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Sample codes on how to use SpeakLeash python package:


example_1_basic_read <-- Script demonstrates how to iterate over datasets and documents in a given repository, printing the name of each dataset, as well as the metadata and text of each document.

example_2_inventory_check <-- Sample code demonstrates how to extract information about datasets from the Speakleash repository and print a summary of the metadata in a tabular format, with colorized fields for easier visibility.
(Additional libraries can be installed via requirements.txt in this folder)

example_3_quality_metrics <-- Example shows how to check quality metrics distribution in a given dataset and extract quality info for each document.

example_4_extraction_to_files <-- Example shows how to extract high quality documents from selected dataset and provides functionalities to create necessary directories and save documents of specified quality from the speakleash dataset to a specific folder location.

example_5_word_cloud <-- Example shows two cases of generation word cloud examples. The first case is with the usage of spaCy library, using the lemmatizer. Second case uses NLTK library.

example_6_pandas <-- Example shows how to put Speakleash dataset into the pandas DataFrame.

example_7_pandas_polars <-- Example shows how to import data from SpeakLeash datasets into Pandas and Polars libraries dataframes.

example_8_dataset_vis <-- Example shows how to load data from the SpeakLeash library datasets and visualize selected metrics considering document quality, among other things.


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