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Releases: open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation

Version 0.15.1

05 Feb 14:47
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This patch release contains a bug fix fox SQS propagation in apache-camel instrumentation (#2102).

For more details about what has changed since 0.14.0 see release notes for version 0.15.0.

Version 0.15.0

02 Feb 06:46
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This update is compatible with the OpenTelemetry Java SDK 0.15.0. Most breaking changes are in the SDK so if you are using library instrumentation and the SDK directly, you may need to update code for initializing the SDK.

🌟 New instrumentation

📈 Improvements

  • Fix instrumentation of Jersey 2.30 #2071
  • The agent now uses the SDK autoconfiguration module for environment variables #2077
  • Servlet tracer names now reflect the version of the instrumentation library, e.g. servlet-2.0, servlet-3.0 #1979
  • JMS does not create spans when no messages are received #2091
  • SQL sanitization performance improved and now results are cached #2113 #2094
  • AWS SDK v1 instrumentation will now always use AWS trace propagator without configuring it globally #2117
  • AWS SDK v1 propagates SQS trace context #2114

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • The agent will work correctly with the latest version of Netty #2070
  • The agent will work correctly with the latest version of Apache Camel #2084
  • The agent will work correctly with the latest version of Spring Webflux #2100

🧰 Tooling

  • Tests for verifying behavior with Apache Camel and AWS SQS #2061
  • Netty instrumentation only attempts to be applied now if the classpath contains 4.0, or 4.1 respectively #2099
  • The default branch has been renamed to main #2118
  • Agent testing libraries are published for use in custom distributions #2133

☢️ Breaking changes

  • Jaeger thrift exporter has been removed from the default agent distribution. Splunk distribution still includes it. #2073
  • Instrumentation-specific flags for enabling SQL sanitization have been consolidated into one otel.instrumentation.db-statement-sanitizer.enabled
  • Many configuration properties have been updated to the latest specification
    • otel.exporter -> otel.trace.exporter / otel.metrics.exporter. The new variables only accept a single value
    • otel.exporter.otlp.endpoint now requires a scheme of http:// or https://. otel.exporter.otlp.insecure has been removed
    • otel.bsp.max.queue -> otel.bsp.max.queue.size
    • otel.bsp.max.export.batch -> otel.bsp.max.export.batch.size
    • otel.bsp.export.sampled has been removed. Only sampled spans are exported
    • otel.config.sampler.probability -> otel.trace.sampler=parentbased_traceidratio and otel.trace.sampler.arg=<probability>
    • otel.config.max.attrs -> otel.span.attribute.count.limit
    • -> otel.span.event.count.limit
    • otel.config.max.links ->

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 0.14.0

19 Jan 03:39
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This update is compatible with the OpenTelemetry Java SDK 0.14.1. Most breaking changes are in the SDK so if you are using library instrumentation and the SDK directly, you may need to update code for initializing the SDK.

🌟 New instrumentation

  • Spring batch chunks #1850
  • Spring batch partitioning #2034
  • App-server specific runtimes

📈 Improvements

  • Grizzy spans have exceptions added #1987
  • AWS Lambda flush timeout can be configured #1960
  • Context propagation for apache camel instrumentation #2042
  • Netty instrumentation adds exceptions #2027
  • Logging exporter outputs one span per line instead of combining a batch #2054
  • Lambda SQS users do not need to configure xray as their app propagators anymore #2056
  • Armeria instrumentation updated to target 1.3.0 which had breaking changes

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • External exporter JAR file is closed correctly during initialization #1970
  • Correctly propagate context in Jetty #1966
  • Correctly handle servlet2 response with unset status #1985
  • Agent logs its version at startup again #2026

🧰 Tooling

  • End-to-end benchmark for latency when using the agent #1935
  • Tests are now run with an actual javaagent instead of post-startup bytebuddy reinstantiation #1643
  • Automatic code security scanning enabled #1971
  • Jackson version updated #2040

☢️ Breaking changes

  • Armeria instrumentation does not support Armeria versions before 1.3.0

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 0.13.0

18 Dec 08:37
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This update is compatible with the OpenTelemetry Java SDK 0.13.1. Most breaking changes are in the SDK so if you are using library instrumentation and the SDK directly, you may need to update code for initializing the SDK.

