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Releases: pepstock-org/Charba

Version 6.5

10 Feb 15:28
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6.5 is the last stable release.

API JavaDoc:
Showcase GWT:
Showcase J2CL:


  • import CHART.JS version v4.4.1.
  • import CHART.JS GEO controller version v4.2.8.
  • import LUXON datetime library version v3.4.4.

Fixed Bugs

  • #91: remove storing of internal label on doughnut because useless and the label drawing is invoked after chart drawing. Thanks @AHijner.


  • change dependency for Apache Ivy, version 2.5.2.
  • change dependency for Google Closure Compiler, version v20231112.

Version 6.4

31 May 10:37
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6.4 is the last stable release.

API JavaDoc:

Breaking changes

  • remove isDisplay method from PointLabels options and RadialPointLabels configuration classes. Use getDisplay instead, to get the display policy.


  • import CHART.JS version v4.3.0.
  • import CHART.JS GEO controller version v4.2.0.
  • import CHART.JS ANNOTATION plugin version v3.0.1.
  • enable Window.requestAnimationFrame.
  • enable position of cartesian axes by a relation to another axis, by AxisPositionItem class.


  • change dependency for Google Closure Compiler, version v20230502.

Version 6.3

03 Apr 10:36
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6.3 is the last stable release.

API JavaDoc:

Breaking changes

  • remove AnimationCollectionKey. Use Key instead.
  • remove AnimationPropertyKey. Use Key instead.
  • rename has method to contains in Animations options and configuration classes and UpdateConfiguration class.
  • rename remove method to delete in Animations options and configuration classes and UpdateConfiguration class.
  • rename TransitionKey class to TransitionMode one.
  • rename DefaultTransitionKey class to DefaultTransitionMode one.
  • remove Font class from annotation plugin package in favor to IsFont interface.
  • move FontsCallback interface from treemap package to the callbacks (common) ones.
  • move ColorsCallback interface from treemap package to the callbacks (common) ones.


  • import CHART.JS ANNOTATION plugin version v2.2.1.
  • import CHART.JS ZOOM plugin version v2.0.1.
  • import LUXON datetime library version v3.3.0.
  • add Animations options and configuration to annotation plugin.
  • enable curve line annotation, adding curve and controlPoint options to annotation plugin.
  • add imageOpacity option to label and inner label annotations configuration.
  • enable multiple fonts on the label and inner label annotations configuration for multiple lines content.
  • enable multiple colors on the label and inner label annotations configuration for multiple lines content.
  • add beforeDraw and afterDraw hook options to all annotations configuration.
  • add init option to all annotations configuration in order to define the init animation of the annotation elements.
  • add interpolator option to AnimationCollection class in order to enable a custom interpolation during the animation.
  • enable DatasetItemsSelector plugin to X axes in reverse and/or stacked mode.
  • add fillArea option to chart background color plugin in order to color everything excluding the chart area.


  • change dependency for Google Closure Compiler, version v20230228.
  • remove dependency from GWT DEV package.

Version 6.2

03 Mar 13:01
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6.2 is the last stable release.

API JavaDoc:

Breaking changes

  • rename InteractionMode enumeration to DefaultInteractionMode.
  • rename InteractionItem enumeration to InteractionOptions.
  • change the generic type from Date to Object for MinMaxCallback instance on time and time series axes. In this way the callback can return also a Number (i.e. a double) as epoch.


  • import CHART.JS version v4.2.1.
  • add Fill.SHAPE item to the filling options.
  • add FillBaseline class to enable the baseline on axis for filling.
  • add FillColors class to enable different colors above and below the baseline.
  • add interpolate methods to Helpers class to enable the values interpolation for numbers, colors and booleans.
  • add register method to GlobalPlugin class to inject and register CHART.JS plugins not included in this library.
  • add group option to CrosshairOptions class by Crosshair plugin to enable crosshairs on linked chart instances.
  • enable the capabilities to create and use custom interaction mode. All classes needed for that are available in new package org.pepstock.charba.client.interaction.
  • add getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas method to the chart classes to get all dataset items in the order that they are drawn on the canvas that are not hidden.

