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This is based on a data challenge from the Michigan Data Science Team (MDST). The Michigan Data Science Team (MDST) and the Michigan Student Symposium for Interdisciplinary Statistical Sciences (MSSISS) have partnered with the City of Detroit to help solve one of the most pressing problems facing Detroit - blight. Blight violations are issued by…


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Predicting Property Maintenance Fines

This is based on a data challenge from the Michigan Data Science Team (MDST).

The Michigan Data Science Team (MDST) and the Michigan Student Symposium for Interdisciplinary Statistical Sciences (MSSISS) have partnered with the City of Detroit to help solve one of the most pressing problems facing Detroit - blight. Blight violations are issued by the city to individuals who allow their properties to remain in a deteriorated condition. Every year, the city of Detroit issues millions of dollars in fines to residents and every year, many of these fines remain unpaid. Enforcing unpaid blight fines is a costly and tedious process, so the city wants to know: how can we increase blight ticket compliance?

The first step in answering this question is understanding when and why a resident might fail to comply with a blight ticket. This is where predictive modeling comes in. For this assignment, your task is to predict whether a given blight ticket will be paid on time.

All data for this assignment has been provided to us through the Detroit Open Data Portal. Nonetheless, we encourage you to look into data from other Detroit datasets to help inform feature creation and model selection. We recommend taking a look at the following related datasets:

We provide you with two data files for use in training and validating your models: train.csv and test.csv. Each row in these two files corresponds to a single blight ticket, and includes information about when, why, and to whom each ticket was issued. The target variable is compliance, which is True if the ticket was paid early, on time, or within one month of the hearing data, False if the ticket was paid after the hearing date or not at all, and Null if the violator was found not responsible. Compliance, as well as a handful of other variables that will not be available at test-time, are only included in train.csv.

Note: All tickets where the violators were found not responsible are not considered during evaluation. They are included in the training set as an additional source of data for visualization, and to enable unsupervised and semi-supervised approaches. However, they are not included in the test set.

File descriptions (Use only this data for training your model!)

train.csv - the training set (all tickets issued 2004-2011)
test.csv - the test set (all tickets issued 2012-2016)
addresses.csv & latlons.csv - mapping from ticket id to addresses, and from addresses to lat/lon coordinates. 
 Note: misspelled addresses may be incorrectly geolocated.

Data fields

train.csv & test.csv

ticket_id - unique identifier for tickets
agency_name - Agency that issued the ticket
inspector_name - Name of inspector that issued the ticket
violator_name - Name of the person/organization that the ticket was issued to
violation_street_number, violation_street_name, violation_zip_code - Address where the violation occurred
mailing_address_str_number, mailing_address_str_name, city, state, zip_code, non_us_str_code, country - Mailing address of the violator
ticket_issued_date - Date and time the ticket was issued
hearing_date - Date and time the violator's hearing was scheduled
violation_code, violation_description - Type of violation
disposition - Judgment and judgement type
fine_amount - Violation fine amount, excluding fees
admin_fee - $20 fee assigned to responsible judgments

state_fee - $10 fee assigned to responsible judgments late_fee - 10% fee assigned to responsible judgments discount_amount - discount applied, if any clean_up_cost - DPW clean-up or graffiti removal cost judgment_amount - Sum of all fines and fees grafitti_status - Flag for graffiti violations

train.csv only

payment_amount - Amount paid, if any
payment_date - Date payment was made, if it was received
payment_status - Current payment status as of Feb 1 2017
balance_due - Fines and fees still owed
collection_status - Flag for payments in collections
compliance [target variable for prediction] 
 Null = Not responsible
 0 = Responsible, non-compliant
 1 = Responsible, compliant
compliance_detail - More information on why each ticket was marked compliant or non-compliant


Your predictions will be given as the probability that the corresponding blight ticket will be paid on time.

The evaluation metric for this assignment is the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC). ___

For this assignment, create a function that trains a model to predict blight ticket compliance in Detroit using train.csv. Using this model, return a series of length 61001 with the data being the probability that each corresponding ticket from test.csv will be paid, and the index being the ticket_id.


   284932    0.531842
   285362    0.401958
   285361    0.105928
   285338    0.018572
   376499    0.208567
   376500    0.818759
   369851    0.018528
   Name: compliance, dtype: float32

A Quick Summary

Using Python, the data was imported and then processed using several techniques. For instance:

Specific features were dropped due to either data leakage or inconsistencies
Violation address was converted to the respected lat/lon coordinate pairs
Categorical data was 'one-hot-encoded' with a defined frequency threshold
Feature engineering was performed on two datetime features by taking the day difference
Models were trained with the roc_auc scoring, as opposed to just accuracy (allow for skewedness in data!)
Two classifier algorithms were fitted, Gradient Boosting and Logistic Regression
'Some' fine tuning was applied to increase the auc score

Gradient Boosting performed the best, with a 'fine-tuned' score on a 5-fold CV of 0.8057 (rounded). To summarize:

Gradient Boosting Roc_Auc Score = 0.805666
Logistic Regression Roc_Auc Score = 0.787156

Import the data

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier  #GB algorithm
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression # LR algorithm
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, GridSearchCV # Additional scklearn functions
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, accuracy_score, roc_curve, auc # Scoring metrics to be used

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from matplotlib.pylab import rcParams
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 12, 4
%matplotlib notebook

After importing the libraries, we can read in the data. Note that the dataframes for address.csv and latlons.csv are merged on the ticket_id with the train dataframe. We will use the lat/lon data as a replacement for the violation street name and street number (note that the violation zip code was dropped from the set as the majority is NaN).

