: If this is your first time using Taqueria, you may want to run through this Taqueria training.

What are FA2 tokens?

If you've gone through the tutorials under Create an NFT you know that NFTs are blockchain tokens that represent unique assets, usually created under the FA2 token standard. However, the Tezos FA2 token standard allows you to create multiple types of tokens, and even more than one kind of token within the same smart contract. When you create tokens, it's important to follow one of the token standards because then tools like wallets and block explorers can automatically work with those tokens. For more information about Tezos token standards, see Token standards.

In this tutorial, you use the LIGO template for FA2 tokens to create these types of tokens:

Token template Number of token types Number of tokens of each type
NFT Any number 1
Single-asset 1 Any number
Multi-asset Any number Any number

When you create your applications, you can choose the token type that is appropriate for your use case.

What is IPFS?

In most cases, developers don't store token metadata such as image files directly on Tezos. Instead, they configure decentralized storage for the NFT data and put only the link to that data on Tezos itself.

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a protocol and peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system. IPFS uses content-addressable storage to uniquely identify each file in a global namespace connecting all computing devices. In this tutorial, you use Pinata's free developer plan to store your NFT metadata on IPFS and reference it on Tezos, demonstrating a scalable and cost-effective solution for handling NFT data.

Tutorial application

This tutorial is created by Marigold and hosts versions of the tutorial application after each part of the tutorial:

The completed application at the end of the tutorial is a marketplace where administrator users can list wine bottles for sale by entering information about them and uploading a photo. The application creates tokens based on this information and the site allows other users to buy the tokens that represent wine bottles.

You can see a running version of this application here:

The complete application, showing wine bottles for sale

This application is made up of a smart contract that handles the tokens and a frontend web application that handles the user interface and sends transactions to the backend. As you work through the tutorial, you will use different smart contracts and upgrade the web application to work with them.

When you're ready, go to Part 1: Minting tokens to begin.

title: 'Part 1: Minting tokens' authors: 'Benjamin Fuentes (Marigold)' last_update: date: 22 May 2024

To start working with the application, you create a Taqueria project and use it to deploy an FA2 contract. Then you set up a web application to mint NFTs by calling the contract's mint endpoint and uploading an image and metadata to IPFS.

Before you begin, make sure that you have installed the tools in the Prerequisites section.

Creating a Taqueria project

Taqueria manages the project structure and keeps it up to date. For example, when you deploy a new smart contract, Taqueria automatically updates the web app to send transactions to that new smart contract. Follow these steps to set up a Taqueria project:

  1. On the command-line terminal, run these commands to set up a Taqueria project and install the LIGO and Taquito plugins:

    taq init nft-marketplace
    cd nft-marketplace
    taq install @taqueria/plugin-ligo
    taq install @taqueria/plugin-taquito
  2. Install the ligo/fa library, which provides templates for creating FA2 tokens:

    echo '{ "name": "app", "dependencies": { "@ligo/fa": "^1.4.2" } }' >> ligo.json
    TAQ_LIGO_IMAGE=ligolang/ligo:1.6.0 taq ligo --command "install @ligo/fa"

This command can take some time because it downloads and installs the @ligo/fa package.

Creating an FA2 contract from a template

The ligo/fa library provides a template that saves you from having to implement all of the FA2 standards yourself. Follow these steps to create a contract that is based on the template and implements the required endpoints:

  1. Create a contract to manage your NFTs:

    taq create contract nft.jsligo
  2. Open the contracts/nft.jsligo file in any text editor and replace the default code with this code:

    #import "@ligo/fa/lib/fa2/nft/extendable_nft.impl.jsligo" "FA2Impl"
           const errorMap : map<string,string> = Map.literal(list([
             ["0", "Enter a positive and not null amount"],
             ["1", "Operation not allowed, you need to be administrator"],
             ["2", "You cannot sell more than your current balance"],
             ["3", "Cannot find the offer you entered for buying"],
             ["4", "You entered a quantity to buy than is more than the offer quantity"],
             ["5", "Not enough funds, you need to pay at least quantity * offer price to get the tokens"],
             ["6", "Cannot find the contract relative to implicit address"],
     export type Extension = { administrators: set<address> };
     export type storage =<Extension>; // extension administrators
     type ret = [list<operation>, storage];

The first line of this code imports the FA2 template as the FA2Impl object. Then, the code defines error messages for the contract.

