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Releases: open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector


06 May 17:53
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End User Changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • service: The validate sub-command no longer validates that each pipeline's type is the same as its component types (#10031)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • semconv: Add support for v1.25.0 semantic convention (#10072)
  • builder: remove the need to go get a module to address ambiguous import paths (#10015)
  • pmetric: Support parsing metric.metadata from OTLP JSON. (#10026)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • exporterhelper: Fix enabled config option for batch sender (#10076)

Go API Changelog

This changelog includes only developer-facing changes.
If you are looking for user-facing changes, check out

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • configgrpc: Adds NewDefault* functions for all the config structs. (#9654)
  • exporterqueue: Expose ErrQueueIsFull so upstream components can retry or apply backpressure. (#10070)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • mdatagen: Call connectors with routers to be the same as the service graph (#10079)

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06 May 17:53
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22 Apr 20:32
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End User Changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • builder: Add strict version checking when using the builder. Add the temporary flag --skip-strict-versioning for skipping this check. (#9896)
    Strict version checking will error on major and minor version mismatches
    between the otelcol_version configured and the builder version or versions
    in the go.mod. This check can be temporarily disabled by using the --skip-strict-versioning
    flag. This flag will be removed in a future minor version.

  • telemetry: Distributed internal metrics across different levels. (#7890)
    The internal metrics levels are updated along with reported metrics:

    • The default level is changed from basic to normal, which can be overridden with service::telmetry::metrics::level configuration.
    • Batch processor metrics are updated to be reported starting from normal level:
      • processor_batch_batch_send_size
      • processor_batch_metadata_cardinality
      • processor_batch_timeout_trigger_send
      • processor_batch_size_trigger_send
    • GRPC/HTTP server and client metrics are updated to be reported starting from detailed level:
      • http.client.* metrics
      • http.server.* metrics
      • rpc.server.* metrics
      • rpc.client.* metrics

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • confighttp: Disable concurrency in zstd compression (#8216)

  • cmd/builder: Allow configuring confmap.Providers in the builder. (#4759)
    If no providers are specified, the defaults are used.
    The default providers are: env, file, http, https, and yaml.

    To configure providers, use the providers key in your OCB build
    manifest with a list of Go modules for your providers.
    The modules will work the same as other Collector components.

  • mdatagen: enable goleak tests by default via mdatagen (#9959)

  • cmd/mdatagen: support excluding some metrics based on string and regexes in resource_attributes (#9661)

  • cmd/mdatagen: Generate config and factory tests covering their requirements. (#9940)
    The tests are moved from cmd/builder.

  • confmap: Add ProviderSettings, ConverterSettings, ProviderFactories, and ConverterFactories fields to confmap.ResolverSettings (#9516)
    This allows configuring providers and converters, which are instantiated by NewResolver using the given factories.

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • exporter/otlp: Allow DNS scheme to be used in endpoint (#4274)
  • service: fix record sampler configuration (#9968)
  • service: ensure the tracer provider is configured via (#9967)
  • otlphttpexporter: Fixes a bug that was preventing the otlp http exporter from propagating status. (#9892)
  • confmap: Fix decoding negative configuration values into uints (#9060)

API Changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • component: Removed deprecated function GetExporters from component.Host interface (#9987)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • confighttp: deprecate ToClientContext, ToServerContext, ToListenerContext, replaced by ToClient, ToServer, ToListener (#9807)
  • configtls: Deprecates ClientConfig.LoadTLSConfigContext and ServerConfig.LoadTLSConfigContext, use ClientConfig.LoadTLSConfig and ServerConfig.LoadTLSConfig instead. (#9945)
  • confmap: Deprecate the Providers and Converters fields in confmap.ResolverSettings (#9516)
    Use the ProviderFactories and ConverterFactories fields instead.

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • configauth: Adds NewDefault* functions for all the config structs. (#9821)
  • configtls: Adds NewDefault* functions for all the config structs. (#9658)
  • pmetric: Support metric.metadata in pdata/pmetric (#10006)

Images and binaries here:


22 Apr 20:32
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10 Apr 21:49
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End User Changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • service: emit internal collector metrics with _ instead of / with OTLP export (#9774)
    This is addressing an issue w/ the names of the metrics generated by the Collector for its
    internal metrics. Note that this change only impacts users that emit telemetry using OTLP, which
    is currently still in experimental support. The prometheus metrics already replaced / with _
    and they will do the same with _.

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • mdatagen: Adds unsupported platforms to the README header (#9794)
  • confmap: Clarify the use of embedded structs to make unmarshaling composable (#7101)
  • nopexporter: Promote the nopexporter to beta (#7316)
  • nopreceiver: Promote the nopreceiver to beta (#7316)
  • otlpexporter: Checks for port in the config validation for the otlpexporter (#9505)
  • service: Validate pipeline type against component types (#8007)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • configtls: Fix issue where IncludeSystemCACertsPool was not consistently used between ServerConfig and ClientConfig. (#9835)
  • component: Fix issue where the components command wasn't properly printing the component type. (#9856)
  • otelcol: Fix issue where the validate command wasn't properly printing valid component type. (#9866)
  • receiver/otlp: Fix bug where the otlp receiver did not properly respond with a retryable error code when possible for http (#9357)