## Read in data
dtypes = {'ticket_issued_date': 'str', 'hearing_date': 'str'} # set known date labels to strings for conversion to dt
parse_dates = ['ticket_issued_date', 'hearing_date'] # create list of date labels

df_train = pd.read_csv('train.csv',encoding = "ISO-8859-1", 
                        dtype = dtypes, parse_dates = parse_dates) # Read in train.csv
df_test = pd.read_csv('test.csv',encoding = "ISO-8859-1", 
                       dtype = dtypes, parse_dates = parse_dates) # Read in test.csv

# Let's import addresses and accompanying lat/lons and merge on address
df_address = pd.read_csv('addresses.csv', encoding = "ISO-8859-1") # Read in addresses.csv (locations of violations in Detroit)
df_latlons = pd.read_csv('latlons.csv', encoding = "ISO-8859-1") # Lat/lons of violation locactions
df_id_latlons = pd.merge(df_address, df_latlons, how='inner', on='address') # Merge the address and lat/lons on ticket_id

# Drop address label now that it's merged
df_id_latlons.drop('address', axis = 1, inplace = True)
C:\Users\Michael\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\ DtypeWarning: Columns (11,12,31) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
  interactivity=interactivity, compiler=compiler, result=result)

Drop obvious labels

Any labels that appear to cause either data leakage, inconsistency, or have a majoirty of NaN's are removed from the dataset. Furthermore, we will also drop sampels corresponding to a target value of NaN (blight offenders that were found not responsible).

## Drop data labels that should not be used in analysis
#1 Get labels that are inconsistent with test
inconsistent_labels = ['payment_date', 'payment_status', 'collection_status', 
               'compliance_detail', 'balance_due', 'payment_amount']

#2 Get data leakage labels
data_leak_labels = ['violator_name', 'inspector_name']

#3 Get NaN's labels (col's with majority of NaN's)
NaN_labels = (df_train.isnull().sum() / len(df_train)) <= 0.50
maj_NaN_labels = NaN_labels[NaN_labels==False].index.tolist()

#4 Combine labels and drop from train
labels_to_remove = []
labels_to_remove.extend(inconsistent_labels + data_leak_labels + maj_NaN_labels)
df_train.drop(labels_to_remove, axis=1, 
        inplace = True)

#5 Remove NaN's from compliance label (just keep targets)
compliance_to_keep = df_train.compliance.notnull()
df_train = df_train.loc[compliance_to_keep, :]

After performing steps 1-5 above, the labels that remain in the training set are as such:


Note that before steps 1-5 were taken, we had:

violation_street_number, violation_street_name, violation_zip_code
mailing_address_str_number, mailing_address_str_name, city, state, zip_code, non_us_str_code, country
violation_code, violation_description 

Moving forward, we now have only 22 labels, as opposed to the original 33 (excluding compliance, our target label). Note that the removal fo the 11 labels was due to the preprocessing of the data in steps 1-5 above.

Process the data

To begin, we will remove any remaining labels that we do not want to include in the analysis. We chose the mailing location of the violator to not be included:

['mailing_address_str_number', 'mailing_address_str_name', 
              'city', 'state', 'zip_code', 'country']

It is possible that this data can indeed have a positive impact of the AUC train score, but it is assumed that this data can vary too greatly in the test set (and future test sets), and thus our model will not be generalized well enough. However, it is worth considering and should be included in the model when feature engineering becomes a must.

Secondly, we will replace the violation street name / number with the corresponding lat/lon and fill the lat/lon NaN's with the most frequent value.

Third, we'll splice out the columns that are purely objects, and call our own Categories function to convert said columns into categories, specify a frequency threshold, and bucket categories below the threshold as 'unknown'.

Finally, we'll call get_dummies to complete our one-hot-encoding process of the object data. Note that each label was carefully examined to ensure that one-hot-encoding was the best approach to categorize the data. We noted that each object label were strings that were not sorted. If any object was indeed a sorted label (e.g. (low, medium, high), then we would have simply called the method and not the function get_dummies.

## Process data
#1 Drop remaining address columns
labels_address = ['mailing_address_str_number', 'mailing_address_str_name', 
                  'city', 'state', 'zip_code', 'country']
df_train.drop(labels_address, axis = 1, 
        inplace = True)

#2 Let's merge violation street name / number with corresponding lat/lons
# and fill na's with most frequent of each column
df_id_latlons = df_id_latlons.apply(lambda x:x.fillna(x.value_counts().index[0]))
df_train = pd.merge(df_train, df_id_latlons, how='inner', on='ticket_id')
df_train.drop(['violation_street_number', 'violation_street_name'], axis = 1, 
              inplace = True)

#3 Get labels of objects for one-hot encoding
col_obj = df_train.dtypes[df_train.dtypes == 'object'].index.tolist()

# Convert object data into categories (fill less than threshold with 'unknown' cat)
def Categories(series):
    threshold = 100 # frequency of categories
    unknown_cat = '<unknown>' # name of additional 'unknown' category
    for series in series:
        count = df_train[series].value_counts()
        categories_to_keep = count[count > threshold].index.tolist()
        df_train[series] = pd.Categorical(df_train[series], 
                categories = categories_to_keep, ordered=True)
        df_train[series] = df_train[series].cat.add_categories(unknown_cat).fillna(unknown_cat)

Categories(col_obj) # Update dataframe with categorical data

#4 Call get_dummies
df_train = pd.get_dummies(df_train, columns = col_obj) # One hot encoding

It's worth noting here that the threshold of categorical frequency was taken 100. This was a design choice and has obvious consequences on the test score. Simply reducing the threshold to allow for categories that have less than 100 appearances will lead to basically empty feature sets when get_dummies is called. Therefore, this will only add computational time and resources, all for a score that won't see much change.