Fixed Bugs

  • #87: remove check, which tested if the epoch must be greater than 1, when dates are managed. Thanks @Speykious.
  • #88: add register method to GlobalPlugin class to inject and register CHART.JS plugins not included in this library. Thanks @Speykious.
  • #89: change the generic type from Date to Object for MinMaxCallback instance on time and time series axes. In this way the callback can return also a Number (i.e. a double) as epoch. Thanks @Speykious.


  • change dependency for Google Closure Compiler, version v20230206.

Version 6.1

06 Feb 11:39
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6.1 is the last stable release.

API JavaDoc:


  • import CHART.JS version v4.2.0.
  • import CHART.JS GEO controller version v4.1.2.
  • import CHART.JS MATRIX controller version v2.0.1.
  • import CHART.JS TREEMAP controller version v2.3.0.
  • import CHART.JS ANNOTATION plugin version v2.1.2.
  • import CHART.JS LUXON adapter version v1.3.1.
  • import LUXON datetime library version v3.2.1.
  • add Visibility enumeration with values for visibility CSS style option.
  • add isPluginEnabled method to the chart classes.
  • add format method to the time scale item classes.
  • add fit item to Overflow enumeration for treemap charts.
  • add sumKeys option to the treemap datasets.

Fixed Bugs

  • Alert #2: importing LUXON datetime library version v3.2.1, the alert is solved.


  • change dependency for Google Closure Compiler, version v20230103.

Version 6.0

27 Dec 14:13
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6.0 is the last stable release.

API JavaDoc:

Breaking changes

  • remove stepSize option from Time configuration and options class. Use stepSize option in the Ticks configuration and options.
  • remove drawBorder option from Grid configuration and options. Use display option in the border object in the axes or scales configuration.
  • remove borderWidth option from Grid configuration and options. Use width option in the border object in the axes or scales configuration.
  • remove borderColor option from Grid configuration and options. Use color option in the border object in the axes or scales configuration.
  • remove borderDash option from Grid configuration and options. Use dash option in the border object in the axes or scales configuration.
  • remove borderDashOffset option from Grid configuration and options. Use dashOffset option in the border object in the axes or scales configuration.
  • change z option default value of Grid options from 0 to -1.


  • import CHART.JS version 4.1.1.
  • import CHART.JS TREEMAP controller version v2.2.0.
  • import CHART.JS GEO controller version v4.1.0.
  • import CHART.JS DATALABELS plugin version v2.2.0.
  • import CHART.JS GRADIENT plugin version v0.6.1.
  • add autoColors option to the configuration of the chart and to global options in order to enable colors plugin.
  • add autoColorsForceOverride option to the configuration of the chart and to global options in order to force to use colors plugin.
  • add border object option to axes or scales configuration in order to manage the options for the border that run perpendicular to the axis.
  • add borderRadius and useBorderRadius options to LegendLabels configuration and options classes.
  • add enabledClearByEscape option to DatasetsItemsSelectorOptions plugin configuration in order to enable or disable the selection clearing pressing Escape key.
  • enable the change of maximum value at runtime in the Meter and Gauge datasets.
  • add FALSE item to PointStyle enumeration.
  • add getLabelItems method to ScaleItem.


  • change Apache Software License header in source code as defined.
  • add NOTICE file, defined for Apache Software License adoption.
  • add all javascript bundled resources with the dependency's license within the distribution and a short note summarizing its licensing defined for Apache Software License adoption.
  • move LICENSE and NOTICE files to META-INF folder in all distribution files.

Version 5.8

01 Dec 13:08
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5.8 is the last stable release.

API JavaDoc:

Breaking changes

  • remove color and font callbacks from treemap labels. Use ColorsCallback and FontsCallback instead, in order to return a list of colors and fonts.