🌟 New instrumentation

  • Context propagation for Spring SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor #1897
  • Spring batch jobs #1843
  • Tomcat server handlers for more precise instrumentation vs generic servlet #1902
  • OpenTelemetry baggage is now bridged and can be used in apps #1927

📈 Improvements

  • Jaeger Thrift exporter included in agent with the configuration value name jaeger-thrift #1868

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • AWS SDK Instrumentation helper injection works again #1876

🧰 Tooling

  • Fix smoke tests for liberty app container #1853
  • SPI resources injected by instrumentation now detected by muzzle #1918
  • Muzzle warnings correctly logged in tests #1930

☢️ Breaking changes

  • Attributes that are not part of the opentelemetry specification have been hidden behind opt-in flags. If there are any attributes that you think would be great for anyone, please file an issue on the spec repo for adding them natively.

Flag guards are per instrumentation

  • Hytrix: otel.instrumentation.hystrix.experimental-span-attributes
  • Kafka: otel.instrumentation.kafka.experimental-span-attributes
  • Spring Webflux: otel.instrumentation.spring-webflux.experimental-span-attributes
  • Spring WebMVC: otel.instrumentation.spring-webmvc.experimental-span-attributes

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 0.12.0

10 Dec 08:23
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This update is compatible with the OpenTelemetry Java SDK 0.12.0. Most breaking changes in its API are API-compatible if you recompile your app.

NB: The snapshots repository has been moved to Sonatype OSS (

🌟 New instrumentation

  • gRPC instrumentation has been updated to support the latest version #1839

📈 Improvements

  • Context is propagated even when there is no span in more locations #1802 #1810 #1811
  • WithSpan will not produce nested server or client spans anymore #1801
  • Standard Resource extensions for process and runtime are enabled automatically #1809
  • HTTP attributes are populated for AWS Lambda spans #1780
  • Additional FaaS spans are populated for AWS Lambda #1831

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • AWS SDK suppresses client spans, preventing authentication signature break #1837

🧰 Tooling

  • A new matrix of tests of various app servers has been added #1821
  • We now publish the instrumentation artifacts to Maven Central #1823

☢️ Breaking changes

  • servlet.context span attribute is not set anymore #1783

  • Some configuration properties have been renamed #1786

otel.instrumentation.executors.includeAll --> otel.instrumentation.executors.include-all
otel.hystrix.tags.enabled --> otel.instrumentation.hystrix.tags
otel.kafka.client.propagation.enabled --> otel.instrumentation.kafka.client-propagation
otel.instrumentation.defaultEnabled --> otel.instrumentation.default-enabled
  • Several custom attributes have been renamed to be prefixed by instrumentation name. If any of these seem interesting to formalize, let us know or go ahead and file a specification issue! #1784

Instrumentation affected: apache-camel, couchbase, grpc, jaxrs, kafka-clients, lettuce, rabbitmq, spring

  • Exporter packages use exporter instead of exporters in artifact name, e.g., opentelemetry-javaagent-exporter-zipkin

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 0.11.0

30 Nov 13:28
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This update is compatible with the OpenTelemetry Java SDK 0.11.0.

NB! That release contains A LOT OF breaking changes related to builders, please read its change log carefully!

🌟 New instrumentation

  • AWS Lambda Instrumentation of HTTP requests (e.g., API Gateway) #1650 #1536
  • http4k (hosted out of tree but please give it a try!) #1605
  • reactor-netty context propagation #1601
  • Struts 2 #1628
  • Runtime metrics (JVM metrics) moved from SDK repository #1720
  • RXJava (previously existed only in agent, now published as library) #1732

📈 Improvements

  • Anyone interested in the challenges of working with classloaders in Java agents can check out our design doc
  • JDBC span names now include the statement name, DB name, and DB table #1533
  • Many new SPIs to better configure the agent in restributions #1613
  • Servlet Filter instrumented directly instead of FilterChain #1606
  • Mongo command scrubber improvements #1663 #1662
  • System metrics instrumentation updated to follow new specification #1705
  • Baggage propagator enabled by default #1545
  • Anyone creating a custom distribution of the agent should check out the example #1621