However, one must take note on the number of categories present in the feature. If the majority are equal or approximate to the threshold, then the threshold should either not be used at all, or altered. The idea is to take the majority of the categories that are in the feature, and bin the remaining categories into one 'unknown' category.

Feature Engineering

Next, we will engineer a new feature by taking the difference between ticket_issued_date and the hearing_date. We update the new label with the difference in days. Furthermore, we perform a last check on any columns that contain NaN, and fill those NaN's with the respected mean value of the column.

Note that we find the columns that contain NaN's to speed up the fillna() process (as opposed to calculating the mean for every column).

## Feature engineering
# Remove the two date labels, and engineer a new feature.
# This feature will simply be the time between the hearing data and the 
# issue ticket date.
col_date = ['hearing_date', 'ticket_issued_date']
df_train['hearing_issued_date_diff'] = (df_train[col_date[0]]
        - df_train[col_date[1]]).dt.days
df_train.drop(col_date, axis=1, 
        inplace = True)

NaN_in_labels = df_train.columns[df_train.isnull().any()].tolist()
df_train.fillna(df_train[NaN_in_labels].mean(), inplace=True)
        ticket_id  fine_amount  admin_fee  state_fee  late_fee  \
0           22056        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
1           27586        750.0       20.0       10.0      75.0   
2           22046        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
3           18738        750.0       20.0       10.0      75.0   
4           18735        100.0       20.0       10.0      10.0   
5           18733        100.0       20.0       10.0      10.0   
6           28204        750.0       20.0       10.0      75.0   
7           18743        750.0       20.0       10.0      75.0   
8           18741        750.0       20.0       10.0      75.0   
9           18978        750.0       20.0       10.0      75.0   
10          18746        100.0       20.0       10.0      10.0   
11          18744        100.0       20.0       10.0      10.0   
12          26846        750.0       20.0       10.0      75.0   
13          26848        750.0       20.0       10.0      75.0   
14          28209        750.0       20.0       10.0      75.0   
15          19950        100.0       20.0       10.0       0.0   
16          18645        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
17          18651        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
18          18649        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
19          18664        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
20          18646        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
21          18661        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
22          18657        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
23          18652        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
24          18665        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
25          18650        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
26          18653        250.0       20.0       10.0       0.0   
27          18658        250.0       20.0       10.0       0.0   
28          18666        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
29          18655        250.0       20.0       10.0       0.0   
...           ...          ...        ...        ...       ...   
159850     268081        750.0       20.0       10.0      75.0   
159851     267964        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
159852     267966        250.0       20.0       10.0       0.0   
159853     267974        500.0       20.0       10.0      50.0   
159854     267985        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
159855     267970        250.0       20.0       10.0      25.0   
159856     284870       1000.0       20.0       10.0     100.0   
159857     284873       1000.0       20.0       10.0     100.0   
159858     284871       1000.0       20.0       10.0     100.0   
159859     284875        100.0       20.0       10.0      10.0   
159860     284874        100.0       20.0       10.0      10.0   
159861     285091         50.0       20.0       10.0       5.0   
159862     285508          0.0       20.0       10.0       0.0   
159863     285093         50.0       20.0       10.0       5.0   
159864     285095         50.0       20.0       10.0       5.0   
159865     285121         50.0       20.0       10.0       5.0   
159866     285122         50.0       20.0       10.0       5.0   
159867     285120         50.0       20.0       10.0       5.0   
159868     285123         50.0       20.0       10.0       5.0   
159869     285092         50.0       20.0       10.0       5.0   
159870     285094         50.0       20.0       10.0       5.0   
159871     285096       1000.0       20.0       10.0     100.0   
159872     285036         50.0       20.0       10.0       5.0   
159873     285037        100.0       20.0       10.0      10.0   
159874     285034        500.0       20.0       10.0      50.0   
159875     285106        200.0       20.0       10.0      20.0   
159876     284650       1000.0       20.0       10.0     100.0   
159877     285125        500.0       20.0       10.0      50.0   
159878     284881        200.0       20.0       10.0       0.0   
159879     284333        200.0       20.0       10.0      20.0   

