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"flutter_m3_score" simplifies theme management by providing effortless switching between light, dark, or custom themes. This feature allows you to create visually striking apps with ease.


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📦 flutter_m3_core 📦

  • Simplifies theme management by providing effortless switching between light, dark, or custom themes. This feature allows you to create visually striking apps with ease.

  • The package seamlessly integrates Material 3 components into your app's UI, enabling you to build sleek and intuitive interfaces. This integration ensures a seamless user experience that aligns with the latest design standards.

  • With customization options, you can easily tailor the appearance and behavior of Material 3 components to match your app's unique requirements. This level of customization guarantees a cohesive and consistent user experience, enhancing the overall quality of your app.

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đź’Š Installation

Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:

      ref: 1.0.1

đź’» Import in your project

import 'package:flutter_m3_core/m3_theme_core.dart';

👨‍💻 Usage M3 Theme

  1. Wrap your material app like this to use dark theme and light theme out of the box.
  • m3BaseColors : Input yor base color you need to use in your app
  • automationDayNight [true/false] default is false. If you want your app auto change theme mode by Time Of Day. Let's set is true
  • saveBaseColor [true/false] default is false. If you want to keep theme color user picker. Let's set is true
class App extends StatelessWidget {
  final m3BaseColors = const Color(0xFF6750A4);
  const App({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return M3ThemeProvider(
        m3ThemeManager: M3ThemeManager(m3BaseColors: m3BaseColors ,automationDayNight: true, saveBaseColor:true ),
        m3Builder: (context, themeData, darkTheme, themeMode) => MaterialApp(
            title: 'Flutter M3 Core',
            theme: themeData,
            debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
            darkTheme: darkTheme,
            themeMode: themeMode,
            home: const MyApp()));
  1. Toggle and get the current theme
  • You can toggle theme
  • You can get current theme mode [ThemeMode]
  1. Change base color
  • User can select favorite color. After selected your app theme will compatible with new color
  1. This package already handle to check device size. We have four size [mobile,tablet,desktop,web]
  • Wrap this into widget need to check
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return const M3ViewLayout(
      mobile: MobileView(),
      tablet: TabletView(),
      desktop: DesktopView(),

👨‍💻 Material 3 Components

  • This package have many components principle with Material 3 design like Buttons,CheckBox,Slider,Typography,Progress,DatePicker....
  • Let's try it

1. M3 Text


M3Text.displayLarge, M3Text.displayMedium, M3Text.displaySmall, M3Text.headlineLarge,
M3Text.headlineMedium, M3Text.headlineSmall, M3Text.titleLarge, M3Text.titleMedium,
M3Text.titleSmall, M3Text.labelLarge, M3Text.labelMedium, M3Text.labelSmall,
M3Text.bodyLarge, M3Text.bodyMedium, M3Text.bodySmall
  • text (required): A string representing the text to be displayed.
  • textAlign (optional): An enum value representing the horizontal alignment of the text. It defaults to
  • fontWeight (optional): A FontWeight enum value representing the weight of the font used to display the text. It defaults to FontWeight.normal.
  • color (optional): A Color value representing the color of the text. It defaults to the color defined in the M3TextStyle enum for the specific style of the M3Text widget.
  • maxLines (optional): An integer representing the maximum number of lines to be displayed. If not specified, it defaults to displaying all available lines.
  • overflow (optional): An enum value representing how to handle overflow when the text exceeds the available space. It defaults to TextOverflow.clip.
  • isFlexible (optional): A boolean value indicating whether the text should be able to wrap to multiple lines if necessary. It defaults to true.


To use the M3Text widget, simply create an instance with the desired typography style and provide the necessary parameters. For example:

    text: 'Welcome',
Light Dark

2. M3 Buttons


  • M3Button

    M3Button, M3Button.filled, M3Button.filledTonal,
    M3Button.filledTertiary, M3Button.outline, M3Button.text
    • text: A string that represents the text displayed on the button. Either text or child must not be null.
    • child: A widget that represents the child element displayed on the button. Either text or child must not be null.
    • onPressed: A callback function that is called when the button is pressed.
    • backgroundColor: A Color object that determines the background color of the button.
    • foregroundColor: A Color object that determines the text and icon color of the button.
    • fixedSize: A Size object that determines the size of the button. It can be used to create fixed-size buttons. If not specified, the button will adjust to its content.
  • M3ButtonWithIcon

