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Releases: sandialabs/PyRIID

PyRIID v2.0.0

03 Aug 23:36
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What's Changed

  • Development was moved to GitHub.
  • Supported Python versions, operating systems, and dependencies have been upgraded. Thank you to Aislinn Handley.
  • The structure of DataFrames in SampleSet, as well as methods contained within, were significantly changed, eliminating things that are no longer used and introducing new features.
  • Information present in saved models was expanded. Thank you to Aislinn Handley.
  • Static synthesis was reworked to provide better ground truth tracking for both single- and multi-isotope (i.e., mixture) spectra. Thank you to Paul Thelen for providing category mappings.
  • Static synthesis now returns net, background, and gross spectra.
  • Neutron synthesis, which was part of static synthesis, was removed (possibly returning in a future release).
  • Mixture synthesis was removed from static synthesis and implemented as a preliminary step of "seed mixing" which produces seeds you pass to a static synthesizer. Thank you to @alanjvano
  • Expanded tests for regression checking throughout the package, notably as it applies to getting labels and predictions.
  • Initial implementation of a Multi-Event Classifier. Thank you to Nathan Price.
  • Modification of MlpClassifier to support source spectra concatenated with background spectra as input. Thank you to Nathan Price.
  • Basic seed synthesis utilizing GADRAS Inject was introduced.
  • Added an anomaly detection algorithm for use on sequences of spectra.
  • Added visualizations and metrics were added. Thank you @tylerganter.
  • Added methods for describing and comparing SampleSets. Thank you to @anbusto and @lcross-sandia.
  • TensorFlow implementation of Poisson-Bayes classifier refactored. Thank you to @lcross-sandia.
  • Added methods for limited adding and subtracting of SampleSets.
  • A semi-supervised neural network approach using sparsemax activation and providing out-of-distribution detection was added based on @alanjvano's thesis work (
  • Expanded unit testing (and coverage), most notably for visualize module. Thank you to @anbusto
  • Examples and linting checks added to GitHub Actions workflows. Thank you to @anbusto and @alanjvano

Moving forward, with development having moved to GitHub, changes will be more easily enumerated here and more detailed credit will be given to authors.
Thank you again to everyone who contributed to this release; see the pyproject.toml for all authors.

Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v2.0.0

PyRIID v1.0.2 - PassbySynthesizer Hotfix

23 Nov 18:14
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This release contains the following change:

  • PassbySynthesizer now looks at the proper property to check for the presence of a background seed.

Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2

PyRIID v1.0.1 - SampleSet Hotfixes

22 Nov 22:11
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This release contains the following changes:

  • Limits the h5py dependency version to < 3.0.0
  • Adds support to load some newer .smpl files
  • Changes the way the Python version is checked

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1

PyRIID v1.0.0 - Initial Release

07 Jul 22:14
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Set up for PyPi deployment.