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Releases: open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation

Version 1.4.0

20 Jul 15:53
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This release requires the use of OpenTelemetry Java SDK 1.4.1.

Note that all artifacts other than io.opentelemetry.javaagent:opentelemetry-javaagent have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

☢️ Behavioral changes

  • Updated all instrumentation names to io.opentelemetry.{libName}-{libVersion} (#3411)
  • Updated RabbitMQ to follow semantic conventions (#3425)

🌟 New javaagent instrumentation

  • Jetty 9 HTTP client instrumentation (#3079)

🌟 New library instrumentation

  • Jetty 9 HTTP client instrumentation (#3079)
  • Jdbc instrumentation (#3367)

📈 Enhancements

  • Make @RabbitListener propagate context properly (#3339)
  • Add peer.service to grpc javaagent instrumentation (#3357)
  • Propagate context to cassandra4 callbacks (#3371)
  • Update Armeria instrumentation to support new Armeria 1.9.0 release (#3407)
  • Context propagation for ratpack Execution.fork() (#3416)

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Fix Kafka stream instrumentation to support Kafka 2.6 and above (#3438)
  • Fix Dubbo trace/span cross-process propagation (#3442)
  • Fix peer.service configuration mapping (#3378)

🧰 Tooling

  • Hide Config#create() method and use builder everywhere (#3338)
  • Ignore task classes using IgnoredTypesConfigurer (#3380)
  • Exclude bootstrap dependencies from inst (#3432)
  • Exclude duplicates from -all.jar (#3430)
  • Port AsyncSpanEndStrategy to Instrumenter API (#3262)
  • Rename opentelemetry-javaagent-api artifact to opentelemetry-javaagent-instrumentation-api (#3513)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 1.3.1

24 Jun 04:22
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This release requires the use of OpenTelemetry Java SDK 1.3.0. It is a patch release on the previous one fixing issues with the BOM, reactor-rabbitmq, and Spring JMS. If you do not use any of these, you do not need to update.

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Fix incorrect dependency in published BOM (#3376)
  • Fix UnsupportedOperationException with reactor-rabbitmq (#3381)
  • Fix Spring JMS not being instrumented (#3359)

Version 1.3.0

17 Jun 14:11
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This release requires the use of OpenTelemetry Java SDK 1.3.0.

Note that all artifacts other than io.opentelemetry.javaagent:opentelemetry-javaagent have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

🌟 New javaagent instrumentation

  • Spring Integration javaagent instrumentation (#3295)

🌟 New library instrumentation

  • Spring Integration library instrumentation (#3120)

📈 Enhancements

  • Support peer-service-mapping in OkHttp3 instrumentation (#3063)
  • Low cardinality span names for Hibernate spans (#3106)
  • Propagate context to armeria callbacks (#3108)
  • Add attributes to netty connection failure span (#3115)
  • Defer initialization of OpenTelemetry in spring-boot-autoconfigure (#3171)
  • Support couchbase 3.1.6 (#3194)
  • New experimental support for agent extensions (#2881, #3071, #3226, #3237)
  • Propagate context to akka http callbacks (#3263)

☢️ Behavioral changes

  • Update agent logger prefix (#3007)
  • Remove khttp instrumentation (#3087)
  • Enable akka actor instrumentation by default (#3173)

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Remove Netty instrumented handler wrapper when original handler is removed (#3026)
  • Fix memory leak when Netty handler is a lambda (#3059)
  • Fix race condition on Undertow (#2992)
  • Remove db.connection_string from redis instrumentation (#3094)
  • Fix context propagation leak in Akka instrumentation (#3099)
  • Fix webflux handler span sporadically not ending (#3150)
  • End span on cancellation of subscription to reactive publishers (#3153)
  • End span on cancellation of Guava future (#3175)
  • Create Netty connection failure span only when first operation fails (#3228)
  • Internal instrumentation should always be enabled by default (#3257)
  • Fix context propagation leak in Akka HTTP instrumentation (#3264)
  • Only include exporters in the -all jar (#3286)
  • Fix ForkJoinPool sometimes not instrumented (#3293)

🧰 Tooling

  • Migrate MuzzlePlugin to Java (#2996, #3017)
  • Refactor TypeInstrumentation#transformers() method (#3019)
  • Change a couple of Longs to Integers in Instrumenter API (#3043)
  • Add peer.service to Instrumenter API (#3050)
  • Add response type parameter to db attributes extractor (#3093)
  • Add optimized Attributes implementation for Instrumenter (#3136)
  • Rename ComponentInstaller to AgentListener and add #order() method (#3182)
  • Update ByteBuddy (#3254)
  • Introduce IgnoredTypesConfigurer SPI to enable defining per-module ignores (#3219)
  • Extract agent shadow configuration to conventions script (#3256)
  • Deprecate SpanExporterFactory in favor of ConfigurableSpanExporterProvider (#3299)
  • Refactor span names class (#3281)
  • Move http client/server testing dependencies to internal package (#3305)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 1.2.0

14 May 23:09
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This release requires the use of OpenTelemetry Java SDK 1.2.0.

