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Releases: smarie/python-mixture

0.2.1 - bugfix

06 Sep 16:40
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0.2.0 - `field` improvements

06 Sep 16:28
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  • New type argument in field to declare the type of a field. If provided, the descriptor will not be replaced with a native field, and the type will be checked on every value modification. A TypeError will be raised if type does not comply. Type hints are correctly defined so that IDEs can pick them. Fixes #3

  • New use_descriptor argument in field to force use a descriptor instead of a native field.

See documentation page for details.

0.1.0 - First public version

05 Sep 16:46
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Mix-in basics:

  • field class to easily define class fields in a mixin without defining a __init__.
  • @apply_mixins decorator to apply mixins to a class without inheritance, by copying members (="monkeypatching")
  • Light documentation

See documentation page for details.