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Releases: matthias-bs/BresserWeatherSensorLW


04 Jul 18:26
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What's Changed

  • Fix compatibility mode in #77
  • Fixed potential downlink buffer overflow in #77
  • Library updates
    • ArduinoJson v7.1.0

Full Changelog: v0.6.3...v0.6.4


02 Jul 13:41
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What's Changed

  • Added lightning statistics reset, renamed CMD_RESET_RAINGAUGE to CMD_RESET_WS_POSTPROC in #73
  • Updated uplink formatter example in #74
  • Switched to lwActivate() from radiolib-persistence/examples/LoRaWAN_ESP32 in #75
  • Fixed CMD_GET_BLE_ADDR (get default if Preferences are empty/zero) in #76
  • Updated scripts/examples.json
  • Library updates
    • BresserWeatherSensorReceiver v0.28.8
      (fixes using default sensor include/exclude lists if lists in Preferences are empty/zero)
    • NimBLE-Arduino v1.4.2
    • powerfeather-sdk v1.0.6

Full Changelog: v0.6.2...v0.6.3


13 Jun 15:45
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What's Changed

  • Fixed using BLE addresses from preferences in #71 & #72

Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.6.2


12 Jun 20:24
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What's Changed

  • Fix maximum number of 868 MHz sensors' default in #57
  • Added AppLayer programming interface documentation in #58
  • Added LoRaWAN device status message (CMD_GET_LW_STATUS) in #59
  • Fixed exception caused by max_num_sensors = 0 in #62
  • Fixed exception with empty list of BLE addresses in #64
  • Refactored command encoding #66
  • Added 'ChirpStack and InfluxDB Integration' by Davide D'Asaro (@evon800c) in #52
  • Fixes in Config Helper and uplink payload formatter
  • Updated BresserWeatherSensorReceiver to v0.28.7

Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.6.1


07 Jun 15:55
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What's Changed

  • Added control of enabled decoders via LoRaWAN in #27
  • Added 1-Wire temperature sensor function in #31
  • Added configuration of sensor data uplink payload via LoRaWAN in #40
  • Added mapping of invalid RainGauge values to INV_FLOAT in #46
  • Changed lightning event to provide timestamp and time in #47
  • Added compatibility mode: "status" flags as in BresserweatherSensorTTN in #49 & #50
  • Added uplink of sensor status flags via downlink command CMD_GET_SENSORS_STAT and at fixed interval in #51
  • Modified recalling of LoRaWAN nonces & session after changes in RadioLib v6.6.x in #53
  • Config Helper: Added maximum payload size input, info and modified check for size limit in #54
  • Added configuration of sensor status uplink interval via LoRaWAN in #55
  • Refactored AppLayer by moving code into PayloadBresser, PayloadAnalog, PayloadDigital and PayloadBLE
  • Modified default payload
  • Created payload Config Helper
  • Modified payload formatters
  • Updated board configurations after changes in Arduino ESP32 Package v3.0.0
  • Updated library dependencies:
    • RadioLib@6.6.0
    • BresserWeatherSensorReceiver@0.28.5

Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0


13 May 20:32
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0


06 May 04:49
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What's Changed

  • Heltec WiFi 32 LoRa V3: Changed ADC input attenuation to get higher accuracy of battery voltage measurement in #20
    thanks to @evon800c for this contribution!
  • Implemented optional loading of LoRaWAN secrets from JSON file on LittleFS in #21

Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.4.0


04 May 15:44
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What's Changed

  • Fixed PowerFeather battery voltage measurement in #19
  • Refactoring: Moved LoRaWAN command interface from BresserWeatherSensorLWCfg.h to BresserWeatherSensorLWCmd.h

Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1


02 May 20:13
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What's Changed

  • Refactored BLE address initialization in #15
  • Added configuration of BLE scan parameters via LoRaWAN in #17
  • Implemented battery voltage measurement for Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 V3 in #16 — thanks @evon800c for testing!
  • Modified ADC configuration/getBatteryVoltage()
  • Fixed uplink_formatter.js/downlink_formatter.js
  • Updated ATC_MiThermometer requirement from ^0.3.1 to ^0.4.2 by @dependabot in #18
  • Updated TheengsDecoder to v1.7.8
  • Updated documentation
  • Added keywords.txt

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0


24 Apr 19:43
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What's Changed

  • Refactored ADC handling in #1
  • Added separation between LoRaWAN and application layer in #3
  • Added ESP32-S3 PowerFeather in #2
  • Added sensor configuration (BLE and Bresser) at run time in #6
  • Updated payload formatters in #7
  • Improved Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 V3 detection by C++ preprocessor
  • Update BresserWeatherSensorReceiver requirement from ^0.25.0 to ^0.27.1

Known limitation: Battery voltage measurement not working for some targets
(only affects energy saving / battery discharge protection)

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0