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Releases: netbox-community/netbox

v4.0.7 - 2024-07-09

09 Jul 17:46
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  • #14554 - Add support for django-storage-swift storage backend
  • #16424 - Enable filtering of devices by cluster and cluster group
  • #16716 - Display NAT address (if any) for OOB IP address under device view
  • #16725 - Always position the admin section last in the navigation menu
  • #16791 - Add 200 & 400 Gbps selections for circuit termination port speed
  • #16802 - Introduce SENTRY_SEND_DEFAULT_PII configuration parameter and disable PII export by default
  • #16817 - Add 200 & 400 Gbps selections for circuit commit rate

Bug Fixes

  • #16523 - Restore highlighting of current device in virtual chassis members panel
  • #16654 - Fix parent item assignment for inventory item bulk import
  • #16657 - Fix translation of object types in global search
  • #16679 - Avoid overwriting custom JSON fields during bulk edit
  • #16689 - System configuration view should reflect static parameters when no config revisions exist
  • #16714 - Fix cloning of device types with 0U height
  • #16721 - Fix errant API request after deselecting a rack in device edit form
  • #16723 - Fix escaping of path to virtual environment in
  • #16735 - Object list "results" tab should show a count of zero when empty
  • #16747 - Avoid clearing entire search cache when manually reindexing specific apps/models
  • #16758 - Ensure manually selected lagnuage persists across browser sessions
  • #16779 - Fix saved filter selection for child object lists
  • #16780 - IKE proposal created via REST API should not require authentication_algorithm
  • #16796 - Allow assignment of VM with no site to a cluster with a site
  • #16806 - Fix redirect URL when creating contact assignments with "add another" button
  • #16807 - Fix layout of VLAN edit form when custom fields are present
  • #16808 - Fix event rule triggering in scenario where objects are updated immediately prior to deletion
  • #16813 - Fix AttributeError exception when filtering bookmarks in dashboard widget by object type
  • #16843 - Permit creation of IKE policies via REST API without specifying an IKE mode

v4.0.6 - 2024-06-24

24 Jun 19:01
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  • #15348 - Show saved filters alongside quick search on object list views
  • #15794 - Dynamically populate related objects in UI views
  • #16256 - Enable alphabetical ordering of bookmarks on dashboard
  • #16307 - Enable calling log_*() methods on Script without passing a message

Bug Fixes

  • #13925 - Fix support for "zulu" (UTC) timestamps for custom fields
  • #14829 - Fix support for simple conditions (without AND/OR) in event rules
  • #15717 - Allow assigning a device/VM in a site to a cluster with no site assigned
  • #16143 - Display timestamps in tables in the configured timezone
  • #16149 - Fix object linking in custom script logs
  • #16252 - Fix total count in tab at top of rack elevations view
  • #16273 - Restore global search bar on mobile
  • #16416 - Retain dark/light mode toggle on mobile view
  • #16444 - Disable ordering circuits list by A/Z termination
  • #16450 - Searching for rack unit in form dropdown should be case-insensitive
  • #16452 - Fix sizing of buttons within object attribute panels
  • #16454 - Address DNS lookup bug in django-debug-toolbar
  • #16460 - Omit spaces from telephone number URLs
  • #16512 - Restore a user's preferred language (if any) on login
  • #16542 - Fix bulk form operations when HTMX is enabled
  • #16702 - Fix validation of return_url query parameter

v4.0.5 - 2024-06-06

06 Jun 16:00
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  • #14810 - Enable contact assignment for services
  • #15489 - Add 1000Base-TX interface type
  • #15873 - Improve readability of allocates resource numbers for clusters
  • #16290 - Capture entire object in changelog data (but continue to display only non-internal attributes)
  • #16353 - Enable plugins to extend object change view with custom content

Bug Fixes

  • #13422 - Rebuild MPTT trees for applicable models after merging staged changes
  • #14567 - Apply active quicksearch value when exporting "current view" from object list
  • #15194 - Avoid enqueuing duplicate event triggers for a modified object
  • #16039 - Fix row highlighting for front & rear port connections under device view
  • #16050 - Fix display of names & descriptions defined for custom scripts
  • #16083 - Disable font ligatures to avoid peculiarities in rendered text
  • #16202 - Fix site map button URL for certain localizations
  • #16261 - Fix GraphQL filtering for certain multi-value filters
  • #16286 - Fix global search support for provider accounts
  • #16312 - Fix object list navigation for dashboard widgets
  • #16315 - Fix filtering change log & journal entries by object type in UI
  • #16376 - Update change log for the terminating object (e.g. interface) when attaching a cable
  • #16400 - Fix AttributeError when attempting to restore a previous configuration revision after deleting the current one