    M3ButtonWithIcon, M3ButtonWithIcon.filled
    M3ButtonWithIcon.filledTonal, M3ButtonWithIcon.outline
    • text: A required String parameter that specifies the text to be displayed on the button.
    • icon: A required IconData parameter that specifies the icon to be displayed on the button.
    • onPressed: An optional VoidCallback parameter that specifies the function to be called when the button is pressed.
    • backgroundColor: An optional Color parameter that specifies the background color of the button.
    • foregroundColor: An optional Color parameter that specifies the text and icon color of the button.
    • fixedSize: An optional Size parameter that specifies the fixed size of the button.
    • reverseIcon: An optional bool parameter that specifies whether the icon should be reversed (i.e. displayed on the right instead of the left).
  • M3ErrorButton

    M3ErrorButton, M3ErrorButton.filled
    M3ErrorButton.filledTonal, M3ErrorButton.outline
    • text (optional): A String representing the button's label text.
    • child (optional): A Widget that can be used instead of text to define the button's child widget.
    • onPressed (optional): A VoidCallback that is called when the button is pressed.
    • backgroundColor (optional): A Color that defines the background color of the button.
    • foregroundColor (optional): A Color that defines the text color of the button.
    • fixedSize (optional): A Size that defines the fixed size of the button.
    • isFlexible (optional): A bool that defines whether the button can be resized to fit its parent widget.
  • M3IconButton

    M3IconButton, M3IconButton.filled
    M3IconButton.filledTonal, M3IconButton.outline
    • icon (required): parameter of type IconData, representing the icon to be displayed in the button.
    • onPressed (optional): parameter of type VoidCallback, representing the function to be called when the button is pressed.


  • M3 Button

      text: 'Click me',
      onPressed: () {
        // Handle button press
  • M3ButtonWithIcon

      text: 'Submit',
      icon: Icons.check,
      onPressed: () {
        // Handle button press
  • M3ErrorButton

      text: 'This is error button',
      onPressed: () {
        // Handle button press
  • M3IconButton

          icon: Icons.add,
          onPressed: () {
            // Handle button press
Light Dark

3. M3 Badge


  • key (optional): An identifier for the widget. Use it to provide a key to this widget if necessary.
  • child (optional): The child widget to display within the badge. Either child or iconData must be provided.
  • count (required): The count value to display within the badge.
  • iconData (optional): The icon data to display within the badge. Either child or iconData must be provided.


  • Displaying a badge with a child widget:

      count: 10,
      child: Text('New'),
  • Displaying a badge with an icon:

      count: 5,
      iconData: Icons.notifications,
Light Dark

4. M3 CheckBox


  • key (optional): An identifier for the widget. Use it to provide a key to this widget if necessary.
  • value (required): The current value of the checkbox.
  • onChanged (optional): A callback function that is called when the checkbox value is changed by the user. It takes a single argument of type bool that represents the new value of the checkbox.
  • isError (optional): A flag indicating whether the checkbox should be displayed in an error state.
  • tristate (optional): A flag indicating whether the checkbox should support a third indeterminate state.


  • Basic usage:

        value: true,
        onChanged: (newValue) {
        // Handle the checkbox value change here
  • Checkbox with error state:

        value: false,
        isError: true,
        onChanged: (newValue) {
        // Handle the checkbox value change here
  • Checkbox with tristate support:

        value: null,
        tristate: true,
        onChanged: (newValue) {
        // Handle the checkbox value change here
Light Dark

5. M3 Chips


  • M3InputChip

    M3InputChip, M3InputChip.filled, M3InputChip.filledTonal
    M3FilterChip, M3FilterChip.filled, M3FilterChip.filledTonal
    • leading (optional): A widget to display as the leading icon in the chip.
    • deleteIcon (optional): A widget to display as the delete icon in the chip.
    • onDeleted (optional): A callback function that is called when the delete icon is pressed. Use it to handle chip deletion.
    • onPressed (optional): A callback function that is called when the chip is pressed. Use it to handle chip press events.
    • isEnable (optional): A flag indicating whether the chip is enabled or disabled. Disabled chips cannot be interacted with.
    • backgroundColor (optional): The background color of the chip.
    • foregroundColor (optional): The foreground color of the chip, which affects the text and icon colors.
  • M3FilterChip