Note that all artifacts other than io.opentelemetry.javaagent:opentelemetry-javaagent have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

🌟 New javaagent instrumentation

🌟 New library instrumentation

📈 Enhancements

  • Support sub-millisecond precision for start/end times on Java 9+ (#2600)
  • @WithSpan async support added for methods returning async Reactor 3.x types (#2714)
  • @WithSpan async support added for methods returning Guava ListenableFuture (#2811)
  • Semantic attributes code.namespace and code.function captured on JAX-RS internal spans (#2805)
  • Context propagated to reactor-netty callbacks (#2850)

☢️ Behavioral changes

  • AWS lambda flush timeout raised to 10 seconds (#2855)
  • SERVER span names improved for Spring MVC, Grails, Wicket, and Struts (#2814)
  • SERVER span names improved for Servlet filters (#2887)
  • SERVER span names improved for Resteasy (#2900)
  • SERVER span names improved for Jersey and CXF (#2919)
  • JAX-RS @ApplicationPath annotation captured as part of SERVER span name (#2824)
  • RequestDispatcher forward() and include() internal spans removed (#2816)
  • Raised gRPC min version supported to 1.6 in order to use new gRPC context bridge API (#2948)

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • gRPC context bridging issues (#2564, #2959)
  • URL credentials of the form no longer captured (#2707)
  • Spring MVC instrumentation can cause Spring MVC to misroute requests under some conditions (#2815)
  • RxJava2 NoSuchFieldError (#2836)
  • Duplicate http client tracing headers (#2842)
  • Netty 4.1 listeners could not be removed by application (#2851)
  • NPE caused in gRPC ProtoReflectionService (#2876)
  • Context leak when using Ratpack (#2910)
  • Context leak when using Jetty (#2920)
  • Servlet instrumentation overwrites setStatus that was set manually earlier (#2929)
  • Spans not captured on interface default methods annotated with JAX-RS annotations (#2930)

🧰 Tooling

  • Documented how to write InstrumentationModule line by line (#2793)
  • New instrumenter API used in JMS instrumentation (#2803)
  • Instrumenter API improvements (#2860)
  • Muzzle checks whether used fields are actually declared somewhere (#2870)
  • Extracted javaagent-extension-api from tooling & spi (#2879)
    • You no longer have to depend on the javaagent-tooling module to implement custom instrumentations: a new javaagent-extension-api module was introduced, containing all the necessary instrumentation classes and interfaces;
    • InstrumentationModule and TypeInstrumentation were moved to the io.opentelemetry.javaagent.extension.instrumentation package;
    • AgentElementMatchers, ClassLoaderMatcher and NameMatchers were moved to the io.opentelemetry.javaagent.extension.matcher package;
    • A new SPI AgentExtension was introduced: it replaces ByteBuddyAgentCustomizer;
    • InstrumentationModule#getOrder() was renamed to order();
    • InstrumentationModule#additionalHelperClassNames() has been removed; use isHelperClass(String) instead if you use the muzzle compile plugin. If you're not using muzzle, you can override getMuzzleHelperClassNames() directly instead;
    • InstrumentationModule#getAllHelperClassNames() has been removed; you can call getMuzzleHelperClassNames() to retrieve all helper class names instead.

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 1.1.0

14 Apr 12:37
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This release requires the use of OpenTelemetry Java SDK 1.1.0.

Note that all artifacts other than io.opentelemetry.javaagent:opentelemetry-javaagent have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

☢️ Behavioral changes

  • Update servlet attribute names for log injection, from traceId and spanId to trace_id and span_id (#2593)
  • Renamed runtime.jvm.gc.collection metric to runtime.jvm.gc.time (#2616)
  • Removed support for Play 2.3 (#2783)
  • Configuration properties names for our Spring Boot module were changed to match OpenTelemetry Java SDK properties (#2770)

🌟 New javaagent instrumentation

  • Elasticsearch 7 (#2514, #2528)
  • Couchbase 3.1 (#2524)
  • Grails (#2512)
  • RocketMQ (#2263)
  • Lettuce 6 (#2589)
  • Servlet 5 (#2609)
  • Vaadin web framework (#2619)
  • GWT (#2652)
  • Tapestry web framework (#2690)
  • @WithSpan support for methods returning CompletableFuture (#2530)
  • @WithSpan support for methods returning async RxJava 2 types (#2530)

