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Epsilon - HTML Page Validation Plugin (WebChecker)

Eclipse plugins that extend Epsilon's Model Connectivity (EMC) layer with support for validating static and dynamic (generated) HTML pages by using Epsilon Validation Language (EVL) for validation, Selenium Web Driver for HTML code extraction, and jsoup: Java HTML Parser for parsing HTML code.

How to run

  • Install the latest interim version of Epsilon or clone its Eclipse Epsilon Git repo and import all projects under /plugins to your Eclipse workspace.
  • Clone this repo.
  • Run the webchecker project as a Java Application.

Extra Rules & Examples

The rules branch has more EVL constraints and examples. When they are stable, the branch will be merged with the master branch. files/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.html has the HTML examples and files/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.evl has a list of EVL constraints.

Plugin Components

Like any other Epsilon plugins, there are two main parts or eclipse projects:

  1. WebChecker: this project contains all the required classes. WebCheckerModel extends CachedModel abstract class to interact with Epsilon Validation Language (EVL).
  2. WebChecker.dt: this project creates the GUI for the plugin if run as Eclipse Application.
  3. WebChecker.test: this project tests the WebChecker plugin by using HTML and EVL as code.

Code Explanation


Main classes include:

  • WebCheckerModel

    As explained above, WebCheckerModel implements CachedModel abstract class. This is required for Epsilon to know there is a new plugin. CachedModel is a generic class of type jsoup element.

  • WebCheckerPropertyGetter

    WebCheckerPropertyGetter gets the properties of the EVL. For example, consider this EVL:

    context t_div {
        constraint InButtonGroup {
            guard : self.class.includes("btn-large")
            check : self.parent.classes.includes("btn-group")
            message : "btn-large divs should be contained under btn-group"

    class is a property. In WebCheckerPropertyGetter, this property is captured. Then, an instance of GuardedElement is returned. GuardedElement class has includes(String className) method, which return true if the condition is met; false otherwise.

    Once the guard statement of the EVL is captured, Next is to capture the check statement. The check statement includes


    parent and classes are a property of Parent and Classes respectively. includes(String className) is a method of Classes.

  • Browser

    This class abstracts Selenium Web Driver. Currently, I only consider FireFox, but the other browsers can be easily added.

  • WebChecker

    This class is just a wrapper and convenient class for the WebCheckerModel.

    WebChecker checker = new WebChecker(); //[1]
    checker.setSource(html); //[2]
    checker.setValidation(evl); //[3]
    checker.check(); //[4]

    [1] Create an instance with the default constructor.

    [2] Set the modal source (i.e. the html file) either URI or code as string.

    [3] Set the EVL source either URI or code as string.

    [4] Check the HTML file or code against the EVL validation.

    To check the result of the validation, use isValid() method on the WebChecker instance. To get any produced error messages, use errors(), which returns a List<string>.


This example can be found in the TestDriver.class

//Step 1: Get the source to be validated
Browser browser = new Browser();
WebDriver driver = browser.getDriver();
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.className("span5"));
String html = element.getAttribute("outerHTML");

//Step 2: Write your validation using Epsilon Validation Language
String evl = "files/sampleEVL.evl";

//Step 3: Check the validation against the html in step 1
WebChecker checker = new WebChecker();

//Step 4: Check the result
System.out.println("Does the html code pass validation? " + checker.isValid());
List<String> errors = checker.errors();
System.out.println("Validation Errors:");
for (String error : errors) {

Does the html code pass validation? false
Validation Errors:
btn-large divs should be contained under btn-group

Future Work

  • Developing a domain-specific language to create and parse rules.

  • Creating a specific type for HTML elements. Currently, this plugin depends on jsoup: Java HTML Parse. Although jsoup provides very useful methods to interact with HTML elements, the syntax is long. For example, self.type.exists() could be self.exist(). Here, type is repititive.

  • Selecting HTML by an attribute (i.e. attribute selector in CSS). Currently, the plugin doesn't support an EVL constraint by using an attribute selector such as data-dismiss. For example, consider the following HTML code:

    <div class="alert alert-warning alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">
    <strong>Holy guacamole!</strong> You should check in on some of those fields below.
    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
        <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>

    Currently, t_div, t_button, t_strong, and t_span contexts selects (extracts) each section of the HTML code. t_[htmlElement], where [htmlElement] is the HTML element. However, it will be useful to select the button by its attribite such as data-dismiss. a_data-dismiss should select all elements that have data-dismiss attribute.

    This is useful because there are constraint relations between the attribute and the type. In the above HTML code, whenever a data-dismiss attribute is used in a div with class alert, the element of the data-dismiss should be a button not an input.


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