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ktlint Gradle Plugin

version: 0.1.0-indev09 Changelog


This is a simple Gradle plugin for installing a custom ktlint Git pre-commit hook script.

The advantages over using ktlint's built-in installGitPreCommitHook command are:

  • The ktlint JAR is downloaded by the plugin from the Maven Central repository, which means that the JAR doesn't need to be pre-installed on the system

  • The custom hook script will first stash away any unstaged changes before running ktlint, so that only the changes that will actually be committed will be inspected (the official git-stash command is not used for this)

  • If committing via IntelliJ IDEA / Android Studio, then absolute paths are printed instead of relative ones. This results in those paths being clickable in the IDE

This plugin's custom hook script was greatly inspired by JLLeitschuh/ktlint-gradle.
The main advantages/fixes of this plugin's hook script are:

  • The script doesn't execute Gradle, it executes the ktlint JAR directly, which (depending on the project's size) can potentially shave off multiple seconds of the hook's execution time

  • The script handles stashing binary files correctly

  • The script supports the Git config diff.noprefix = true

Note that the hook script requires at least Git version 2.35.0.
Check your installed Git version with:

git --version


The minimum supported ktlint version is 0.50.0.

Kotlin script & plugins DSL
plugins {
	id("io.github.mfederczuk.ktlint") version "0.1.0-indev09"

repositories {
	// make sure that Maven Central is configured as an artifact repository

ktlint {
	version.set("1.2.1") // sets the version of ktlint

	// the following configuration properties are optional
	flags.limit.set(5) // adds the --limit=5 flag to ktlint
	gitPreCommitHook {
		disableAbortCommitOnErrors() // disables aborting the commit on lint errors
		enableInstallOnBuild() // automatically installs the hook every time a build is started
Kotlin script & legacy plugin application
buildscript {
	repositories {
	dependencies {

apply(plugin = "io.github.mfederczuk.ktlint")

repositories {
	// make sure that Maven Central is configured as an artifact repository

ktlint {
	version.set("1.2.1") // sets the version of ktlint

	// the following configuration properties are optional
	flags.limit.set(5) // adds the --limit=5 flag to ktlint
	gitPreCommitHook {
		disableAbortCommitOnErrors() // disables aborting the commit on lint errors
		enableInstallOnBuild() // automatically installs the hook every time a build is started
Groovy & plugins DSL
plugins {
	id 'io.github.mfederczuk.ktlint' version '0.1.0-indev09'

repositories {
	// make sure that Maven Central is configured as an artifact repository

ktlint {
	version = '1.2.1' // sets the version of ktlint

	// the following configuration properties are optional
	flags.limit = 5 // adds the --limit=5 flag to ktlint
	gitPreCommitHook {
		disableAbortCommitOnErrors() // disables aborting the commit on lint errors
		enableInstallOnBuild() // automatically installs the hook every time a build is started
Groovy & legacy plugin application
buildscript {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }
	dependencies {
		classpath 'io.github.mfederczuk:ktlint-gradle-plugin:0.1.0-indev09'

apply plugin: 'io.github.mfederczuk.ktlint'

repositories {
	// make sure that Maven Central is configured as an artifact repository

ktlint {
	version = '1.2.1' // sets the version of ktlint

	// the following configuration properties are optional
	flags.limit = 5 // adds the --limit=5 flag to ktlint
	gitPreCommitHook {
		disableAbortCommitOnErrors() // disables aborting the commit on lint errors
		enableInstallOnBuild() // automatically installs the hook every time a build is started

To-Do List

  • Configuration property to add the --reporter=<reporterConfiguration> flag to ktlint
  • Configuration property to add the --ruleset=<rulesetJarPaths> flag to ktlint
  • Configuration property to add the --editorconfig=<editorConfigPath> flag to ktlint
  • Configuration property to add the --baseline flag to ktlint
  • Configuration property to add the --log-level=<minLogLevel> flag to ktlint
  • Gradle task to run ktlint manually
  • Configuration property to run ktlint over all Kotlin files, not just the ones that are staged


Read through the Contribution Guidelines if you want to contribute to this project.


ktlint GitHub Gradle Plugin is licensed under both the Mozilla Public License 2.0 AND the Apache License 2.0.
For more information about copying and licensing, see the COPYING.txt file.

(note that this project is not affiliated with ktlint or Pinterest Inc.)