        discount_amount  clean_up_cost  judgment_amount  compliance  \
0                   0.0            0.0            305.0         0.0   
1                   0.0            0.0            855.0         1.0   
2                   0.0            0.0            305.0         0.0   
3                   0.0            0.0            855.0         0.0   
4                   0.0            0.0            140.0         0.0   
5                   0.0            0.0            140.0         0.0   
6                   0.0            0.0            855.0         0.0   
7                   0.0            0.0            855.0         0.0   
8                   0.0            0.0            855.0         0.0   
9                   0.0            0.0            855.0         0.0   
10                  0.0            0.0            140.0         1.0   
11                  0.0            0.0            140.0         1.0   
12                  0.0            0.0            855.0         0.0   
13                  0.0            0.0            855.0         0.0   
14                  0.0            0.0            855.0         0.0   
15                  0.0            0.0            130.0         0.0   
16                  0.0            0.0            305.0         0.0   
17                  0.0            0.0            305.0         0.0   
18                  0.0            0.0            305.0         0.0   
19                  0.0            0.0            305.0         0.0   
20                  0.0            0.0            305.0         0.0   
21                  0.0            0.0            305.0         0.0   
22                  0.0            0.0            305.0         1.0   
23                  0.0            0.0            305.0         0.0   
24                  0.0            0.0            305.0         0.0   
25                  0.0            0.0            305.0         0.0   
26                 25.0            0.0            280.0         1.0   
27                  0.0            0.0            280.0         0.0   
28                  0.0            0.0            305.0         0.0   
29                 25.0            0.0            280.0         1.0   
...                 ...            ...              ...         ...   
159850              0.0            0.0            855.0         0.0   
159851              0.0            0.0            305.0         0.0   
159852              0.0            0.0            280.0         0.0   
159853              0.0            0.0            580.0         0.0   
159854              0.0            0.0            305.0         0.0   
159855              0.0            0.0            305.0         0.0   
159856              0.0            0.0           1130.0         0.0   
159857              0.0            0.0           1130.0         0.0   
159858              0.0            0.0           1130.0         0.0   
159859              0.0            0.0            140.0         0.0   
159860              0.0            0.0            140.0         0.0   
159861              0.0            0.0             85.0         0.0   
159862              0.0            0.0              0.0         1.0   
159863              0.0            0.0             85.0         0.0   
159864              0.0            0.0             85.0         0.0   
159865              0.0            0.0             85.0         0.0   
159866              0.0            0.0             85.0         0.0   
159867              0.0            0.0             85.0         0.0   
159868              0.0            0.0             85.0         0.0   
159869              0.0            0.0             85.0         0.0   
159870              0.0            0.0             85.0         0.0   
159871              0.0            0.0           1130.0         0.0   
159872              0.0            0.0             85.0         0.0   
159873              0.0            0.0            140.0         0.0   
159874              0.0            0.0            580.0         0.0   
159875              0.0            0.0            250.0         0.0   
159876              0.0            0.0           1130.0         0.0   
159877              0.0            0.0            580.0         0.0   
159878              0.0            0.0            230.0         1.0   
159879              0.0            0.0            250.0         0.0   

              lat            ...             \
0       42.390729            ...              
1       42.326937            ...              
2       42.145257            ...              
3       42.433466            ...              
4       42.388641            ...              
5       42.388641            ...              
6       42.435773            ...              
7       42.395765            ...              
8       42.440190            ...              
9       42.399222            ...              
10      42.360836            ...              
11      42.360836            ...              
12      42.341729            ...              
13      42.341620            ...              
14      42.435592            ...              
15      42.385741            ...              
16      42.383385            ...              
17      42.389290            ...              
18      42.393440            ...              
19      42.335224            ...              
20      42.383422            ...              
21      42.335128            ...              
22      42.388282            ...              
23      42.374155            ...              
24      42.335913            ...              
25      42.389689            ...              
26      42.339391            ...              
27      42.371792            ...              
28      42.335846            ...              
29      42.382392            ...              
...           ...            ...              
159850  42.357540            ...              
159851  42.385938            ...              
159852  42.369046            ...              
159853  42.368735            ...              
159854  42.368735            ...              
159855  42.368735            ...              
159856  42.424312            ...              
159857  42.439131            ...              
159858  42.439143            ...              
159859  42.439131            ...              
159860  42.439131            ...              
159861  42.394788            ...              
159862  42.393397            ...              
159863  42.387270            ...              
159864  42.387270            ...              
159865  42.387270            ...              
159866  42.387270            ...              
159867  42.387270            ...              
159868  42.387270            ...              
159869  42.387270            ...              
159870  42.387270            ...              
159871  42.387270            ...              
159872  42.387270            ...              
159873  42.387270            ...              
159874  42.387270            ...              
159875  42.440228            ...              
159876  42.406293            ...              
159877  42.366529            ...              
159878  42.422081            ...              
159879  42.438867            ...              

        violation_description_Failure to maintain exterior of one- or two-family dwelling, building, premises or commercial structure in good repair, structurally sound or in a sanitary condition to prevent threat to the public health, safety or welfare  \
0                                                       0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
1                                                       0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
2                                                       0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
3                                                       0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
4                                                       0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
5                                                       0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
6                                                       0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
7                                                       0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
8                                                       0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
9                                                       0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
10                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
11                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
12                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
13                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
14                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
15                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
16                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
17                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
18                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
19                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
20                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
21                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
22                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
23                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
24                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
25                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
26                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
27                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
28                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
29                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
...                                                   ...                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159850                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159851                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159852                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159853                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159854                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159855                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159856                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159857                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159858                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159859                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159860                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159861                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159862                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159863                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159864                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159865                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159866                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159867                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159868                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159869                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159870                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159871                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159872                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159873                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159874                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159875                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159876                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159877                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159878                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       
159879                                                  0                                                                                                                                                                                                       

        violation_description_Failing to secure City or Private solid waste collection containers and services  \
0                                                       0                                                        
1                                                       0                                                        
2                                                       0                                                        
3                                                       0                                                        
4                                                       0                                                        
5                                                       0                                                        
6                                                       0                                                        
7                                                       0                                                        
8                                                       0                                                        
9                                                       0                                                        
10                                                      0                                                        
11                                                      0                                                        
12                                                      0                                                        
13                                                      0                                                        
14                                                      0                                                        
15                                                      0                                                        
16                                                      0                                                        
17                                                      0                                                        
18                                                      0                                                        
19                                                      0                                                        
20                                                      0                                                        
21                                                      0                                                        
22                                                      0                                                        
23                                                      0                                                        
24                                                      0                                                        
25                                                      0                                                        
26                                                      0                                                        
27                                                      0                                                        
28                                                      0                                                        
29                                                      0                                                        
...                                                   ...                                                        
159850                                                  0                                                        
159851                                                  0                                                        
159852                                                  0                                                        
159853                                                  0                                                        
159854                                                  0                                                        
159855                                                  0                                                        
159856                                                  0                                                        
159857                                                  0                                                        
159858                                                  0                                                        
159859                                                  0                                                        
159860                                                  0                                                        
159861                                                  0                                                        
159862                                                  0                                                        
159863                                                  0                                                        
159864                                                  0                                                        
159865                                                  0                                                        
159866                                                  0                                                        
159867                                                  0                                                        
159868                                                  0                                                        
159869                                                  0                                                        
159870                                                  0                                                        
159871                                                  0                                                        
159872                                                  0                                                        
159873                                                  0                                                        
159874                                                  0                                                        
159875                                                  0                                                        
159876                                                  0                                                        
159877                                                  0                                                        
159878                                                  0                                                        
159879                                                  0                                                        

        violation_description_Defective exterior wall(s) one- or two-family dwelling or commercial building  \
0                                                       0                                                     
1                                                       0                                                     
2                                                       0                                                     
3                                                       0                                                     
4                                                       0                                                     
5                                                       0                                                     
6                                                       0                                                     
7                                                       0                                                     
8                                                       0                                                     
9                                                       0                                                     
10                                                      0                                                     
11                                                      0                                                     
12                                                      0                                                     
13                                                      0                                                     
14                                                      0                                                     
15                                                      0                                                     
16                                                      0                                                     
17                                                      0                                                     
18                                                      0                                                     
19                                                      0                                                     
20                                                      0                                                     
21                                                      0                                                     
22                                                      0                                                     
23                                                      0                                                     
24                                                      0                                                     
25                                                      0                                                     
26                                                      0                                                     
27                                                      0                                                     
28                                                      0                                                     
29                                                      0                                                     
...                                                   ...                                                     
159850                                                  0                                                     
159851                                                  0                                                     
159852                                                  0                                                     
159853                                                  0                                                     
159854                                                  0                                                     
159855                                                  0                                                     
159856                                                  0                                                     
159857                                                  0                                                     
159858                                                  0                                                     
159859                                                  0                                                     
159860                                                  0                                                     
159861                                                  0                                                     
159862                                                  0                                                     
159863                                                  0                                                     
159864                                                  0                                                     
159865                                                  0                                                     
159866                                                  0                                                     
159867                                                  0                                                     
159868                                                  0                                                     
159869                                                  0                                                     
159870                                                  0                                                     
159871                                                  0                                                     
159872                                                  0                                                     
159873                                                  0                                                     
159874                                                  0                                                     
159875                                                  0                                                     
159876                                                  0                                                     
159877                                                  0                                                     
159878                                                  0                                                     
159879                                                  0                                                     

        violation_description_<unknown>  disposition_Responsible by Default  \
0                                     0                                   1   
1                                     1                                   0   
2                                     0                                   1   
3                                     1                                   1   
4                                     1                                   1   
5                                     1                                   1   
6                                     1                                   1   
7                                     1                                   1   
8                                     1                                   1   
9                                     1                                   1   
10                                    1                                   0   
11                                    1                                   0   
12                                    1                                   1   
13                                    1                                   1   
14                                    1                                   1   
15                                    0                                   0   
16                                    0                                   1   
17                                    0                                   1   
18                                    0                                   1   
19                                    0                                   1   
20                                    0                                   1   
21                                    0                                   1   
22                                    0                                   0   
23                                    0                                   1   
24                                    0                                   1   
25                                    0                                   1   
26                                    0                                   0   
27                                    0                                   0   
28                                    0                                   1   
29                                    0                                   1   
...                                 ...                                 ...   
159850                                1                                   1   
159851                                0                                   1   
159852                                0                                   0   
159853                                0                                   1   
159854                                0                                   1   
159855                                0                                   1   
159856                                1                                   1   
159857                                1                                   1   
159858                                1                                   1   
159859                                0                                   1   
159860                                0                                   1   
159861                                0                                   1   
159862                                1                                   0   
159863                                0                                   1   
159864                                0                                   1   
159865                                0                                   1   
159866                                0                                   1   
159867                                0                                   1   
159868                                0                                   1   
159869                                0                                   1   
159870                                0                                   1   
159871                                0                                   1   
159872                                0                                   1   
159873                                0                                   1   
159874                                0                                   1   
159875                                0                                   1   
159876                                0                                   1   
159877                                0                                   1   
159878                                0                                   0   
159879                                0                                   1   

        disposition_Responsible by Admission  \
0                                          0   
1                                          0   
2                                          0   
3                                          0   
4                                          0   
5                                          0   
6                                          0   
7                                          0   
8                                          0   
9                                          0   
10                                         0   
11                                         0   
12                                         0   
13                                         0   
14                                         0   
15                                         1   
16                                         0   
17                                         0   
18                                         0   
19                                         0   
20                                         0   
21                                         0   
22                                         0   
23                                         0   
24                                         0   
25                                         0   
26                                         1   
27                                         1   
28                                         0   
29                                         0   
...                                      ...   
159850                                     0   
159851                                     0   
159852                                     1   
159853                                     0   
159854                                     0   
159855                                     0   
159856                                     0   
159857                                     0   
159858                                     0   
159859                                     0   
159860                                     0   
159861                                     0   
159862                                     0   
159863                                     0   
159864                                     0   
159865                                     0   
159866                                     0   
159867                                     0   
159868                                     0   
159869                                     0   
159870                                     0   
159871                                     0   
159872                                     0   
159873                                     0   
159874                                     0   
159875                                     0   
159876                                     0   
159877                                     0   
159878                                     0   
159879                                     0   

        disposition_Responsible by Determination  \
0                                              0   
1                                              1   
2                                              0   
3                                              0   
4                                              0   
5                                              0   
6                                              0   
7                                              0   
8                                              0   
9                                              0   
10                                             1   
11                                             1   
12                                             0   
13                                             0   
14                                             0   
15                                             0   
16                                             0   
17                                             0   
18                                             0   
19                                             0   
20                                             0   
21                                             0   
22                                             1   
23                                             0   
24                                             0   
25                                             0   
26                                             0   
27                                             0   
28                                             0   
29                                             0   
...                                          ...   
159850                                         0   
159851                                         0   
159852                                         0   
159853                                         0   
159854                                         0   
159855                                         0   
159856                                         0   
159857                                         0   
159858                                         0   
159859                                         0   
159860                                         0   
159861                                         0   
159862                                         0   
159863                                         0   
159864                                         0   
159865                                         0   
159866                                         0   
159867                                         0   
159868                                         0   
159869                                         0   
159870                                         0   
159871                                         0   
159872                                         0   
159873                                         0   
159874                                         0   
159875                                         0   
159876                                         0   
159877                                         0   
159878                                         1   
159879                                         0   

        disposition_Responsible (Fine Waived) by Deter  disposition_<unknown>  \
0                                                    0                      0   
1                                                    0                      0   
2                                                    0                      0   
3                                                    0                      0   
4                                                    0                      0   
5                                                    0                      0   
6                                                    0                      0   
7                                                    0                      0   
8                                                    0                      0   
9                                                    0                      0   
10                                                   0                      0   
11                                                   0                      0   
12                                                   0                      0   
13                                                   0                      0   
14                                                   0                      0   
15                                                   0                      0   
16                                                   0                      0   
17                                                   0                      0   
18                                                   0                      0   
19                                                   0                      0   
20                                                   0                      0   
21                                                   0                      0   
22                                                   0                      0   
23                                                   0                      0   
24                                                   0                      0   
25                                                   0                      0   
26                                                   0                      0   
27                                                   0                      0   
28                                                   0                      0   
29                                                   0                      0   
...                                                ...                    ...   
159850                                               0                      0   
159851                                               0                      0   
159852                                               0                      0   
159853                                               0                      0   
159854                                               0                      0   
159855                                               0                      0   
159856                                               0                      0   
159857                                               0                      0   
159858                                               0                      0   
159859                                               0                      0   
159860                                               0                      0   
159861                                               0                      0   
159862                                               1                      0   
159863                                               0                      0   
159864                                               0                      0   
159865                                               0                      0   
159866                                               0                      0   
159867                                               0                      0   
159868                                               0                      0   
159869                                               0                      0   
159870                                               0                      0   
159871                                               0                      0   
159872                                               0                      0   
159873                                               0                      0   
159874                                               0                      0   
159875                                               0                      0   
159876                                               0                      0   
159877                                               0                      0   
159878                                               0                      0   
159879                                               0                      0   

0                          369.0  
1                          378.0  
2                          323.0  
3                          253.0  
4                          251.0  
5                          251.0  
6                          323.0  
7                          209.0  
8                          201.0  
9                          189.0  
10                         138.0  
11                         138.0  
12                         190.0  
13                         189.0  
14                         215.0  
15                          40.0  
16                          24.0  
17                          30.0  
18                          30.0  
19                          68.0  
20                          31.0  
21                          35.0  
22                          35.0  
23                          30.0  
24                          35.0  
25                          30.0  
26                          39.0  
27                          21.0  
28                          35.0  
29                          30.0  
...                          ...  
159850                    -280.0  
159851                    -224.0  
159852                    -295.0  
159853                    -280.0  
159854                    -280.0  
159855                    -294.0  
159856                      13.0  
159857                      19.0  
159858                      19.0  
159859                      19.0  
159860                      19.0  
159861                      30.0  
159862                      44.0  
159863                      30.0  
159864                      30.0  
159865                      37.0  
159866                      37.0  
159867                      37.0  
159868                      37.0  
159869                      30.0  
159870                      30.0  
159871                      30.0  
159872                      29.0  
159873                      29.0  
159874                      29.0  
159875                      37.0  
159876                      10.0  
159877                      26.0  
159878                      40.0  
159879                       5.0  

[159880 rows x 88 columns]

We can show that there are zero NaN values in our set, and that we are ready to start training.


Begin training the model

We can define a function that performs the fit, caluclates the accuracy and roc_auc score of the training data alone, and then performs cross-validation on the training set to return the averaged roc_auc score of the left-out data.

It's a good idea to make note of the accuracy and roc_auc score of the entire training set.

Accuracy Score on training set: This metric is helpful in evaluating just how good the model can predict the label of the postitive class. Of course, this metric alone is not a good indicator of the performance of the model, as this metric assumes that any probability above 0.5 should be labeled the positive class. This alone neglects the possibility for skewedness in the target values, but is useful in evauluating variance/bias.

ROC_AUC Score on training set: Looking at the roc_auc score, in conjunction with accuracy, can help define how well the model is performing. The 'auc score' basically takes into account the skewedness of the data by evaulating over many thresholds (not just 0.5) when classifying the data. The area under the roc curve (roc_auc) is essentually a number that explains how much, over a range of thresholds, does the true positives reflect the false positives. A higher roc_auc means that more of the threshold range corresponds to a high true positive rate.

** ROC_AUC Score on cross-validation set**: Looking at just the training data is again not a good practice, as one does not know if there is a bias/variance problem of the model. One must analyze the hold-out set from the CV results to ensure that the model is generalizing well enough.

Of course, using the CV score isn't enough either, as we'll have to ensure that unseen, 'new' data still generalizes well to the model (i.e. test.csv).

def modelCV(alg, dtrain, predictors, performCV=True, cv_folds=5):      
    # Predict training set
    dtrain_predictions = alg.predict(dtrain[predictors])
    dtrain_predprob = alg.predict_proba(dtrain[predictors])[:,1]
    # Perform cross-validation
    if performCV:
        cv_score = cross_val_score(alg, dtrain[predictors], 
    # Print model report
    print("\nModel Report")
    print("Accuracy : %.4g" % accuracy_score(dtrain[target].values, 
    print("AUC Score (Train): %f" % roc_auc_score(dtrain[target], 
    if performCV:
        print("AUC_CV Score : Mean - %.7g | Std - %.7g | Min - %.7g | Max - %.7g" 
              % (np.mean(cv_score),np.std(cv_score),np.min(cv_score),
def plotFeatureImp(alg, predictors):
    #Plot feature importance
    feature = 10
    feat_imp = pd.Series(alg.feature_importances_, predictors).sort_values(ascending=False)[:feature]
    ax = feat_imp.plot(kind = 'barh', title="Feature Importance [Top 10]")
    plt.xlabel('Feature Importance Score')
def plotROCAUC(alg, dtrain):
    dtrain_predprob = alg.predict_proba(dtrain[predictors])[:,1]
    fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(dtrain[target], dtrain_predprob)
    roc_auc = roc_auc_score(dtrain[target], dtrain_predprob)
    plt.xlim([-0.01, 1.00])
    plt.ylim([-0.01, 1.01])
    plt.plot(fpr, tpr, lw=3, label='ROC curve (area = {:0.2f})'.format(roc_auc))
    plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate', fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate', fontsize=16)
    plt.title('ROC curve (Binary Classifier)', fontsize=16)
    plt.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=13)
    plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='navy', lw=3, linestyle='--')

Let's identify our id and target column, get our features that we'd like to include, identify our classifier, fit, then call the modelCV function to give us a modest 'model report'.

Gradient Boosting Classifier

#Choose all predictors except target & IDcols 
target = 'compliance'
IDcol = 'ticket_id'
predictors = [x for x in df_train.columns if x not in [target, IDcol]]
gbm0 = GradientBoostingClassifier(random_state=10)[predictors], df_train[target])

modelCV(gbm0, df_train, predictors)

Model Report
Accuracy : 0.944
AUC Score (Train): 0.819741
AUC_CV Score : Mean - 0.8023197 | Std - 0.02520005 | Min - 0.7763131 | Max - 0.8469616
#Plot feature importance'seaborn-pastel')
plotFeatureImp(gbm0, predictors)
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The above score for a default Gradient Boosting Classifier was about 0.8023 (cv mean test score). We can also note the 10 most important features that contributed to the predictions made by the classifier in Figure 1. We can futher optimize and tune the model by performing a grid search over a range of params (GridSearchCV). We perform a grid search and vary the 'n_estimators' parameter for GBC.

param_test1 = {'n_estimators': np.arange(20, 41, 10).tolist()}
gsearch1 = GridSearchCV(GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate=0.05,min_samples_split=500,
                        param_grid = param_test1, scoring='roc_auc', iid=False, cv=5)[predictors],df_train[target])
GridSearchCV(cv=5, error_score='raise',
       estimator=GradientBoostingClassifier(criterion='friedman_mse', init=None,
              learning_rate=0.05, loss='deviance', max_depth=8,
              max_features='sqrt', max_leaf_nodes=None,
              min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None,
              min_samples_leaf=50, min_samples_split=500,
              min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, n_estimators=100,
              presort='auto', random_state=10, subsample=0.8, verbose=0,
       fit_params=None, iid=False, n_jobs=1,
       param_grid={'n_estimators': [20, 30, 40]}, pre_dispatch='2*n_jobs',
       refit=True, return_train_score=True, scoring='roc_auc', verbose=0)

We can now call the gridsearch object and print the best parameter (in this case, just n_estimator) and the highest mean roc_auc score on the cv test set.

gsearch1.best_params_, gsearch1.best_score_
({'n_estimators': 20}, 0.80566598467260619)

Two things to note here. The n_estimators parameter reached the extreme (20) on the range chosen (20, 30, 40). We should increase the lower end of the param range to see if the parameter lies below the current extreme. Also, the test score increased from 0.8023 to 0.8057. Let's continue to optimize by first extending the range for n_estimators.