v4.0.3 - 2024-05-22

22 May 18:57
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  • #12984 - Add Molex Micro-Fit power port & outlet types
  • #13764 - Enable contact assignments for aggregates, prefixes, IP ranges, and IP addresses
  • #14639 - Add Ukrainian translation support
  • #14653 - Add an inventory items table column for all device components
  • #14686 - Add German translation support
  • #14855 - Add Chinese translation support
  • #14948 - Introduce the has_virtual_device_context filter for devices
  • #15353 - Improve error reporting when custom scripts fail to load
  • #15496 - Implement dedicated views for management of circuit terminations
  • #15603 - Add 4G & 5G cellular interface types
  • #15962 - Enable UNIX socket connections for Redis

Bug Fixes

  • #13293 - Limit interface selector for IP address to current device/VM
  • #14953 - Ensure annotated count fields are present in REST API response data when creating new objects
  • #14982 - Fix OpenAPI schema definition for SerializedPKRelatedFields
  • #15082 - Strip whitespace from choice values & labels when creating a custom field choice set
  • #16138 - Fix support for referencing users & groups in object permissions
  • #16145 - Restore ability to reference custom scripts via module & name in REST API
  • #16164 - Correct display of selected values in UI when filtering object list by a null value
  • #16173 - Fix TypeError exception when viewing object list with no pagination preference defined
  • #16228 - Fix permissions enforcement for GraphQL queries of users & groups
  • #16232 - Preserve bulk action checkboxes on dynamic tables when using pagination
  • #16240 - Fixed NoReverseMatch exception when adding circuit terminations to an object counts dashboard widget

v4.0.2 - 2024-05-14

14 May 15:24
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This release includes an important security fix for NetBox v4.0.0 and v4.0.1, and is a strongly recommended update for all users. Details of the vulnerability are published in a GitHub security advisory.


  • #15119 - Add cluster & cluster group UI filter fields for VLAN groups
  • #16090 - Include current NetBox version when an unsupported plugin is detected
  • #16096 - Introduce the ENABLE_TRANSLATION configuration parameter
  • #16107 - Change the default value for LOGIN_REQUIRED to True
  • #16127 - Add integration point for unsupported settings

Bug Fixes

  • #16077 - Fix display of parameter values when viewing configuration revisions
  • #16078 - Fix integer filters mistakenly marked as required for GraphQL API
  • #16101 - Fix initial loading of pagination widget for dynamic object tables
  • #16123 - Fix custom script execution via REST API
  • #16124 - Fix GraphQL API support for querying virtual machine interfaces

v4.0.1 - 2024-05-09

09 May 20:05
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This release contains a security vulnerability which is fixed in v4.0.2. For this reason, v4.0.2 is a strongly recommended update for all users. Details of the vulnerability are published in a GitHub security advisory.


  • #15148 - Add copy-to-clipboard button for config context data
  • #15328 - Add a virtual machines UI tab for host devices
  • #15451 - Add 2.5 and 5 Gbps backplane Ethernet interface types
  • #16010 - Enable Prometheus middleware only if metrics are enabled

Bug Fixes

  • #15968 - Avoid resizing quick search field to display clear button
  • #15973 - Fix AttributeError exception when modifying cable termination type
  • #15977 - Hide all admin menu items for non-authenticated users
  • #15982 - Restore the "assign IP" tab for assigning existing IP addresses to interfaces
  • #15992 - Fix AttributeError exception when Sentry integration is enabled
  • #15995 - Permit nullable fields referenced by unique constraints to be omitted from REST API requests
  • #15999 - Fix layout of login form labels for certain languages
  • #16003 - Enable cache busting for setmode.js asset to avoid breaking dark mode support on upgrade
  • #16011 - Fix site tenant assignment by PK via REST API
  • #16020 - Include Python version in system UI view
  • #16022 - Fix database migration failure when encountering a script module which no longer exists on disk
  • #16025 - Fix execution of scripts via the runscript management command
  • #16031 - Render Markdown content in script log messages
  • #16051 - Translate "empty" text for object tables
  • #16061 - Omit hidden fields from display within event rule edit form

v4.0.0 - 2024-05-06

06 May 19:24
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This release contains a security vulnerability which is fixed in v4.0.2. For this reason, v4.0.2 is a strongly recommended update for all users. Details of the vulnerability are published in a GitHub security advisory.


Plugin maintainers: Please see the dedicated plugin migration guide for a checklist of changes that may be needed to ensure compatibility with NetBox v4.0.

