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Run Docker on a GCE Container Optimized VM

Matt Duftler edited this page Jul 21, 2015 · 6 revisions

These instructions will walk you step-by-step through:

  • A Google Cloud Platform project with the following APIs enabled (use the Developers Console to manage your projects):
    • Google Cloud Storage
    • Google Compute Engine
    • (To enable these APIs, navigate in the Developers Console to: Projects->{your-project-name}->APIs & auth->APIs. If any of the required APIs are missing from the Enabled APIs list find them in the Browse APIs panel and enable them.)
  • The gcloud tool installed on your local workstation
Set some environment variables to save us some typing:
# Replace these values with values that make sense for your use case.
#   The Project ID must already exist. This is the GCP Project Id, not the Project Name.
#   The value specified below will be the default project id you are currently using with
#   gcloud; however, you may want to change it to deploy docker into a different project.
#   The Google Cloud Storage bucket but be globally unique.
#   We will create the storage bucket using this name below.
#   The instance name should be unique within your project.
#   We will create the instance below.
export GCP_PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config list | grep "project = " | sed 's/project = //g')
export GCE_INSTANCE_NAME=my-docker-instance
export GCS_BUCKET_NAME=${USER}-docker-registry
Create GCS bucket for use by docker registry (the bucket name you select must be globally unique):
gsutil mb -p $GCP_PROJECT_ID gs://$GCS_BUCKET_NAME
Create GCE instance for docker daemon and docker registry:
gcloud compute instances create \
    --project $GCP_PROJECT_ID \
    --zone us-central1-f \
    --machine-type n1-standard-1 \
    --boot-disk-size 500GB \
    --image container-vm \
    --scopes=storage-rw \
SSH into newly-created GCE instance:
gcloud compute ssh \
    --project $GCP_PROJECT_ID \
    --zone us-central1-f \
Re-enter Google Cloud Storage bucket (into this new shell):
export GCS_BUCKET_NAME=${USER}-docker-registry
Edit docker configuration to allow us to use the Docker Remote API:
sudo vi /etc/default/docker

Note: Make sure you thoroughly understand the implications of the following change before you make it. Using effectively allows any ip on the same network to connect to port 7104 and issue Docker commands. Read more here about binding Docker to particular host/port combinations.

Replace the existing DOCKER_OPTS line with a line similar to the following (taking into account the security requirements of your particular situation):
DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -r=false"
Restart docker daemon (to reflect the configuration change we just made):
sudo service docker restart
Verify docker daemon is running and reachable via port 7104:
curl localhost:7104/images/json
Retrieve and run google/docker-registry (Docker registry with Google Cloud Storage driver):
sudo docker run -d \
    -p 5000:5000 \
Verify docker registry is running and reachable via port 5000:
curl localhost:5000
Exit back out to local workstation:
(If you are working through each of the wiki pages one after the next, no need to exit out here.)