    M3FilterChip, M3FilterChip.filled, M3FilterChip.filledTonal
    • text: the text label to display inside the chip
    • selected: a boolean value indicating whether the chip is currently selected or not
    • onSelected: a callback function that is called when the chip is selected or unselected
    • isEnabled: a boolean value indicating whether the chip is enabled or not
    • backgroundColor: the background color of the chip
    • foregroundColor: the foreground (text) color of the chip
    • leadingIcon: an optional icon to display at the beginning of the chip label


  • M3InputChip:

        text: 'M3InputChip',
        onPressed: () {
  • M3FilterChip:

        text: 'M3FilterChip',
        selected: true,
        onPressed: () {
    Light Dark

6. M3 Dialogs


  • M3Dialog.showBasicDialog

    • context: A required parameter of type BuildContext that represents the build context of the widget tree.
    • title: An optional parameter of type String that represents the title of the dialog.
    • content: An optional parameter of type String that represents the content of the dialog.
    • actions: An optional parameter of type List that represents the actions that can be performed in the dialog.
    • child: An optional parameter of type Widget that represents the child widget of the dialog.
  • M3Dialog.showIconsDialog

    • icon: A required parameter of type IconData that represents the icon to be displayed in the dialog.
    • context: A required parameter of type BuildContext that represents the build context of the widget tree.
    • title: An optional parameter of type String that represents the title of the dialog.
    • content: An optional parameter of type String that represents the content of the dialog.
    • actions: An optional parameter of type List that represents the actions that can be performed in the dialog.
    • child: An optional parameter of type Widget that represents the child widget of the dialog.


  • M3 Basic Dialog:

        context: context,
        title: DialogPalette.title,
        content: DialogPalette.content,
        actions: actions,
  • M3 Dialog With Icon:

        context: context,
        title: DialogPalette.title,
        content: DialogPalette.content,
        actions: actions,
        icon: Icons.info_outline_rounded,
Light Dark

7. M3 Floating Action Button


M3FloatingActionButton.surface(), M3FloatingActionButton.primary()
M3FloatingActionButton.secondary(), M3FloatingActionButton.tertiary()
  • iconData: The icon to display on the button.
  • label: The label to display on the button (only available for M3FabSize.extended).
  • onPressed: The callback function to be called when the button is pressed.
  • m3FabSize: The size of the button (M3FabSize.small, M3FabSize.normal, M3FabSize.large, or M3FabSize.extended).


  • A small floating action button with a surface background color:

      onPressed: () {},
      iconData: Icons.add,
      m3FabSize: M3FabSize.small,
  • A normal floating action button with a primary background color and a label:

      onPressed: () {},
      iconData: Icons.add,
      label: 'Add',
  • A large floating action button with a secondary background color:

      onPressed: () {},
      iconData: Icons.edit,
      m3FabSize: M3FabSize.large,
  • An extended floating action button with a tertiary background color and a label:

      onPressed: () {},
      iconData: Icons.share,
      label: 'Share',
      m3FabSize: M3FabSize.extended,
Light Dark

8. M3 DatePicker


  • M3DatePicker.showModalDatePicker

      onDateSelected: (DateTime selectedDate) {
        // Handle the selected date
    • ctx (required): The BuildContext of the current widget.
    • onDateSelected(required): A function that will be called when a date is selected.
    • initialDate(required): The initial date to display in the date picker.
    • firstDate (optional): The earliest date that can be selected.
    • lastDate (optional): The latest date that can be selected.
    • helpText (optional): The text to display as the help text at the top of the date picker.
    • cancelText (optional): The text to display for the cancel button.
    • confirmText (optional): The text to display for the confirm button.
    • locale (optional): The locale used to format the date picker's text and labels.
    • errorFormatText (optional): The error message to display when the input date is not in the expected format.
    • errorInvalidText (optional): The error message to display when the selected date is invalid.
    • fieldHintText (optional): The hint text to display in the date picker's input field.
    • fieldLabelText (optional): The label text to display for the date picker's input field.
    • use24HourDials (optional): Whether to use a 24-hour format for the time picker.
    • initialEntryMode (optional): The initial entry mode of the date picker.
    • initialDatePickerMode (optional): The initial display mode of the date picker.
  • M3DatePicker.showModalDateRangePicker