Breaking Changes

  • Support for Python 3.8 and 3.9 has been removed.
  • The format for GraphQL query filters has changed. Please see the GraphQL documentation for details and examples.
  • The deprecated device_role & device_role_id filters for devices have been removed. (Use role and role_id instead.)
  • The obsolete device_role field has been removed from the REST API serializer for devices. (Use role instead.)
  • The legacy reports functionality has been dropped. Reports will be automatically converted to custom scripts on upgrade.
  • The parent and parent_id filters for locations now return only immediate children of the specified location. (Use ancestor and ancestor_id to return all descendants.)
  • The object_type field on the CustomField model has been renamed to related_object_type.
  • The utilities.utils module has been removed and its resources reorganized into separate modules organized by function.
  • The obsolete NullableCharField class has been removed. (Use Django's stock CharField class with null=True instead.)
  • The annotated_date template filter and annotated_now template tag have been removed.

New Features

Complete UI Refresh (#12128)

The NetBox user interface has been completely refreshed and updated. This massive effort entailed:

  • Refactoring the base HTML templates
  • Moving from Boostrap 5.0 to Bootstrap 5.3
  • Adopting the Tabler UI theme
  • Replacing slim-select with Tom-Select
  • Displaying additional object attributes in dropdown form fields
  • Enabling opt-in HTMX-powered navigation (see #14736)
  • Widespread cleanup & standardization of UI components

Dynamic REST API Fields (#15087)

The REST API now supports specifying which fields to include in the response data. For example, the response to a request for

GET /api/dcim/sites/?fields=name,status,region,tenant

will include only the four specified fields in the representation of each site. Additionally, the underlying database queries effected by such requests have been optimized to omit fields which are not included in the response, resulting in a substantial performance improvement.

Strawberry GraphQL Engine (#9856)

The GraphQL engine has been changed from using Graphene-Django to Strawberry-Django. Changes include:

  • Queryset Optimizer - reduces the number of database queries when querying related tables
  • Updated GraphiQL Browser
  • The format for GraphQL query filters and lookups has changed. Please see the GraphQL documentation for details and examples.

Advanced Form Rendering Functionality (#14739)

New resources have been introduced to enable advanced form rendering without a need for custom HTML templates. These include:

  • FieldSet - Represents a grouping of form fields (replaces the use of lists/tuples)
  • InlineFields - Multiple fields rendered on a single row
  • TabbedGroups - Fieldsets rendered under navigable tabs within a form
  • ObjectAttribute - Renders a read-only representation of a particular object attribute (for reference)

Legacy Admin UI Disabled (#12325)

The legacy admin user interface is now disabled by default, and the few remaining views it provided have been relocated to the primary UI. NetBox deployments which still depend on the legacy admin functionality for plugins can enable it by setting the DJANGO_ADMIN_ENABLED configuration parameter to true.


  • #12776 - Introduce the htmx_table template tag to simplify the rendering of embedded tables
  • #12851 - Replace the deprecated Bleach HTML sanitization library with nh3
  • #13283 - Display additional context on API-backed dropdown form fields (e.g. object descriptions)
  • #13918 - Add facility field to Location model
  • #14237 - Automatically clear dependent selection form fields when modifying a parent selection
  • #14279 - Make the current request available as context when running custom validators
  • #14454 - Include member devices in the REST API representation of virtual chassis
  • #14637 - Upgrade to Django 5.0
  • #14672 - Add support for Python 3.12
  • #14728 - The plugins list view has been moved from the legacy admin UI to the main NetBox UI
  • #14729 - All background task views have been moved from the legacy admin UI to the main NetBox UI
  • #14736 - Introduce a user preference to enable HTMX-powered navigation
  • #14438 - Track individual custom scripts as database objects
  • #15131 - Automatically annotate related object counts on REST API querysets
  • #15237 - Ensure consistent filtering ability for all model fields by testing for missing/incorrect filters
  • #15238 - Include the description field in "brief" REST API serializations
  • #15278 - BaseModelSerializer now takes a nested keyword argument allowing it to represent a related object
  • #15383 - Standardize filtering logic for the parents of recursively-nested models (parent & ancestor filters)
  • #15413 - The global search engine now supports caching of non-field object attributes
  • #15490 - Custom validators can now reference related object attributes via dotted paths
  • #15547 - Add comments field to CustomField model
  • #15712 - Enable image attachments for virtual machines
  • #15735 - Display all dates & times in ISO 8601 format consistently
  • #15754 - Remove is_staff restriction on admin menu items
  • #15764 - Increase maximum value of Device vc_position field
  • #15915 - Provide a comprehensive system status view with export functionality