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Muzzle configuration issue effecting Wildfly and JDBC instrumentation #1585 #1593
  • B3 multi propagation format can be configured with b3multi flag #1647
  • AWS SDK v2 instrumentation now applied to all clients, not just ones after the first one #1759
  • Context is propagated to requests from AWS SDK v2 / v1 #1763 #1771
  • Kotlin auto instrumentation updated to use context element, should have less issues (please file any issues if you run into them!) #1618

🧰 Tooling

  • Significant refactoring to instrumentation module setup introducing the InstrumentationModule interface #1528
  • Byte buddy version bumped to 1.10.18 (should fix issues with Weblogic Server) #1596
  • Gradle toolchains feature implemented to allow running tests on different JVMs without having to install them yourself #1627
  • We now use checkstyle to check for some code conventions (not formatting) of the Google style guide #1641
  • Muzzle now automatically generates injected helpers instead of being maintained manually #1714

☢️ Breaking changes

  • Several configuration options have been renamed
otel.trace.enabled --> otel.javaagent.enabled
otel.trace.debug --> otel.javaagent.debug
otel.trace.config --> otel.javaagent.config
otel.trace.runtime.context.field.injection --> otel.javaagent.runtime.context.field.injection
otel.instrumentations.enabled --> otel.instrumentations.default-enabled
otel.trace.classes.excludes --> otel.javaagent.exclude-classes

###🙇 Thank you
This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 0.10.1

10 Nov 18:53
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This update is compatible with the OpenTelemetry Java SDK 0.10.0.

NB! That release contains A LOT OF breaking changes, please read its change log carefully!

🌟 New instrumentation

📈 Improvements

  • Add SPI to configure additional bootstrap package prefixes (#1380)
  • Add operation and collection attributes for MongoDB spans (#1398)
  • Change Play framework span name (#1416)
  • Change JAX-RS span name (#1425)
  • Better support for parsing IPv6 JDBC urls (#1403)
  • Prevent NoSQL databases instrumentations from exposing sensitive information (#1405, #1427, #1455, #1462, #1441, #1509)
  • Instrumentation libraries names as reported by telemetry does not include instrumented library versions anymore (#1446)
  • LoggingExporter now uses the agent's logging framework instead of standard out (#1447)
  • Add context root to the front of the route in the span name (#1418)
  • Better selection of telemetry exporter (#1513)

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Fix span attribute for MongoDB (#1419 )
  • Fix HttpURLConnection instrumentation on WebLogic (#1439)
  • Proper scope handling for Resteasy instrumentations. (#1442)
  • Fix broken Armeria instrumentation (#1451)
  • Fix setting net.peer.* semantic attributes for Cassandra 4.+ (#1482)

☢️ Breaking changes

  • Change configuration properties for configuring exporters (#1399)
  • Change configuration properties for enabling/disabling individual instrumentations (#1412)

Version 0.10.0

09 Nov 02:58
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NB! This release contains several critical bugs and SHOULD NOT be used. Please use version 0.10.1

Version 0.9.0

16 Oct 00:19
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This update is compatible with the OpenTelemetry Java SDK 0.9.1

🌟 New instrumentation

  • AWS Lambda runtime #1192 and SQS #1210
  • gRPC instrumentation has been split so library instrumentation can be used without the javaagent #1329

📈 Improvements

  • Lettuce 5.1 no longer records password in span for AUTH command #1190
  • Context propagation fixes for Reactor instrumentation #1189
  • Resources can be injected into an app by auto instrumentation #1172
  • DynamoDB calls via AWS SDK v2 now have database semantic conventions filled #1191
  • Logging exporter now prints trace ID in addition to span ID #1246
  • otel.exporter can be set to otlp_span or otlp_metric to only enable the span or metric exporter #1253
  • Prometheus exporter is now supported #1262
  • Significant work consolidating tracing code to use Tracer abstraction instead of Decorator #1275
  • It is now possible to specify an ordering for instrumentations #1326
  • AWS Lambda instrumentation can parent the Lambda infrastructure span #1323
  • traceId/spanId MDC injection support documented #1339, #1347
  • Fancier README #1340
  • Better Context propagation for gRPC instrumentation #1343, #1383
  • Better Context propagation for Netty instrumentation #1348
  • Updated instrumentation that were only propagating Span to propagate Context #1350
  • Muzzle better detects incompatibility when abstract method added to super class #1357