The code defines a type for the contract storage, which contains these values:

  • administrators: A list of accounts that are authorized to mint NFTs
  • ledger: The ledger that keeps track of token ownership
  • metadata: The metadata for the contract itself, based on the TZIP-16 standard for contract metadata
  • token_metadata: The metadata for the tokens, based on the TZIP-12 standard for token metadata
  • operators: Information about operators, accounts that are authorized to transfer tokens on behalf of the owners

The code also defines the type for the value that entrypoints return: a list of operations and the new value of the storage.

  1. Add code to implement the required transfer, balance_of, and update_operators entrypoints:

     const transfer = (p: FA2Impl.TZIP12.transfer, s: storage): ret => {
       const ret2: [list<operation>, storage] = FA2Impl.transfer(p, s);
       return [
           ledger: ret2[1].ledger,
           metadata: ret2[1].metadata,
           token_metadata: ret2[1].token_metadata,
           operators: ret2[1].operators,
     const balance_of = (p: FA2Impl.TZIP12.balance_of, s: storage): ret => {
       const ret2: [list<operation>, storage] = FA2Impl.balance_of(p, s);
       return [
           ledger: ret2[1].ledger,
           metadata: ret2[1].metadata,
           token_metadata: ret2[1].token_metadata,
           operators: ret2[1].operators,
     const update_operators = (p: FA2Impl.TZIP12.update_operators, s: storage): ret => {
       const ret2: [list<operation>, storage] = FA2Impl.update_operators(p, s);
       return [
           ledger: ret2[1].ledger,
           metadata: ret2[1].metadata,
           token_metadata: ret2[1].token_metadata,
           operators: ret2[1].operators,

    You will add other entrypoints later, but these are the three entrypoints that every FA2 contract must have. Because these required entrypoints must have specific parameters, the code re-uses types from the FA2Impl object for those parameters. For example, the FA2Impl.TZIP12.transfer type represents the parameters for transferring tokens, including a source account and a list of target accounts, token types, and amounts.

    • The transfer entrypoint accepts information about the tokens to transfer. This implementation uses the FA2Impl.NFT.transfer function from the template to avoid having to re-implement what happens when tokens are transferred.

    • The balance_of entrypoint sends information about an owner's token balance to another contract. This implementation re-uses the FA2Impl.NFT.balance_of function.

    • The update_operators entrypoint updates the operators for a specified account. This implementation re-uses the FA2Impl.NFT.update_operators function.

  2. After those entrypoints, add code for the mint entrypoint:

     const mint = (
       [token_id, name, description, symbol, ipfsUrl]: [
       s: storage
     ): ret => {
       if (! Set.mem(Tezos.get_sender(), s.extension.administrators)) return failwith(
       const token_info: map<string, bytes> =
               ["name", name],
               ["description", description],
               ["interfaces", (bytes `["TZIP-12"]`)],
               ["artifactUri", ipfsUrl],
               ["displayUri", ipfsUrl],
               ["thumbnailUri", ipfsUrl],
               ["symbol", symbol],
               ["decimals", (bytes `0`)]
         ) as map<string, bytes>;
       return [
         list([]) as list<operation>,
           ledger: Big_map.add(token_id, Tezos.get_sender(), s.ledger) as
           token_metadata: Big_map.add(
             { token_id: token_id, token_info: token_info },
           operators: Big_map.empty as FA2Impl.operators,

    The FA2 standard does not require a mint entrypoint, but you can add one if you want to allow the contract to create more tokens after it is originated. If you don't include a mint entrypoint or a way to create tokens, you must initialize the storage with all of the token information when you originate the contract. This mint entrypoint accepts a name, description, symbol, and IPFS URL to an image. It also accepts an ID number for the token, which the front end will manage; you could also set up the contract to remember the ID number for the next token.

    First, this code verifies that the transaction sender is one of the administrators. Then it creates a token metadata object with information from the parameters and adds it to the token_metadata big-map in the storage. Note that the decimals metadata field is set to 0 because the token is an NFT and therefore doesn't need any decimal places in its quantity.

    Note that there is no built-in way to get the number of tokens in the contract code; the Bigmap does not have a function such as keys() or length(). If you want to keep track of the number of tokens, you must add an element in the storage and increment it when tokens are created or destroyed. You can also get the number of tokens by analyzing the contract's storage from an off-chain application.

  3. Run one of these commands to accept or decline LIGO's analytics policy:

    • ligo analytics accept to send analytics data to LIGO
    • ligo analytics deny to not send analytics data to LIGO
  4. Save the contract and compile it by running this command:

    TAQ_LIGO_IMAGE=ligolang/ligo:1.6.0 taq compile nft.jsligo

    Taqueria compiles the contract to the file artifacts/ It also creates the file nft.storageList.jsligo, which contains the starting value of the contract storage.

  5. Open the file contracts/nft.storageList.jsligo and replace it with this code :

    #import "nft.jsligo" "Contract"
     #import "@ligo/fa/lib/fa2/nft/extendable_nft.impl.jsligo" "FA2Impl"
     const default_storage: = {
         extension: {
             administrators: Set.literal(
                 list(["tz1VSUr8wwNhLAzempoch5d6hLRiTh8Cjcjb" as address])
             ) as set<address>
         ledger: Big_map.empty as FA2Impl.ledger,
         metadata: Big_map.literal(
                     ["", bytes `tezos-storage:data`],
             "name":"FA2 NFT Marketplace",
             "description":"Example of FA2 implementation",
             "errors": [],
             "views": []
         ) as FA2Impl.TZIP16.metadata,
         token_metadata: Big_map.empty as FA2Impl.TZIP12.tokenMetadata,
         operators: Big_map.empty as FA2Impl.operators,

    This code sets the initial value of the storage. In this case, the storage includes metadata about the contract and empty Bigmaps for the ledger, token metadata, and operators. It sets the test account Alice as the administrator, which is the only account that can mint tokens.

  6. Optional: Add your address as an administrator or replace Alice's address with your own. Note that only the addresses in the administrators list will be able to create tokens.

  7. Compile the contract:

    TAQ_LIGO_IMAGE=ligolang/ligo:1.6.0 taq compile nft.jsligo
  8. Use one of these options to set up a Ghostnet account to use to deploy (originate) the contract:

    • To use your account, open the .taq/config.local.testing.json file and add your public key, address, and private key, so the file looks like this:

        "networkName": "ghostnet",
        "accounts": {
          "taqOperatorAccount": {
            "publicKey": "edpkvGfYw3LyB1UcCahKQk4rF2tvbMUk8GFiTuMjL75uGXrpvKXhjn",
            "publicKeyHash": "tz1VSUr8wwNhLAzempoch5d6hLRiTh8Cjcjb",
            "privateKey": "edsk3QoqBuvdamxouPhin7swCvkQNgq4jP5KZPbwWNnwdZpSpJiEbq"

      Then make sure that the account has tez on Ghostnet. Use the faucet at to get tez if you need it.


    • To let Taqueria generate an account for you, follow these steps:

      1. Run the command taq deploy -e "testing", which will fail because you do not have an account configured in Taqueria. The response includes the address of an account that Taqueria generated for you and added to the .taq/config.local.testing.json file automatically.

      2. Fund the account from the faucet at

  9. Compile and deploy the contract to Ghostnet by running this command:

    taq deploy -e "testing"

    Taqueria deploys the contract to Ghostnet and prints the address of the contract, as in this image:

    The output of the deployment command

Now the backend application is ready and you can start on the frontend application.

Creating the frontend application

To save time, this tutorial provides a starter React application.

  1. In a folder outside of your Taqueria project, clone the source material by running this command:

    git clone

    This repository includes the starter application and the completed application that you can refer to later.

  2. In your Taqueria project, create a folder named app that is at the same level as the contracts folder.

  3. From the repository, copy the contents of the reactboilerplateapp folder to the app folder.

    For information about how this starter application was created, see the "Dapp" section of this tutorial:

  4. From the root of your Taqueria project, run these commands to generate TypeScript types for the application:

    taq install @taqueria/plugin-contract-types
    taq generate types ./app/src
  5. IF YOU ARE ON A MAC, edit the default dev script in the app/package.json file to look like this:

      "scripts": {
        "dev": "if test -f .env; then sed -i '' \"s/\\(VITE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS *= *\\).*/\\1$(jq -r 'last(.tasks[]).output[0].address' ../.taq/testing-state.json)/\" .env ; else jq -r '\"VITE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=\" + last(.tasks[]).output[0].address' ../.taq/testing-state.json > .env ; fi && vite"

    This is required on Mac computers because the sed command behaves differently than on Unix computers.

  6. Run these commands to install the dependencies for the application and start it:

    cd app
    yarn && yarn dev

    This application contains basic navigation and the ability to connect to wallets. For a tutorial that includes connecting to wallets, see Build a simple web application.

    Because Taqueria automatically keeps track of your deployed contract, the application automatically accesses the contract and shows that there are no NFTs in it yet. The application looks like this:

    The starter NFT marketplace application is showing no NFTs and a button to connect to wallets

Adding a mint page

The mint page uses a form that accepts information and an image and sends a transaction to the mint entrypoint:

  1. Open the file ./app/src/MintPage.tsx.

  2. Replace the return value of the function (i.e. the <Paper> tag) with the following code:

      {storage ? (
          disabled={storage.extension.indexOf(userAddress! as address) < 0}
            p: 1,
            position: "absolute",
            right: "0",
            display: formOpen ? "none" : "block",
            zIndex: 1,
          {" Mint Form " +
            (storage!.extension.indexOf(userAddress! as address) < 0
              ? " (You are not admin)"
              : "")}
          <OpenWithIcon />
      ) : (
              ? { marginTop: "0", marginRight: "0" }
              : { marginTop: "35px", marginRight: "125px" }
            width: isTablet ? "40vw" : "60vw",
            borderColor: "text.secondary",
            borderStyle: "solid",
            borderWidth: "1px",
            height: "calc(100vh - 64px)",
              position: "absolute",
              right: "0",
              display: !formOpen ? "none" : "block",
            <Close />
          <form onSubmit={formik.handleSubmit}>
            <Stack spacing={2} margin={2} alignContent={"center"}>
              <Typography variant="h5">Mint a new collection</Typography>
                error={ && Boolean(}
                helperText={ &&}
                error={formik.touched.symbol && Boolean(formik.errors.symbol)}
                helperText={formik.touched.symbol && formik.errors.symbol}
                  formik.touched.description &&
                  formik.touched.description && formik.errors.description
              {pictureUrl ? (
                <img height={100} width={100} src={pictureUrl} />
              ) : (
              <Button variant="contained" component="label" color="primary">
                <AddCircleOutlined />
                Upload an image
                  onChange={(e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
                    const data = ?[0] : null;
                    if (data) {
              <Button variant="contained" type="submit">
      <Typography variant="h5">Mint your wine collection</Typography>
      {nftContratTokenMetadataMap.size != 0 ? (
      ) : (
        <Typography sx={{ py: "2em" }} variant="h4">
          Sorry, there is not NFT yet, you need to mint bottles first

    You may see errors in your IDE for missing code and imports that you will add later.

    This code shows an HTML form if the connected wallet is an administrator. The form includes fields for a new NFT, including a button to upload an image.

  3. Inside the MintPage function, immediately before the return statement, add this Formik form to manage the form:

    const validationSchema = yup.object({
      name: yup.string().required("Name is required"),
      description: yup.string().required("Description is required"),
      symbol: yup.string().required("Symbol is required"),
    const formik = useFormik({
      initialValues: {
        name: "",
        description: "",
        token_id: 0,
        symbol: "WINE",
      } as TZIP21TokenMetadata,
      validationSchema: validationSchema,
      onSubmit: (values) => {
  4. After this code, add state variables for the image and its URL:

    const [pictureUrl, setPictureUrl] = useState<string>("");
    const [file, setFile] = useState<File | null>(null);
  5. Add this code to manage a drawer that appears to show the form:

    //open mint drawer if admin
    const [formOpen, setFormOpen] = useState<boolean>(false);
    useEffect(() => {
      if (storage && storage.extension.indexOf(userAddress! as address) < 0)
      else setFormOpen(true);
    }, [userAddress]);
    const toggleDrawer =
      (open: boolean) => (event: React.KeyboardEvent | React.MouseEvent) => {
        if (
          event.type === "keydown" &&
          ((event as React.KeyboardEvent).key === "Tab" ||
            (event as React.KeyboardEvent).key === "Shift")
        ) {
  6. Add this mint function:

    const { enqueueSnackbar } = useSnackbar();
    const mint = async (newTokenDefinition: TZIP21TokenMetadata) => {
      try {
        if (file) {
          const formData = new FormData();
          formData.append("file", file);
          const requestHeaders: HeadersInit = new Headers();
          const resFile = await fetch(
              method: "post",
              body: formData,
              headers: requestHeaders,
          const responseJson = await resFile.json();
          console.log("responseJson", responseJson);
          const thumbnailUri = `ipfs://${responseJson.IpfsHash}`;
          const op = await nftContrat!.methods
              new BigNumber(newTokenDefinition.token_id) as nat,
              char2Bytes(!) as bytes,
              char2Bytes(newTokenDefinition.description!) as bytes,
              char2Bytes(newTokenDefinition.symbol!) as bytes,
              char2Bytes(thumbnailUri) as bytes
          //close directly the form
            "Wine collection is minting ... it will be ready on next block, wait for the confirmation message before minting another collection",
            { variant: "info" }
          await op.confirmation(2);
          enqueueSnackbar("Wine collection minted", { variant: "success" });
          refreshUserContextOnPageReload(); //force all app to refresh the context
      } catch (error) {
        console.table(`Error: ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`);
        let tibe: TransactionInvalidBeaconError =
          new TransactionInvalidBeaconError(error);
        enqueueSnackbar(tibe.data_message, {
          variant: "error",
          autoHideDuration: 10000,

    This function accepts the data that the user puts in the form. It uploads the image to IPFS via Pinata and gets the IPFS hash, which identifies the published file and allows clients to request it later.

    Then it calls the contract's mint entrypoint and passes the NFT data as bytes, as the TZIP-12 standard requires for NFT metadata.

  7. Add code to set the ID for the next NFT based on the number of tokens currently in the contract:

    useEffect(() => {
      (async () => {
        if (nftContratTokenMetadataMap && nftContratTokenMetadataMap.size > 0) {
          formik.setFieldValue("token_id", nftContratTokenMetadataMap.size);
    }, [nftContratTokenMetadataMap?.size]);
  8. Replace the imports at the top of the file with these imports:

    import { AddCircleOutlined, Close } from "@mui/icons-material";
    import OpenWithIcon from "@mui/icons-material/OpenWith";
    import {
    } from "@mui/material";
    import Paper from "@mui/material/Paper";
    import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography";
    import { useFormik } from "formik";
    import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
    import * as yup from "yup";
    import { TZIP21TokenMetadata, UserContext, UserContextType } from "./App";
    import { useSnackbar } from "notistack";
    import { BigNumber } from "bignumber.js";
    import { address, bytes, nat } from "./type-aliases";
    import { char2Bytes } from "@taquito/utils";
    import { TransactionInvalidBeaconError } from "./TransactionInvalidBeaconError";
  9. Save the file.

    For the complete content of the mint page, see the completed part 1 app at

  10. In the file app/.env, replace the default VITE_PINATA_API_KEY and VITE_PINATA_API_SECRET values with your Pinata API key and API secret. If you don't have a Pinata API key, see the Configure IPFS storage section of the tutorial Create a contract and web app that mints NFTs.