      onDateSelected: (DateTimeRange selectedDateRange) {
      // Handle the selected date range
      initialDateRange: DateTimeRange(
        end: 7)),
    • ctx (required): The BuildContext of the current widget.
    • onDateSelected (required): A function that will be called when a date range is selected.
    • initialDateRange (optional): The initial date range to display in the date range picker.
    • initialEntryMode (optional): The initial entry mode of the date range picker.
    • helpText (optional): The text to display as the help text at the top of the date range picker.
    • cancelText (optional): The text to display for the cancel button.
    • confirmText (optional): The text to display for the confirm button.
    • saveText (optional): The text to display for the save button.
    • errorFormatText (optional): The error message to display when the input date range is not in the expected format.
    • errorInvalidText (optional): The error message to display when the selected date range is invalid.
    • errorInvalidRangeText (optional): The error message to display when the selected date range is not within the allowed range.
    • fieldStartHintText (optional): The hint text to display in the start date field of the date range picker.
    • fieldEndHintText (optional): The hint text to display in the end date field of the date range picker.
    • fieldStartLabelText (optional): The label text to display for the start date field of the date range picker.
    • fieldEndLabelText (optional): The label text to display for the end date field of the date range picker.
    • firstDate (optional): The earliest date that can be selected.
    • lastDate (optional): The latest date that can be selected.
    • use24HourDials (optional): Whether to use a 24-hour format for the time picker.
  • M3DatePicker.showModalTimePicker

      onDateSelected: (DateTime selectedTime) {
      // Handle the selected time
    • ctx (required): The BuildContext of the current widget.
    • onDateSelected (required): A function that will be called when a time is selected.
    • initialTime (required): The initial time to display in the time picker.
    • cancelText (optional): The text to display for the cancel button.
    • confirmText (optional): The text to display for the confirm button.
    • helpText (optional): The text to display as the help text at the top of the time picker.
    • errorInvalidText (optional): The error message to display when the selected time is invalid.
    • hourLabelText (optional): The label text to display for the hour input field in the time picker.
    • use24HourDials (optional): Whether to use a 24-hour format for the time picker.
    • initialEntryMode (optional): The initial entry mode of the time picker.
    • minuteLabelText (optional): The label text to display for the minute input field in the time picker.


  • Day Picker Calendar Only:

    final result = await M3DatePicker.showModalDatePicker(context,
      initialEntryMode: DatePickerEntryMode.calendarOnly,
      onDateSelected: _onChangeDateTime,
      initialDate: dateTime);
      if (result != null) {
  • M3 Picker Input Only:

    final result = await M3DatePicker.showModalDatePicker(context,
      initialEntryMode: DatePickerEntryMode.inputOnly,
      use24HourDials: use24HourFormat,
      onDateSelected: _onChangeDateTime,
      initialDate: dateTime);
      if (result != null) {
  • M3 Time Picker Dial:

    final result = await M3DatePicker.showModalTimePicker(context,
      use24HourDials: use24HourFormat,
      initialTime: TimeOfDay(
      hour: dateTime.hour, minute: dateTime.minute),
      onDateSelected: _onChangeDateTime);
      if (result != null) {
        final newDateTime = DateTime(dateTime.year, dateTime.month,, result.hour, result.minute);
  • M3 Time Picker Input:

    final result = await M3DatePicker.showModalTimePicker(
      initialEntryMode: TimePickerEntryMode.inputOnly,
      use24HourDials: use24HourFormat,
      initialTime: TimeOfDay(
        hour: dateTime.hour, minute: dateTime.minute),
      onDateSelected: _onChangeDateTime);
      if (result != null) {
        final newDateTime = DateTime(dateTime.year, dateTime.month,, result.hour, result.minute);
Light Dark

9. M3 ProgressIndicator


  • M3LinearProgressIndicator

    • value (optional): The progress value (between 0.0 and 1.0). Defaults to 0.0.
    • backgroundColor (optional): The background color of the progress indicator. Defaults to null.
    • color (optional): The color of the progress indicator. Defaults to null.
    • enable (optional): Set to true to enable the progress indicator (default), or false to disable it.
    • valueColor (optional): The color of the progress indicator's value. Defaults to null.
    • minHeight (optional): The minimum height of the progress indicator. Defaults to null.
    • semanticsLabel (optional): The semantic label of the progress indicator for accessibility. Defaults to null.
    • semanticsValue (optional): The semantic value of the progress indicator for accessibility. Defaults to null.
    • borderRadius (optional): The border radius of the progress indicator. Defaults to null.
  • M3CircularProgressIndicator

