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Use a small microcontroller (e.g. ATtiny13) to respond to a momentary switch and drive a relay and status LED


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Jan 23, 2024

  • validated v1.1 of PCB (see PCB Versions)
  • validated v5.1 of PCB (see PCB Versions)
  • validated v5.0 of PCB (see PCB Versions)
  • submitted PCB v1.1 for fabrication: this is a cleanup of v1.0, primarly cosmetic changes, slightly smaller, and adds a board power connection for use with (some) AionFX effects
  • git tag "v0.2" is a beta release for all MCU code and PCBs v1/v2/v3 (Aug 24, 2023)
  • git tag "v0.1" is a beta release for the ATtiny13A/ATtiny85 code and PCB v1.0 (May 31, 2023)
  • hex images added to git repo for PIC10F320, PCB10F322 and PIC12F675 microcontrollers
  • validated v2.0 of PCB (see PCB Versions)
  • validated v3.0 of PCB (see PCB Versions)
  • as of Oct 17, 2023: v0.1/v0.2 MCU code still working reliably for me
  • sent out v1/v2/v3 boards to three friendly volunteers who will help test; one volunteer already reported success!

Project Overview

mcu-relay-bypass is intended to be a very simple framework and reference implementation of suitable code for programming microcontrollers to respond to momentary footswitch activity, and in turn power a relay coil. The presumed application is to toggle a musical effect (particularly guitar effect pedals) between bypass and engaged modes. As a reference implementation, the goal is to provide a plug-and-play program for DIY effects enthusiasts, for a handful of cheap and readily-available microcontrollers and relays. As a framework, the goal is to make it easy to add features and support for more microcontrollers and relays.

This code attempts to expand on examples available on the web by having low power consumption as a top-priority goal. There exist examples of using the NE555 timer (instead of an MCU) to respond to momentary footswitch action and drive a relay. These are simple and reliable circuits, but the NE555 uses a non-trivial amount of current. (There exist CMOS versions of the NE555, e.g. LMC555, TLC555, TS555, but these are still relatively high-current compared to an MCU in sleep mode.)

PCB Versions

I have made a number of PCB board versions:

  • v1.0
    • MCU: ATtiny13, ATtiny85
    • Relay: Takamisawa AL5WN-K, Panasonic TQ2-L-5V (single coil)
    • Operating Voltage: 5v
    • Superceded by v1.1
    • Features:
      • simplest/smallest through-hole PCB
      • direct drive of relay from MCU
  • v1.1: same concept as v1.0, with minor updates
    • slightly smaller PCB
    • added reverse polarity protected and capacitor-filtered board power solder hole for use with (some) AionFX PCBs
    • cosmetic improvements
    • right-sized solder holes
  • v2.0
    • MCU: ATtiny13, ATtiny85
    • Relay: Kemet EC2-3TNU (double coil)
    • Operating Voltage: 3.3v
    • Features:
      • transistor-driven relay with flyback protection
  • v3.0
    • MCU: pic10f320, pic10f322
    • Relay: Kemet EC2-3TNU or Panasonic TQ2-L2-3V (double coil)
    • Operating Voltage: 3.3v
    • Features:
      • transistor-driven relay with flyback protection
      • PCB supports two different relay footprints
      • added reverse polarity protected and capacitor-filtered board power solder hole for use with (some) AionFX PCBs
      • cosmetic silkscreen improvements
  • v5.x
    • MCU: ATtiny13, ATtiny85
    • Relay: Kemet EC2-3TNU or Panasonic TQ2-L2-3V (double coil)
    • Operating Voltage: 3.3v
    • Versions 5.0 and 5.1 are identical except for the 3v3 regulator
    • Features:
      • transistor-driven relay with flyback protection
      • PCB supports two different relay footprints
      • Surface mount (SMD) verstion, for compact size

Building and Programming

For the AVR MCUs, I am using a "usbtiny" programmer, for example, PGM-11801. I have added pre-built hex image files to the "images" folder, there's no need to compile if you just want to program your MCU.

Note: skip the avr-gcc and avr-objcopy steps if you just want to use the precompiled images (only the avrdude command is needed to use precompiled images).

  • ATtiny85
avr-gcc -Os -std=gnu99 -DF_CPU=1000000UL -DIMPL_ATTINY -mmcu=attiny85 -o attiny85.elf mcu-relay-controller.c hardware-details/attiny.c
avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex attiny85.elf attiny85.hex
avrdude -c usbtiny -p attiny85 -v -P usb -U flash:w:attiny85.hex
  • ATtiny13A - essentially the same as ATtiny85, but with the obvious tool option changes and the additional define -DATTINY13
avr-gcc -Os -std=gnu99 -DF_CPU=1000000UL -DIMPL_ATTINY -DATTINY13 -mmcu=attiny13 -o attiny13.elf mcu-relay-controller.c hardware-details/attiny.c
avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex attiny13.elf attiny13.hex
avrdude -c usbtiny -p attiny13 -v -P usb -U flash:w:attiny13.hex

Update: I found I had a USBASP ATtiny programmer that I purchased many years ago. It appears to be a "51 AVR USB ISP ASP Atmega programmer". Here is one document I found for it. Initially, I kept getting errors similar to this when trying to use it with avrdude:

avrdude: error: could not find USB device with vid=0x16c0 pid=0x5dc vendor='' product='USBasp'

I found some hints here: AVRDUDE does not recognize USBasp device. Specifically, I had to download and install the Zadig program, which allows you to explicitly assign specific drivers to USB devices (rather than let Windows decide for you). If I remember correctly, I had to use "libusb-win32" with the USBasp device to get it to work with avrdude.

Notes on programming PIC microcontrollers:

  • PIC10F32x, PIC12F675: it does not appear to be possible to program a PIC microcontroller from the commandline (as we can with AVR microcontrollers and avrdude). I used a PICKit3 programmer and MPLAB X to build and program this code for the PIC MCUs. Other notes:
    • This PICKit3 reference has a handy pinout diagram: Components101: Pickit 3 Programmer/Debugger
    • I would expect that it is possible to program the PICs directly using the pre-made hex images provided here under MPLAB X; however, I have not tried that, I always did a build and compile.
    • It should be reasonably easy to re-create the MPLAB X projects from the source provided here, but please read the comments at the top of the device-specific source files! In particular, the pic12f675 required some settings tweaks to program successfully (at least for me).
    • If you know an easy way to program the hex files directly (without having to rebuild), either in MPLAB X or from the commandline, please let me know and I'll update these docs!
    • At some point in the future, I may add the MPLAB X project files to this GitHub repo (although I'm holding out in hopes of a simplified approach that looks more like avrdude).

Code Repo Organization

Two source files constitute the core of the project:

  • mcu-relay-controller-iface.h: this defines the hardware-abstracted interface for the project; it is essentially a high-level collection of hardware-independent functions (and macros) which can be used to build a microcontroller-driven relay circuit
  • mcu-relay-controller.c: this defines the main() function, and uses the interfaces defined in the above h file

Top level directories:

  • hardware-details: contain a .c and .h file For each supported microcontroller
  • images: contains precompiled images, ready to be flashed to an microcontroller
  • pcb: contains schematics, gerbers, and BOM files for relay circuit boards

Supported Hardware

Currently the project has, as a starting point, basic relay bypass implementations for a few microcontrollers. These compile, and work in basic testing.

Currently supported microcontrollers:

  • ATmel ATTiny85
  • ATmel ATTiny13A
  • Microchip PIC12F675
  • Microchip PIC10320
  • Microchip PIC10322

Microcontrollers that probably work with little-to-no modification of the code:

  • ATTiny13 - appears to be same as ATTiny13 but older manufacturing process
  • ATTiny45 - appears to be same as ATTiny85 but with less memory
  • PIC12F629 - appears to be same as PIC12F675 but without 10-bit A/D converter
  • PIC12F508, PIC12F609 - other possible alternatives to PIC12F675

Currently supported relays:

  • Takamisawa AL5WN-K (PCB v1.0)
  • Panasonic TQ2-L-5V (PCB v1.0)
  • Kemet EC2-3TNU (PCB v2.0, PCB v3.0)
  • Panasonic TQ2-2L-3V (PCB v3.0)

Relays to test:

Which MCU Should I Choose?

As always, "it depends". Ultimately, for this particular application, it doesn't really matter, because the program is so simple. Obviously, if you are familiar with microcontroller development and programming, then choose the one that you are familiar with, or the one that is closest to your familiar MCU.

If this is your first introduction to microcontrollers, then I think the two main considerations are (1) cost and (2) ease-of-use. As for cost, at the time of this writing, the PIC10320 wins, being $0.82 each. The next-cheapest is the ATTiny13A, at $1.13 each. (These are through-hole prices, surface-mount versions tend to be cheaper.) However, I personally prefer the ATtiny family because:

  • there exists a great open-source toolchain, avr tools for the ATmel AVR family of microcontrollers
  • a free compiler exists for PIC microcontrollers, but it is proprietary, closed-source, and feature-limited (unless a license is purchased)
  • programmers for ATmel AVR devices appear to be cheaper
  • though not used in this project, the ATtiny MCUs can use the Arduino libraries (which should speak for itself in terms of community support and enthusiasm)

Program Concept

While there are many examples of using an MCU to drive a relay, I was unable to find any examples that took power consumption into consideration. With low current draw as a goal, the program is thefore designed around a latching relay, as non-latching relays require a constant current draw in one of the states (latching relays only require active power for state change). Furthermore, this code assumes a latching relay with a single coil, that is, one where current direction is reveresed to change relay state (there also exist relays that have two coils, one for each state).

In pseudocode, the program works like this:

    1. initialize hardware
       a. disable unused portions of the MCU
       b. configure pins for digital I/O and read or write as appropriate
       c. configure sleep mode
       d. other device-specific hardware initialization
    2. set initial relay and status LED state
    3. for the momentary-switch connected pin,
       instruct MCU to generate an interrupt on pin change
    4. put MCU in sleep mode (MCU will wake on pin change interrupt)
    5. when MCU is awakened by pin change interrupt:
       a. disable interrupts
       b. debounce switch
       c. flip change relay state
       d. flip status LED state
       e. re-enable interrupts
       f. put MCU in sleep mode

In practice, the actual code almost matches the pseudocode 1:1, and (without comments) is shorter than this README!

Implementation Considerations

In addition to low-power consumption, another primary goal of this project is a simple, plug-and-play implementation. The goal is to be as simple as possible, but without sacrificing reliability or longevity. Some open questions/considerations therefore:

  1. Should we better isolate the MCU from the relay coil? The concerns here are (1) using the MCU as a current source/sink when powering the coil, and (2) damage to the MCU pins from the coil's collapsing field after activation. Answer: almost certainly, yes; see this.
  2. Are the internal pullup/pulldown resistors sufficient for our purposes?
  3. The reference PCB implements a basic RF filter on the line between switch and MCU; is this neccessary? If so, is it sufficient?
  4. Should we worry about de-bouncing the switch? Or is the RF filter plus wake-on-interrupt sufficient for our purposes?
  5. 4.5v relays are probably better suited to this project (as opposed to 5v relays), as most (likely all) MCUs will experience a voltage drop at the current required to drive a relay.
  6. Consider using two-coil latching relays, as they may be more easily decoupled from the MCU.

Future Goals

  1. Verified predictability and reliabilty from extensive field-testing
  2. Peer-review of the code base
  3. Add support for muting during relay state transition (see BYOC relay bypass or this post)
  4. Add support for non-latching relays
  5. Generalize PCB with jumpers to be MCU agnostic
  6. Add support for fancier UI features, such as momentary-on, double-tap support, etc
  7. Implement scheme for having guaranteed user-defined power-off state (e.g. device always reverts to bypass on power loss, maybe use MCU watchdog or brownout detector)
  8. Incorporate a tag or pin header connection for (re-)programming the MCU in-circuit.
  9. Test and validate additional relays

Effect Pedal Bypass Manifesto

In my opinion, the following is a list of requirements for an effect pedal bypass switching scheme:

  1. Reliable
  2. Predictable/deterministic
  3. Low power consumption
  4. Wide input voltage (9-18VDC)
  5. Low cost
  6. Low part count
  7. Easy implementation
  8. Uses commodity, current-production, readily available parts
  9. No unwanted noise (e.g. pops/clicks) when switching
  10. Easily adaptable to true bypass or buffered bypass
  11. Easy integration into effect PCB to minimize signal wire length
  12. Uses engineering best practices: no exploiting of undefined behavior, all logic and operation should be deterministic, all components should be used within their design tolerances

Builds Using mcu-relay-controller

  1. PedalPCB Mystery Meat - PCB v3.0
  2. PedalPCB Pro-10 Blue - PCB v3.0
  3. AionFX Heliodor - PCB v3.0
  4. PedalPCB Celestial Drive - PCB v3.0
  5. PedalPCB Pauper - PCB v2.0
  6. PedalPCB Guardian - PCB v3.0
  7. PedalPCB Tommy III - PCB v3.0
  8. PedalPCB Sandspur - PCB v1.0 (crammed in a 1590B)
  9. PedalPCB Mojito Deluxe - PCB v3.0
  10. PedalPCB Red Herring - PCB v3.0 (crammed in a 1590B)
  11. PedalPCB Mach 1 - PCB v???
  12. PedalPCB Powersound Overdriver - PCB v2.0
  13. PedalPCB Byzantium - PCB v5.1
  14. PedalPCB Seabed Delay - PCB v5.1
  15. AionFX Tachyon - PCB v5.1
  16. Madbean Blue Steel - PCB v3.0
  17. PedalPCB Byzantium - PCB v5.x
  18. Custom Colorsound Power Boost - Integrated into effect PCB

Credits, Links, and Inspiration

  1. My favorite guitar effect PCB suppliers, for providing great PCBs and fostering my continued love of DIY electronics:
  2. This classic article: Coda Effect: Relay Bypass: Conception and Relay Bypass Code
  3. This wonderful series from Amplified Parts on Relay True Bypass Switching:
  4. mstratman's relay-bypass project on GitHub
  5. ToyKeeper's Anduril Flashlight Firmware
    • The Anduril project is everything this project aims to be: well-engineered, open-source, and above all incredibly useful microcontroller software.
  6. mictester's circuit and discussion thread on freestompboxes: A Switching Scheme
  7. Latching relay driver with CMOS - difference between these two circuits? discussion on DIYstompboxes
  8. diyAudio - where I got my start in DIY audio electronics
  9. The Best Switch Debounce Routine Ever
  10. Electrical Engineering StackExchange Should I protect against collapsing field effects of a microcontroller-driven small-signal relay coil? - suggests that using MCU I/O pins to directly drive a relay coil is likely a bad design; dedicated driver circuitry should go between MCU and relay.
  11. Thread I started on diyAudio: Microcontroller-driven latching relay
  12. A Guide to Debouncing, or, How to Debounce a Contact in Two Easy Pages, by Jack Ganssle
  13. Flyback Diodes and Relays - Chuck D Bones on PedalPCB forum showing that directly driving a relay coil from an ATtiny is probably ok
  14. Silver Blues - A Guide to Soft-Latch Relay Bypass
  15. Electronic Engineering Journal - Ultimate Guide to Switch Debounce by Max Maxfield (Nine-part series!)
  16. Embed with Elliot: Debounce Your Noisy Buttons
  17. Debounce Code - One Post to Rule them All by Mike Szczys


Use a small microcontroller (e.g. ATtiny13) to respond to a momentary switch and drive a relay and status LED








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