Bug Fixes (from Beta2)

  • #15630 - Ensure consistent toggling between light & dark UI modes
  • #15802 - Improve hyperlink color contrast in dark mode
  • #15809 - Fix GraphQL union support for nullable fields
  • #15815 - Convert dashboard widgets referencing old user/group models
  • #15826 - Update EXEMPT_EXCLUDE_MODELS to reference new user & group models
  • #15831 - Fix LDAP group mirroring
  • #15838 - Fix AttributeError exception when rendering custom date fields
  • #15852 - Update total results count when filtering object lists
  • #15853 - Correct background color for cable trace SVG images in dark mode
  • #15855 - Fix AttributeError exception when creating an event rule tied to a custom script
  • #15944 - Fix styling of paginator when displayed above an object list

Other Changes

  • #10587 - Enable pagination and filtering for custom script logs
  • #12325 - The Django admin UI is now disabled by default (set DJANGO_ADMIN_ENABLED to True to enable it)
  • #12510 - Dropped support for legacy reports
  • #12795 - NetBox now uses custom Us...
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v3.7.8 - 2024-05-06

06 May 16:56
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  • #12127 - Enable adding new cables directly from navigation menu

Bug Fixes

  • #15877 - Account for virtual chassis membership when assigning related interfaces via bulk edit
  • #15917 - Fix pagination through search results within dropdown fields
  • #15925 - Fix SVG rendering of cable traces to circuit terminations
  • #15948 - Fix cable trace SVG generation for cables with multiple terminations at both ends
  • #15960 - Replace CSV export formatting for several many-to-many fields
  • #15961 - Fix secret toggle button for IKE policies

v3.7.7 - 2024-05-01

01 May 19:24
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  • #15428 - Show usage counts for associated objects on config template list
  • #15812 - Add Date & DateTime variable types for custom scripts
  • #15894 - Cache the generated API schema definition for shorter loading times

Bug Fixes

  • #11460 - Fix AttributeError exception when editing a cable with only one end terminated
  • #13712 - Fix row highlighting for device interface list display
  • #13806 - Fix "mark" button tooltip on button activation for device interface list display
  • #13922 - Fix SVG drawing error on multiple termination trace with multiple devices
  • #14241 - Fix random interface swap when performing cable trace with multiple termination
  • #14852 - Fix NoReverseMatch exception when viewing an event rule which references a deleted custom script
  • #15524 - Fix rounding error when reporting IP range utilization
  • #15548 - Ignore many-to-many mappings when checking dependencies of an object being deleted
  • #15845 - Avoid extraneous database queries when fetching assigned IP addresses via REST API
  • #15872 - BANNER_MAINTENANCE content should permit custom HTML
  • #15891 - Ensure deterministic ordering for scripts & reports
  • #15896 - Fix retention of default value when editing a custom JSON field
  • #15899 - Fix exception when enabling the tags column on the L2VPN terminations table

v4.0-beta2 - 2024-04-22

22 Apr 19:42
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This is a beta release of NetBox intended for testing and evaluation. Do not use this software in production. Also be aware that no upgrade path is provided to future releases.


Plugin maintainers: Please see the dedicated plugin migration guide for a checklist of changes that may be needed to ensure compatibility with NetBox v4.0.

Breaking Changes

  • Support for Python 3.8 and 3.9 has been removed.
  • The format for GraphQL query filters has changed. Please see the GraphQL documentation for details and examples.
  • The deprecated device_role & device_role_id filters for devices have been removed. (Use role and role_id instead.)
  • The obsolete device_role field has been removed from the REST API serializer for devices. (Use role instead.)
  • The legacy reports functionality has been dropped. Reports will be automatically converted to custom scripts on upgrade.
  • The parent and parent_id filters for locations now return only immediate children of the specified location. (Use ancestor and ancestor_id to return all descendants.)
  • The object_type field on the CustomField model has been renamed to related_object_type.
  • The utilities.utils module has been removed and its resources reorganized into separate modules organized by function.
  • The obsolete NullableCharField class has been removed. (Use Django's stock CharField class with null=True instead.)
  • The annotated_date template filter and annotated_now template tag have been removed.