param_test1 = {'n_estimators': np.arange(10, 31, 10).tolist()}
gsearch1 = GridSearchCV(GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate=0.05,min_samples_split=500,
                        param_grid = param_test1, scoring='roc_auc', iid=False, cv=5)[predictors],df_train[target])
GridSearchCV(cv=5, error_score='raise',
       estimator=GradientBoostingClassifier(criterion='friedman_mse', init=None,
              learning_rate=0.05, loss='deviance', max_depth=8,
              max_features='sqrt', max_leaf_nodes=None,
              min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None,
              min_samples_leaf=50, min_samples_split=500,
              min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, n_estimators=100,
              presort='auto', random_state=10, subsample=0.8, verbose=0,
       fit_params=None, iid=False, n_jobs=1,
       param_grid={'n_estimators': [10, 20, 30]}, pre_dispatch='2*n_jobs',
       refit=True, return_train_score=True, scoring='roc_auc', verbose=0)
gsearch1.best_params_, gsearch1.best_score_
({'n_estimators': 20}, 0.80566598467260619)

We can see that lowering the range does not help, as the best value for n_estimators is set at 20. Let's perform another grid search over the follow:

max_depth [5-15 at int of 2]
min_samples_split [50-200 at int of 50]

We'll make sure to update n_estimators to 20 from the previous gridsearch (gsearch1).

param_test2 = {'max_depth': np.arange(5,11,1).tolist(), 'min_samples_split': np.arange(100,1501,100).tolist()}

gsearch2 = GridSearchCV(GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate=0.05, n_estimators=20, 
                                                   max_features='sqrt', subsample=0.8, 
                        param_grid = param_test2, scoring='roc_auc', iid=False, cv=5)[predictors],df_train[target])
gsearch2.best_params_, gsearch2.best_score_
({'max_depth': 8, 'min_samples_split': 900}, 0.80559233621530102)

We can see that the auc score generated here is lower than the previous. It however can be assumed that gridsearching over other parameters besides 'max_depth' and 'min_samples_split' will lead to a higher score. Increasing the number of trees ('n_estimators') and lowering the 'learning_rate' can lead to significant gains in score.

Once the fine tuning is complete, the results can be analyed against the unseen test set. The test set will have to be processed in the same manner as the training set. One must be careful not to remove samples from the test set when dealing with NaN's, as samples of a test set should be treated as real world samples that hold significance. Of course, we're expecing the test score to be slightly below the finalized cv score.

Let's run our 'final' model of gradient boosting with:

n_estimators: 20
min_samples_split: 500
max_depth: 8

Then, let's plot our feature importances.

gbm2 = GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate=0.05,n_estimators = 20, 
                                               min_samples_split=500, min_samples_leaf=50,
                                               max_depth=8, max_features='sqrt',
                                               subsample=0.8, random_state=10)[predictors], df_train[target])
modelCV(gbm2, df_train, predictors)
#Plot feature importance'seaborn-pastel')
plotFeatureImp(gbm2, predictors)

Model Report
Accuracy : 0.9362
AUC Score (Train): 0.815307
AUC_CV Score : Mean - 0.805666 | Std - 0.02358854 | Min - 0.7823296 | Max - 0.8497655
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One can note that the feature late_fee is still the most important, followed by several categories for the original 'disposition' feature.

Logistic Regression

Let's model using logistic regression. We're expecting quicker results, but not as much accuracy as we'd like. Furthermore, we're going to only transform the data once for scaling purposes (note that this should be done in a pipeline with each change in cv fold).

lr0 = LogisticRegression(random_state=10)

# Scale the data from 0 to 1.0
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
train_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(df_train) # transform df_train values. Result is array
df_train_scaled = pd.DataFrame(train_scaled, columns=df_train.columns) # put back into df with correct columns

# Now fit the data[predictors], df_train_scaled[target])

modelCV(lr0, df_train_scaled, predictors)

Model Report
Accuracy : 0.9326
AUC Score (Train): 0.794789
AUC_CV Score : Mean - 0.7855392 | Std - 0.02741742 | Min - 0.7552199 | Max - 0.8372791

Running a logistic regression classifier with the default params, we can obtain a cv auc_score of 0.7855. This is lower than the first go-around with GBC (0.8023). Also, the accuracy of 0.9326 is slightly lower than GBC's to 0.9440. Unlike GBC, we can adjust the regularization parameter and see what we can produce.

param_test1 = {'C': np.arange(30,201,10).tolist()}
lrsearch1 = GridSearchCV(LogisticRegression(random_state=10), 
                        param_grid = param_test1, scoring='roc_auc',
                        iid=False, cv=5)[predictors],df_train_scaled[target])
lrsearch1.best_params_, lrsearch1.best_score_
({'C': 40}, 0.78715651694138755)

We can see that a C value of 40 optimizes the model a little more, with an auc score of 0.7872. For most cases, optimizing C (or trying different penalty scenarios with L1 and L2 against C) is enough for an LR classifier. Note that even after optimizing for regularization, the auc score is still below GBC. We will not continue to optimize this classifier as there was little gain with change in C vs the auc score being produced with GBC.


This is based on a data challenge from the Michigan Data Science Team (MDST). The Michigan Data Science Team (MDST) and the Michigan Student Symposium for Interdisciplinary Statistical Sciences (MSSISS) have partnered with the City of Detroit to help solve one of the most pressing problems facing Detroit - blight. Blight violations are issued by…








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