    • enable (optional): Set to true to enable the progress indicator (default), or false to disable it.
    • value (optional): The progress value (between 0.0 and 1.0). Defaults to 0.0.
    • backgroundColor (optional): The background color of the progress indicator. Defaults to null.
    • color (optional): The color of the progress indicator. Defaults to null.
    • valueColor (optional): The color of the progress indicator's value. Defaults to null.
    • strokeWidth (optional): The stroke width of the progress indicator. Defaults to null.
    • semanticsLabel (optional): The semantic label of the progress indicator for accessibility. Defaults to null.
    • semanticsValue (optional): The semantic value of the progress indicator for accessibility. Defaults to null.
    • strokeCap (optional): The stroke cap of the progress indicator. Defaults to null.
  • M3CircularProgressIndicatorAdaptive

    • enable (optional): Set to true to enable the progress indicator (default), or false to disable it.
    • key (optional): Controls the widget's identity.
    • value (optional): The progress value (between 0.0 and 1.0). Defaults to 0.0.
    • backgroundColor (optional): The background color of the progress indicator. Defaults to null.
    • color (optional): The color of the progress indicator. Defaults to null.
    • valueColor (optional): The color of the progress indicator's value. Defaults to null.
    • strokeWidth (optional): The stroke width of the progress indicator. Defaults to null.
    • semanticsLabel (optional): The semantic label of the progress indicator for accessibility. Defaults to null.
    • semanticsValue (optional): The semantic value of the progress indicator for accessibility. Defaults to null.
    • strokeCap (optional): The stroke cap of the progress indicator. Defaults to null.
Light Dark

10. M3 Slider


  • M3LinearProgressIndicator

    • value: The current value of the slider.
    • min: The minimum value of the slider.
    • max: The maximum value of the slider.
    • onChanged: A callback function that is called when the value of the slider changes.


  value: value, // The current value of the slider
  min: 0.0, // The minimum value of the slider
  max: 1.0, // The maximum value of the slider
  onChanged: (double value) {
    // Callback function to handle value changes
    // Update the value and perform any desired actions
  // Additional customization properties
Light Dark

11. M3 Switch


  • M3LinearProgressIndicator

    • key (optional): Controls the widget's identity.
    • value: The current value of the switch.
    • onChanged: A callback function that is called when the value of the switch changes. The function should take a bool parameter representing the new value.
    • selectedIcon (optional): The icon to display when the switch is in the selected state.
    • normalIcon (optional): The icon to display when the switch is in the normal state


  value: value, // The current value of the switch
  onChanged: (bool value) {
  // Callback function to handle value changes
  // Update the value and perform any desired actions
  // Additional customization properties
Light Dark

12. M3 Input


  • controller (optional): The TextEditingController for the input field.
  • enabled (optional): Whether the input field is enabled or disabled. If not provided, it defaults to true.
  • disableBackground (optional): Whether to disable the background of the input field. If true, the background will be transparent. If not provided, it defaults to false.
  • labelText (optional): The label text for the input field.
  • filled (optional): Whether to display a filled background for the input field. If not provided, it defaults to false.
  • supportingText (optional): Additional supporting text for the input field.
  • prefixWidget (optional): A widget to display as a prefix for the input field.
  • suffixWidget (optional): A widget to display as a suffix for the input field.
  • prefixIconData (optional): The icon data for the prefix icon.
  • suffixIconData (optional): The icon data for the suffix icon.
  • errorText (optional): The error text to display for the input field.


  • M3Input

      controller: TextEditingController(text: 'Input'),
      labelText: 'Label',
      supportingText: 'Supporting Text',
  • M3Input.outline

          controller: TextEditingController(text: 'Input'),
          labelText: 'Label',
          supportingText: 'Supporting Text',
Light Dark

12. Segmented

Light Dark

12. Snack Bar

Light Dark


"flutter_m3_score" simplifies theme management by providing effortless switching between light, dark, or custom themes. This feature allows you to create visually striking apps with ease.








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