  • import CHART.JS TREEMAP controller version v2.1.3.
  • import CHART.JS MATRIX controller version v1.3.0.
  • import CHART.JS SANKEY controller version v0.12.0.
  • import CHART.JS ANNOTATION plugin version v2.1.0.
  • import CHART.JS ZOOM plugin version v2.0.0.
  • import CHART.JS LUXON adapter version v1.3.0.
  • import LUXON datetime library version v3.1.1.
  • enable Zoom plugin use for sankey and treemap charts.
  • enable Annotation plugin use for matrix charts.
  • add treeLeafKey and borderRadius option to TreeMapDataset class.
  • add overflow option to TreeMapDataset labels class.
  • change color and hoverColor options in TreeMapDataset labels class in order to enable to set different colors on multiple lines labels.
  • change font and hoverFont options in TreeMapDataset labels class in order to enable to set different fonts on multiple lines labels.
  • enable events option to be set by a Set of objects in the chart, legend and tooltip configuration.
  • enable label option to ellipse annotation configuration.
  • enable caption option to the label of line annotation configuration.
  • add scaleMode option to the zoom plugin configuration.
  • add drawTime option to Drag option of the zoom plugin configuration.
  • add zoomRect methods to zoom programmatically in the zoom plugin.


  • change dependency for Google Closure Compiler, version v20221102.

Version 5.7

24 Oct 12:05
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5.7 is the last stable release.

API JavaDoc:

Breaking changes

  • remove StackedOptions class, going to specific chart options, StackedLineOptions and StackedBarOptions classes, in order to expose all configuration options.


  • import CHART.JS MATRIX controller version v1.2.0.
  • import CHART.JS GEO controller version v3.10.0.
  • import CHART.JS SANKEY controller version v0.11.0.
  • import LUXON datetime library version v3.0.4.
  • add hoverColorFrom and hoverColorTo options to SankeyDataset and SankeyElementOptions classes.
  • add StackedHorizontalBarChart and StackedVerticalLineChart classes.

Fixed Bugs

  • #77 with event refactoring, the Datasets items selector plugin cannot selected an area by APIs.
  • #79 StackedBarChart and StackedLineChart didn't manage horizontal and vertical drawing. StackedHorizontalBarChart and StackedVerticalLineChart classes added. Thanks @Anschke


  • change dependency for Google Closure Compiler, version v20221004.

Version 5.6

20 Sep 16:33
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5.6 is the last stable release.

API JavaDoc:

Breaking changes

  • DOM events refactoring.
    • rename org.pepstock.charba.client.enums.Event enumeration to org.pepstock.charba.client.enums.DefaultEvent.
    • remove org.pepstock.charba.client.dom.BaseNativeEvent class. Use or its subclasses in package instead.
    • remove org.pepstock.charba.client.dom.BaseEventTypes class. Use event types enumerations in in org.pepstock.charba.client.dom.enums package instead.
    • move Touch and TouchList classes from org.pepstock.charba.client.dom to one.
    • toast utility will use class for its actions.
  • rename getDatasetElement method to getElement in AbstractDatasetContext class.
  • rename DatasetElement class to ChartElement.
    • the chart elements are typed based on the data type of the chart controller.
  • rename DatasetElementOptions class to ChartElementOptions.
    • the chart elements options are typed based on the data type of the chart controller.
  • rename ChoroplethBar class to GeoFeatureElement
  • remove ChoroplethElement class, accessible by the options elements node. Use chart.getOptions().getElements().getElement(GeoFeatureElementOptions.FACTORY) to get the GEO feature element options, by GeoFeatureElementOptions class.
  • remove BubbleMapPoint class. Use Point element class instead to configure bubble map points.


  • import CHART.JS GEO controller version v3.9.0.
  • import CHART.JS SANKEY controller version v0.9.1.
  • import CHART.JS ANNOTATION plugin version v2.0.1.
  • import CHART.JS GRADIENT plugin version v0.5.1.
  • import LUXON datetime library version v3.0.3.
  • DOM events refactoring.
    • enable custom event types to define to CHART.JS options by IsEvent interface, on top of the default ones.
    • create specific classes to map DOM events in package:
      • NativeBaseEvent to map the Event javascript class.
      • NativeUIEvent to map the UIEvent javascript class.
      • NativeMouseEvent to map the MouseEvent javascript class.
      • NativeTouchEvent to map the TouchEvent javascript class.
      • NativePointerEvent to map the PointerEvent javascript class.
      • NativeKeyboardEvent to map the KeyboardEvent javascript class.
      • NativeCustomEvent to map the CustomEvent javascript class.
    • enable events creation by own event initialization configuration.
  • add base option to Bar element options and configuration class.
  • add specific data element and own options based to dataElementType property of CHART.JS controller, in the DatasetReference, DatasetItem and AbstractDatasetContext classes.
    • ArcElement and ArcElementOptions classes for controllers which are using arcs to draw the chart.
    • BarElement and BarElementOptions classes for controllers which are using bars to draw the chart.
    • PointElement and PointElementOptions classes for controllers which are using points to draw the chart.
    • MatrixElement and MatrixElementOptions classes for matrix charts.
    • TreeMapElement and TreeMapElementOptions classes for treemap charts.
    • SankeyElement and SankeyElementOptions classes for sankey charts.
    • GeoFeatureElement and GeoFeatureElementOptions classes for GEO choropeth charts.
  • add GeoFeatureElementOptions configuration element to BubbleMap chart.
  • add register method to charts, where the controller type is not a CHART.JS out-of-the-box ones, in order to register then and act on the options if needed before instantiating a chart instance.
    • applied to matrix, sankey, treemap, choropleth, bubblemap, gauge and meter charts.
  • add options element factories to matrix, sankey, treemap, choropleth and bubblemap charts in order to manage defaults options once for all chart instances in the application.
  • enable Datalabels plugin use for matrix and treemap charts.


  • change dependency for Google Closure Compiler, version v20220905.

Version 5.5

08 Aug 12:31
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5.5 is the last stable release.

API JavaDoc:

Breaking changes

  • change default value of xScaleID and yScaleID options to null, in the Annotation plugin.
  • remove DoubleClickCallback class because dblclick event handler is not supported in the Annotation plugin anymore.
  • remove LabelElement class because is not supported in the Annotation plugin anymore. Use AnnotationElement.getLabel().getOptions() instead.
  • enable annotation event handlers (EnterCallback, LeaveCallback, ClickCallback) to indicate chart should be re-drawn.


  • import CHART.JS version v3.9.1.
  • import CHART.JS GEO controller version v3.8.1.
  • import CHART.JS ANNOTATION plugin version v2.0.0.
  • import CHART.JS DATALABELS plugin version v2.1.0.
  • import CHART.JS LUXON adapter version v1.2.0.
  • add pointStyleWidth option to LegendLabels options and configuration classes.
  • add center option to GeoDataPoint configuration class.
  • enable annotation event handlers (EnterCallback, LeaveCallback, ClickCallback) to indicate chart should be re-drawn.
  • add set methods to AnnotationElement class in order to enable the change of annotation dimension at runtime.
  • add z option to all annotations options classes.
  • add interaction option to AnnotationOptions configuration class.
  • enable the management of annotation types defaults stored as elements.
  • add borderDash option as scriptable option in Grid configuration.
  • add BorderSkipped.TRUE item in order to skip all borders for bars drawing.
  • add circular option to Arc element options and configuration and to PolarAreaDataset classes.


  • built and tested on GWT Web toolkit, version 2.10.0.
  • change dependency for Google Closure Compiler, version v20220719.
  • remove dependency from Google Closure Stylesheets because the project is not maintained anymore.