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PyTorch code to reproduce the results of "Texture Synthesis Through Convolutional Neural Networks and Spectrum Constraints" by Liu et. al.

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Texture Synthesis with CNNs and Spectrum Constraints


A CNN based approach to generate variations of a texture exemplar by iteratively sampling patches from an example image. We implement this paper by Liu et. al. The task of image synthesis as approached in this paper is a constrained optimization problem.

The architecture uses two VGG19-like networks in conjunction - the first of which is used to produce ideal "feature maps" and the other uses these ideal feature maps to turn a random noise image into an image consisting of features that are similar to the texture exemplar. As such, the first network is initialized with pre-trained VGG19 weights and takes in the texture exemplar. The feature maps generated from both these networks are tracked. To optimize the white noise image passed to the second network, the model tries to minimize the gap between these two sets of feature maps via a weighted sum of Gram matrix losses computed from each convolution block, and uses the L-BFGS algorithm to synthesize the model’s output. A texture is synthesized during this process of closing the gaps between the "ideal" feature maps from the first network and the "predicted" feature maps from the second network. Furthermore, using Fourier transforms, a spectrum loss is calculated in addition to the Gram loss to further constrain the optimization process and improve synthesis.


This project uses PyTorch to build the overall network. All the required dependencies can by installed via the requirements.txt file.

pip install -r requirements.txt


Texture exemplars were taken from the Describable Textures Dataset (DTD). You can use the script to pre-process the dataset. Or, you can use the texture exemplars from the results directory to test the model.

Running the Texture Synthesizer

The Texture Synthesizer model can be imported from as TextureSynthesisCNN. The model expects a path to a texture exemplar image during initialization. You can use a texture image path to set up the synthesizer model as follows:

synthesizer = TextureSynthesisCNN(tex_exemplar_path="data/cracked_0063.png")

Note: PyTorch will download the weights of the VGG19 model when you initialize the TextureSynthesisCNN class for the first time. This only happens once as PyTorch will cache it.

The synthesizer has an output_image attribute which will hold the final sythesized texture. When the model is intialized, the synthesizer.output_image attribute intially holds a random noise image. You can use the synthesizer.synthesize_texture() to synthesize a variation of the texture exemplar over a specified number of epochs - which essentially tries to move the random noise image closer to an image that consists of features from the texture exemplar.

synthesizer.synthesize_texture(num_epochs=250, display_when_done=True)

Once the optimization process occurs for num_epochs the output_image attribute should now hold a synthesized texture image result. If the synthesized outputs are not satisfactory, you can use synthesizer.optimize(num_epochs=250) to continue the optimization for the current synthesis for some more epochs.

Note: calling synthesizer.synthesize_texture() again will reset the synthesizer.output_image attribute to a random noise image. This is so that a different variation of the exemplar can be synthesized whenever synthesize_texture() is called.

Finally, you can use the save_textures method to save a both the exemplar and the synthesized version into a results directory (the directory is automatically created if it does not exist). The results will be stored as results/exemplar_cracked_0063.png and results/synth_cracked_0063.png.



We noted that the texture synthesizer works really well on textures that are filled to the brim with arbitrary patterns (eg. bubbles, cracked surfaces, blotchy images). For others involving a more natural texture (eg. sparse leaves, folds in clothing), the model's loss plateaus at a higher loss value. Among the textures we've teseted, we saw that the loss starts to drop really slowly around 250-300 epochs - hence the loss value at these epochs is a good indicator for the final result being a good synthesis or not. We found that a loss value below the 1500s range gave good texture synthesis results.

The first image represents the texture exemplar and the second image represents the synthesized texture.

Epoch 500, Loss 1514.53

Epoch 300, Loss 203.703

Epoch 300, Loss 97.055

Epoch 500, Loss 4819.45


PyTorch code to reproduce the results of "Texture Synthesis Through Convolutional Neural Networks and Spectrum Constraints" by Liu et. al.







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