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Logback auto instrumentation was not applied correctly due to an issue in bytecode manipulation #1208

☢️ Breaking changes

  • SPI interfaces for custom exporters and tracer customizers moved to io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.opentelemetry-javaagent-spi artifact, io.opentelemetry.javaagent.spi package #1187
  • Flag to exclude classes from instrumentation renamed from trace.classes.exclude to otel.trace.classes.exclude
  • Config revamped to allow binary repackaging to set default values for config #1243 and the API has been cleaned up #1286, #1254, #1286, #1310
  • Renamed auto to javaagent in module names #1370

⛓ Tooling

  • We now document our coverage of semantic conventions #1207, #1284, #1297
  • Error prone + nullaway have been configured and can be enabled module-by-module to provide correctness checks #1203
  • Support RestEasy 4.0 in unit tests #1082
  • Smoke test coverage of log context integration #1228
  • Muzzle now fails on unimplemented abstract methods #1193
  • Documentation on how to remote debug the javaagent #1263, #1296
  • Documentation on muzzle #1270, #1379
  • Span assertion names now match the OTel span method names #1307
  • Removed need for AgentSpecification #1291
  • Muzzle is now run as part of GitHub Actions #1324
  • Spotbugs errors fixed and check enabled on CI #1325
  • Flaky JMS 1.x tests moved to testcontainers #1327
  • Work towards migrating fully to GitHub Actions #1333, #1334

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:

Version 0.8.0

10 Sep 08:59
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This update is compatible with the OpenTelemetry Java SDK 0.8.0

🌟 New instrumentation

While not new instrumentation, we've also added documentation for our Spring instrumentation - give it a try and let us know how we can improve it! #1035 #1110

📈 Improvements

  • Significant work consolidating tracing code to use Tracer abstraction instead of Decorator #893 #918 #922 #1148
  • Thread information is logged into span attributes #1093
  • More coverage of messaging attributes for JMS #963 #1179
  • Jedis now has net.peer mapped correctly #1158
  • Removed redundant instrumentation of UrlConnection #1059
  • Metric exporter is now enabled by default #1098
  • Version of the Java agent is now populated in Resource #1112
  • Many optimizations to our framework / various instrumentations #1107

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • WithSpan works again after fixing compatibility with the SDK #929
  • ClassCastException not thrown when accessing TracerSDK directly #931
  • OpenTracing shim correctly propagates headers (baggage is still not supported) #947 #974
  • ClassCastException not thrown on recent Jetty versions #1156
  • null can be set by instrumentations using InstrumentationContext even when the context is backed by a map #1177
  • Kotlin coroutines have context propagated correctly #1168
  • Spring Web MVC spans have correct name even if there is an authentication failure #1122
  • Servlet 3.1+ containers do not throw exceptions #1167

☢️ Breaking changes

  • io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-sdk-extension-auto-config used by exporter modules has been replaced by If you maintain a custom exporter, please migrate to this new module to continue to be recognized by the agent.
    • We will probably be renaming this module again in the next version, sorry for the churn!
  • Java agent binary and modules are now published at
  • package moved to io.opentelemetry.javaagent. This affects any command line parameters too

⛓ Tooling

  • Reworked tests against latest dependencies of libraries to be flagged by a property, reducing load during local development #977
  • Added Gradle remote caching to improve build times on GitHub actions and locally #982
  • Smoke tests reworked to run well on both CI and locally #934
  • Migrated test runner to JUnit5 from JUnit4 #770
  • You should now see far fewer flaky builds as we have automatic retry of all tests due to the flaky nature of some of the libraries we use #908

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests: