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This project is the companion to the Made In Jerusalem Side Project Academy course on Cloud Computing. Over the course we will learn about the foundational services of AWS and this project will demonstrate the services we learn.

The project is divided into Steps where each folder contains a working version of the project meant to demonstrate a concept, service, or feature. In the lectures we will run the project one step at a time. It should be possible to execute any step by itself or to jump from a lower step to a later step but I haven't tested executing a previous step.

Each folder has a script that deploys the project in that step. The file in each step will describe what is added to that step, not the project as a whole.

How to Use

  1. You can clone or download this project to your computer.
  2. Copy the config.json.config to a new file called config.json and edit the values in the file to fit your needs.
  3. Go into step-1 and run
  4. Go into the next step and run, rinse, and repeat.


Lesson 1

Lesson 2

  • Create a Lambda Function that returns Hello World in any programming language you prefer in the Console
  • Configure the Test event and run a test
  • Install the Serverless Application Model (SAM) Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Re-create the Hello World function in a SAM template
  • Create an API that returns a JSON object that contains all of the query string parameters in the request. For example a request to would return {"a":"b","c:"d"}
  • Create a DynamoDB Table with a Primary Partition Key
  • Add some rows to the table
  • Scan the table in the Console, then CLI, then with code using your favorite SDK
  • Create a DynamoDB Table with a Partition Key and Sort Key
  • Add some rows to the table with at least 2 values in the Partition Key
  • Query for different values in the partition key

Lesson 3

  • Create an EC2 Instance
  • Make sure the Security Group allows inbound traffic on port 80
  • Install your favorite web server with some sort of "hello world" application or an HTML page
  • Create a Launch Template that defines your server configuration
  • Create an AutoScaling Group for your Luanch Template and add/remove instances from your autoscaling group.


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