    Now the form has a working mint page. In the next section, you use it to mint NFTs.

Minting NFTs

Mint at least one NFT so you can see it in the site and contract:

  1. Open the site by going to http://localhost:5173 in your web browser. If the site isn't running, go to the app folder and run yarn dev.

  2. Connect the administrator's wallet to the application.

    The app goes to the /mint page, which looks like this:

    The mint page shows the form to create tokens

  3. Enter information about a bottle of wine.

    For example, you can use this information:

    • name: Saint Emilion - Franc la Rose
    • symbol: SEMIL
    • description: Grand cru 2007
  4. Upload a picture to represent a bottle of wine.

  5. Click Mint.

  6. Approve the transaction in your wallet and wait for it to complete.

    Waiting for confirmation that the NFT was minted

    When the NFT has been minted, the application updates the UI but it does not have code to show the NFTs yet. You can see the NFT by getting the contract address, which starts with KT1, from the config.local.testing.json file and looking it up in a block explorer.

    For example, this is how shows the tokens in the contract, on the "Tokens" tab. Because the contract is FA2-compatible, the block explorer automatically shows information about the tokens:

    The TzKT block explorer is showing the token in the contract

    Now the application can mint NFTs. In the next section, you display the NFTs on a catalog page.

Displaying tokens

Follow these steps to show the tokens that you have minted:

  1. In the MintPage.tsx file, replace the "//TODO" comment with this code:

    <Box sx={{ width: "70vw" }}>
          ([token_id, token]) => (
                display: "block",
                maxWidth: "80vw",
                overflow: "hidden",
                  isTablet ? { fontSize: "1.5em" } : { fontSize: "1em" }
                    ? {
                        width: "auto",
                        marginLeft: "33%",
                        maxHeight: "50vh",
                    : { width: "100%", maxHeight: "40vh" }
                  <Typography>{"ID : " + token_id}</Typography>
                  <Typography>{"Symbol : " + token.symbol}</Typography>
                  <Typography>{"Description : " + token.description}</Typography>
              activeStep ===
              Array.from(nftContratTokenMetadataMap!.entries()).length - 1
            <KeyboardArrowRight />
          <Button size="small" onClick={handleBack} disabled={activeStep === 0}>
            <KeyboardArrowLeft />

    This code gets data from the contract storage and shows it on the UI.

  2. Add these constants in the MintPage function:

    const [activeStep, setActiveStep] = React.useState(0);
    const handleNext = () => {
      setActiveStep((prevActiveStep) => prevActiveStep + 1);
    const handleBack = () => {
      setActiveStep((prevActiveStep) => prevActiveStep - 1);
    const handleStepChange = (step: number) => {
  3. Replace the imports at the top of the file with these imports:

    import SwipeableViews from "react-swipeable-views";
    import OpenWithIcon from "@mui/icons-material/OpenWith";
    import {
    } from "@mui/material";
    import Card from "@mui/material/Card";
    import CardContent from "@mui/material/CardContent";
    import {
    } from "@mui/icons-material";
    import Paper from "@mui/material/Paper";
    import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography";
    import { useFormik } from "formik";
    import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
    import * as yup from "yup";
    import { TZIP21TokenMetadata, UserContext, UserContextType } from "./App";
    import { useSnackbar } from "notistack";
    import { BigNumber } from "bignumber.js";
    import { address, bytes, nat } from "./type-aliases";
    import { char2Bytes } from "@taquito/utils";
    import { TransactionInvalidBeaconError } from "./TransactionInvalidBeaconError";
  4. Open the web page in the browser again and see that the NFT you created is shown, as in this picture:

The mint page is showing one existing NFT


Now you can create FA2-compatible NFTs with the @ligo/fa library and show them on a web page.

In the next section, you add the buy and sell functions to the smart contract and update the frontend application to allow these actions.

When you are ready, continue to Part 2: Buying and selling tokens.