🌟 New library instrumentation

  • Library instrumentation for AWS SDK v1 (#2525)
  • Library instrumentation for Lettuce 5.1 (#2533)
  • RocketMQ (#2263)
  • Lettuce 6 (#2589)
  • Spring Boot Autoconfigure support for @WithSpan methods returning CompletableFuture (#2618)
  • Spring Boot Autoconfigure support for @WithSpan methods returning async RxJava 2 types (#2530)
  • Mongo (#2789)

📈 Improvements

  • Move attributes to span builder for use by samplers (#2587)
  • Apache Camel - SNS propagation (#2562)
  • Apache Camel - S3 to SQS propagation (#2583)
  • Added runtime.jvm.gc.count metric (#2616)
  • Support reactor netty HttpClient.from construction (#2650)
  • Improve akka instrumentation (#2737)
  • Record internal metric for SQL cache misses (#2747)
  • End Netty 4.1 client and server spans when the response has completed, instead of when the response has started (#2641)
  • More stable context propagation for reactive Mongo client (#2758)

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Fix RestTemplateInterceptor so that it calls endExceptionally() on exception (#2516)
  • Fix app failure under Eclipse OSGi (#2521)
  • Fix undertow span ending too early (#2560)
  • Fix context leak in AWS SDK 2.2 and RocketMQ instrumentations (#2637)
  • Fix hang when a webflux http request is made inside of another webflux http request (e.g. auth filter) (#2646)
  • Fix @WithSpan instrumentation breaking Java 6 classes (#2699)
  • Fix context not propagated over JMS when explicit destination used (#2702)
  • Fix StackOverflowError if jdbc driver implementation of Connection getMetaData calls Statement execute (#2756)

🧰 Tooling

  • Make muzzle reference creation package(s) configurable (#2615)
  • Instrumentations now can skip defining context store manually (#2775)
  • New Instrumenter API (#2596)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 1.0.1

12 Mar 06:21
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This release requires the use of OpenTelemetry Java SDK 1.0.0.

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • AWS SDK v2 can be applied without a JSON-based service on the classpath (e.g., only S3 is available) #2555
  • AWS resource detectors fixed to not NPE

Version 1.0.0

05 Mar 23:56
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This release requires the use of OpenTelemetry Java SDK 1.0.0.

Note that all artifacts other than io.opentelemetry.javaagent:opentelemetry-javaagent have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

🌟 New instrumentation

  • OkHttp 3 library instrumentation #2489
  • AsyncHttpClient 2+ javaagent instrumentation #2348
  • JAX-WS frameworks javaagent instrumentation #2314
  • RxJava 2 javaagent instrumentation #2130

📈 Improvements

  • Low cardinality span names for servlet #2417
  • Low cardinality span names for Cassandra #2423
  • Low cardinality span names for Couchbase #2449
  • Document DB statement sanitization #2451
  • Update instrumentation names #2433
  • Enrich JDBC spans with db.operation and db.sql.table #2425
  • Add custom distro instrumentation unit test example #2373
  • Perf improvement by precompiling pattern and using char replacement #2374
  • Make http.flavor spec compliant #2370
  • DynamoDB attributes #2262
  • Make Netty span name spec compliant #2317

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Only set aws header attribute name once #2509
  • Use correct value for operation in aws-sdk v1 #2488
  • Use dynamic resolution of SQS to allow working without it #2421
  • Fix for kubernetes-client instrumentation not working #2416
  • Fix for log4j instrumentation breaking user's logger in 2.13.2 #2407
  • Fix VerifyError in HttpUrlConnectionInstrumentation #2380
  • Fix high concurrency test on later versions of Vert.x #2378
  • Better context passing for Netty #2323, #2361

🧰 Tooling

  • LOTS of improvements to the instrumentation-api tracers #2401, #2418, #2424, #2452, #2453, #2468, #2482, #2478, #2492
  • Add a caching API based on caffeine for use from instrumentation #2477
  • Fix gradle caching was not re-running some tests that needed to be re-run #2504
  • SNS to SQS tracing propagation test #2483
  • Use ClassValue instead of WeakMap to cache span name #2491
  • Move some classes out of instrumentation-api #2466
  • Fix flaky tests #2448, #2450
  • Create a new SupportabilityMetrics class rather than using alpha Metrics #2353
  • Use fetch-depth=0 for all non-release builds for consistent versioning #2392
  • Enable disabled tests for HttpUrlConnection #2382
  • Add OpenJ9 image smoke test configurations #2377, #2386
  • Only run smoke tests if requested #2385
  • Remove trivial uses of Guava from agent #2360
  • Migrate Armeria to HttpServer/ClientTest #2345
  • Remove HttpServerTest.testExceptionBody and redirectHasBody #2346

☢️ Breaking changes

  • Expose only minimal entrypoint for Armeria library instrumentation #2463
  • Refactor gRPC library instrumentation to expose minimal API #2474, #2510
  • Migrate AWS SDK v2 to new library API pattern #2487
  • Hide non-spec'd span attributes behind experimental flags #2376, #2402, #2434
  • Rename some properties #2455, #2457, #2486

🙇 Thank you

Many thanks to all the people who have contributed over the past few years! We couldn't have done without everyone's help.