New Features

Complete UI Refresh (#12128)

The NetBox user interface has been completely refreshed and updated. This massive effort entailed:

  • Refactoring the base HTML templates
  • Moving from Boostrap 5.0 to Bootstrap 5.3
  • Adopting the Tabler UI theme
  • Replacing slim-select with Tom-Select
  • Displaying additional object attributes in dropdown form fields
  • Enabling opt-in HTMX-powered navigation (see #14736)
  • Widespread cleanup & standardization of UI components

Dynamic REST API Fields (#15087)

The REST API now supports specifying which fields to include in the response data. For example, the response to a request for

GET /api/dcim/sites/?fields=name,status,region,tenant

will include only the four specified fields in the representation of each site. Additionally, the underlying database queries effected by such requests have been optimized to omit fields which are not included in the response, resulting in a substantial performance improvement.

Strawberry GraphQL Engine (#9856)

The GraphQL engine has been changed from using Graphene-Django to Strawberry-Django. Changes include:

  • Queryset Optimizer - reduces the number of database queries when querying related tables
  • Updated GraphiQL Browser
  • The format for GraphQL query filters and lookups has changed. Please see the GraphQL documentation for details and examples.

Advanced Form Rendering Functionality (#14739)

New resources have been introduced to enable advanced form rendering without a need for custom HTML templates. These include:

  • FieldSet - Represents a grouping of form fields (replaces the use of lists/tuples)
  • InlineFields - Multiple fields rendered on a single row
  • TabbedGroups - Fieldsets rendered under navigable tabs within a form
  • ObjectAttribute - Renders a read-only representation of a particular object attribute (for reference)

Legacy Admin UI Disabled (#12325)

The legacy admin user interface is now disabled by default, and the few remaining views it provided have been relocated to the primary UI. NetBox deployments which still depend on the legacy admin functionality for plugins can enable it by setting the DJANGO_ADMIN_ENABLED configuration parameter to true.


  • #12776 - Introduce the htmx_talble template tag to simplify the rendering of embedded tables
  • #12851 - Replace the deprecated Bleach HTML sanitization library with nh3
  • #13283 - Display additional context on API-backed dropdown form fields (e.g. object descriptions)
  • #13918 - Add facility field to Location model
  • #14237 - Automatically clear dependent selection form fields when modifying a parent selection
  • #14279 - Make the current request available as context when running custom validators
  • #14454 - Include member devices in the REST API representation of virtual chassis
  • #14637 - Upgrade to Django 5.0
  • #14672 - Add support for Python 3.12
  • #14728 - The plugins list view has been moved from the legacy admin UI to the main NetBox UI
  • #14729 - All background task views have been moved from the legacy admin UI to the main NetBox UI
  • #14736 - Introduce a user preference to enable HTMX-powered navigation
  • #14438 - Track individual custom scripts as database objects
  • #15131 - Automatically annotate related object counts on REST API querysets
  • #15237 - Ensure consistent filtering ability for all model fields by testing for missing/incorrect filters
  • #15238 - Include the description field in "brief" REST API serializations
  • #15278 - BaseModelSerializer now takes a nested keyword argument allowing it to represent a related object
  • #15383 - Standardize filtering logic for the parents of recursively-nested models (parent & ancestor filters)
  • #15413 - The global search engine now supports caching of non-field object attributes
  • #15490 - Custom validators can now reference related object attributes via dotted paths
  • #15547 - Add comments field to CustomField model
  • #15712 - Enable image attachments for virtual machines
  • #15735 - Display all dates & times in ISO 8601 format consistently
  • #15754 - Remove is_staff restriction on admin menu items
  • #15764 - Increase maximum value of Device vc_position field

Bug Fixes (from Beta1)

  • #15580 - Fix rendering of modals with HTMX navigation enabled
  • #15605 - Fix ProgrammingError exception when applying migrations to older databases
  • #15613 - Restore the login button/user menu on mobile view
  • #15616 - Fix button style for invalid custom links
  • #15617 - Fix rack elevation styling under dark mode
  • #15619 - Enforce a minimum width for progress bars
  • #15636 - Fix filtering of attached images when viewing an object in the UI
  • #15637 - Correct nonfunctional links within embedded tables when HTMX enabled
  • #15638 - Correct parameter used to retrieve saved filters for a model
  • #15641 - Fix adding/removing filters on the advanced object selector widget
  • #15652 - Fix the display of error messages after attempting to delete an object
  • #15671 - Fix ValueError exception when uploading a custom script
  • #15695 - Fix ForeignKeyViolation exception when applying migration users.0006_custom_group_model on older databases
  • #15698 - Fix ProgrammingError exception when applying the users.0008_flip_objectpermission_assignments migration to older databases
  • #15760 - Permit breaking of long words for wrap within object attribute tables
  • #15778 - Fix bulk edit/delete functionality when HT...
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