Go API Changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • component: Restricts maximum length for component.Type to 63 characters. (#9872)
  • configgrpc: Remove deprecated ToServerContext, use ToServer instead. (#9836)
  • configgrpc: Remove deprecated SanitizedEndpoint. (#9836)
  • configtls: Remove Deprecated TLSSetting, TLSClientSetting, and TLSServerSetting. (#9786)
  • configtls: Rename TLSSetting to Config on ClientConfig and ServerConfig. (#9786)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • confighttp: Deprecate ToClient,ToListenerand ToServer use ToClientContext,ToListenerContext and ToServerContextinstead. (#9807)
  • configtls: Deprecate ClientConfig.LoadTLSConfig and ServerConfig.LoadTLSConfig, use ClientConfig.LoadTLSConfigContext and ServerConfig.LoadTLSConfigContext instead. (#9811)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • Introduce new module for generating pdata: pdata/testdata (#9886)

  • exporterhelper: Make the WithBatcher option available for regular exporter helpers based on OTLP data type. (#8122)
    Now, WithBatcher can be used with both regular exporter helper (e.g. NewTracesExporter) and the request-based exporter
    helper (e.g. NewTracesRequestExporter). The request-based exporter helpers require WithRequestBatchFuncs option
    providing batching functions.

  • confmap: Creates a logger in the confmap.ProviderSettings and uses it to log when there is a missing or blank environment variable referenced in config. For now the noop logger is used everywhere except tests. (#5615)

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10 Apr 21:49
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25 Mar 19:00
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End User Changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • telemetry: Remove telemetry.useOtelForInternalMetrics stable feature gate (#9752)

🚀 New components 🚀

  • exporter/nop: Add the nopexporter to serve as a placeholder exporter in a pipeline (#7316)
    This is primarily useful for starting the Collector with only extensions enabled
    or to test Collector pipeline throughput.

  • receiver/nop: Add the nopreceiver to serve as a placeholder receiver in a pipeline (#7316)
    This is primarily useful for starting the Collector with only extensions enabled.

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • configtls: Validates TLS min_version and max_version (#9475)
    Introduces Validate() method in TLSSetting.

  • configcompression: Mark module as Stable. (#9571)

  • cmd/mdatagen: Use go package name for the scope name by default and add an option to provide the scope name in metadata.yaml. (#9693)

  • cmd/mdatagen: Generate the lifecycle tests for components by default. (#9683)
    It's encouraged to have lifecycle tests for all components enadled, but they can be disabled if needed
    in metadata.yaml with skip_lifecycle: true and skip_shutdown: true under tests section.

  • cmd/mdatagen: optimize the mdatagen for the case like batchprocessor which use a common struct to implement consumer.Traces, consumer.Metrics, consumer.Logs in the meantime. (#9688)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • exporterhelper: Fix persistent queue size backup on reads. (#9740)
  • processor/batch: Prevent starting unnecessary goroutines. (#9739)
  • otlphttpexporter: prevent error on empty response body when content type is application/json (#9666)
  • confmap: confmap honors Unmarshal methods on config embedded structs. (#6671)
  • otelcol: Respect telemetry configuration when running as a Windows service (#5300)

Go API Changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • configgrpc: Remove deprecated ToServer function. (#9787)
  • confignet: Change Transport field from string to TransportType (#9385)
  • component: Change underlying type of component.Type to an opaque struct. (#9208)
  • obsreport: Remove deprecated obsreport/obsreporttest package. (#9724)
  • component: Remove deprecated error ErrNilNextConsumer (#9322)
  • connector: Remove LogsRouter, MetricsRouter and TracesRouter. Use LogsRouterAndConsumer, MetricsRouterAndConsumer, TracesRouterAndConsumer respectively instead. (#9095)
  • receiver: Remove deprecated struct ScraperControllerSettings and function NewDefaultScraperControllerSettings (#6767)
  • confmap: Remove deprecated provider.New methods, use NewWithSettings moving forward. (#9443)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • configgrpc: Deprecated ToServerContext, use ToServer instead. (#9787)
  • configgrpc: Deprecate SanitizedEndpoint (#9788)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • exporterhelper: Add experimental batching capabilities to the exporter helper (#8122)
  • confignet: Adds NewDefault* functions for all the config structs. (#9656)
  • configtls: Validates TLS min_version and max_version (#9475)
    Introduces Validate() method in TLSSetting.
  • exporterhelper: Invalid exporterhelper options now make the exporter creation error out instead of panicking. (#9717)
  • components: Give NoOp components a unique name (#9637)

Images and binaries here:


25 Mar 19:00
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04 Mar 14:07
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End User Changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • configgrpc: Remove deprecated GRPCClientSettings, GRPCServerSettings, and ServerConfig.ToListenerContext. (#9616)
  • confighttp: Remove deprecated HTTPClientSettings, NewDefaultHTTPClientSettings, and CORSSettings. (#9625)
  • confignet: Removes deprecated NetAddr and TCPAddr (#9614)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • configtls: Add include_system_ca_certs_pool to configtls, allowing to load system certs and additional custom certs. (#7774)
  • otelcol: Add ConfigProviderSettings to CollectorSettings (#4759)
    This allows passing a custom list of confmap.Providers to otelcol.NewCommand.
  • pdata: Update to OTLP v1.1.0 (#9587)
    Introduces Span and SpanLink flags.
  • confmap: Update mapstructure to use a maintained fork, (#9634)
    See mitchellh/mapstructure#349 for context.

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • configretry: Allow max_elapsed_time to be set to 0 for indefinite retries (#9641)
  • client: Make Metadata.Get thread safe (#9595)

API Changelog

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • configgrpc: Deprecates ToServer. Use ToServerContext instead. (#9624)
  • component: deprecate component.ErrNilNextConsumer (#9526)
  • configtls: Rename TLSClientSetting, TLSServerSetting, and TLSSetting based on the naming convention used in other config packages. (#9474)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • receivertest: add support for metrics in contract checker (#9551)


04 Mar 14:07
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