Version 0.17.0

19 Feb 09:41
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This update requires the use of OpenTelemetry Java SDK 0.17.0 or 0.17.1. There are many breaking changes in the API so if you manually trace using the API, you should carefully go through the release notes to see what needs to be updated.

If you use library instrumentation, you will want to take advantage of our shiny new BOM that we now publish to manage versions of io.opentelemetry.instrumentation and io.opentelemetry at io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-instrumentation-bom-alpha:0.17.0-alpha. This means you do not want to use the SDK's BOM, io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom - our BOM includes a compatible version so you don't have to worry about it.

Note that all artifacts other than io.opentelemetry.javaagent:javaagent have had the -alpha suffix attached to their version number to reflect the fact that we plan on releasing the javaagent as a stable artifact next month - all other artifacts will still be alpha quality and have continuing breaking changes.

🌟 New instrumentation

  • RxJava2 instrumentation (library only for now) #2191
  • Apache HTTPClient 5 #2254
  • Runtime metrics for JVM enabled by javaagent #2311

📈 Improvements

  • Some extraneous libraries have been removed from the agent package #2238 #2251 #2288
  • The agent does not register an extraneous shutdown hook which is now managed by the SDK #2283
  • Context is propagated to apache httpclient async callback #2276
  • When agent debug is enabled, spans are also logged to standard out #2270
  • Possibly minor startup performance improvement by avoiding String.format #2309
  • Metric collected for when we suppress nested spans #2135
  • MongoDB span names follow specification #2307
  • More jetty handlers are instrumented #2320

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • AWS Lambda instrumentation will now propagate from HTTP headers if X-Ray is disabled #2222
  • Apache Camel instrumentation will not throw an NPE in app code when SQS propagation is not enabled #2250
  • Prometheus collector's required HTTP dependency is restored #2259
  • gRPC client instrumentation does not squash exceptions thrown in client message handlers #2294
  • App server context name is correctly set for managed app servers #2089
  • HttpUrlConnection exceptions correctly set status code #2272

🧰 Tooling

  • Smoke tests are faster by only starting shared containers once #2249
  • A license report of all dependencies bundled into the agent is now also bundled in #2239 #2261 #2278
  • Tracers now return context instead of spans #2232
  • Downstream instrumentation tests can now be written in java with junit5 using our new extensions #2241
  • In general, the testing framework now makes less assumptions and should support wider use cases, for example ClassRule #2265
  • Library instrumentation can now use HttpServerTest and HttpClientTest abstractions #2299
  • Less chance (no chance?) of deadlock in builds due to logging race conditions #2236
  • JDK does not need to be in the PATH to run the build #2322

☢️ Breaking changes

  • Logging injection now sets fields trace_id, span_id, and trace_flags, instead of traceId, spanId, and sampled
  • AWS Lambda instrumentation now requires an OpenTelemetrySdk to be provided for initialization of non-wrappers. Wrappers use opentelemetry-sdk-extension-autoconfigure similar to the javaagent. #2328

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 0.16.1

12 Feb 11:11
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This patch release contains a bug fix for a NPE in Apache Camel instrumentation - SQS context propagation (#2250).

For more details about what has changed since 0.15.1 see the release notes for version 0.16.0.

Version 0.16.0

10 Feb 08:08
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This update is compatible with the OpenTelemetry Java SDK 0.16.0. There are many breaking changes in the API so if you manually trace using the API, you should carefully go through the release notes to see what needs to be updated.

🌟 New instrumentation

📈 Improvements

  • Additional Cassandra span attributes captured #1314
  • Apache Camel SQS propagation #2102
  • Tracers support injection of OpenTelemetry instances #2233, #2197
  • Context is used more consistently in Tracer classes #2194
  • Major documentation re-org, no longer massive wall of text(!) #2226

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Broken traces from Netty Reactor instrumentation #2156, #2229 🤞

🧰 Tooling

☢️ Breaking changes

  • Some configuration properties have been updated to the latest specification
    • OTEL_TRACE_EXPORTER/otel.trace.exporter has been replaced with OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER/otel.traces.exporter
    • OTEL_TRACE_SAMPLER/otel.trace.sampler has been replaced with OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER/otel.traces.sampler
    • OTEL_TRACE_SAMPLER_ARG/otel.trace.sampler.arg has been replaced with OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_ARG/otel.traces.sampler.arg

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:
