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Simple and opinionated web server to facilitate the reuse of development servers and infrastructure.


Releases page has two prebuild binaries for Linux: stand-control-bot which includes telegram integration and sever which just runs a web server.

App is expected to be deployed in the private network. It is recommended to use a reverse proxy (like Nginx) to enable TLS and Docker to run a web server. For integration with telegram also network access to telegram servers is required.

Web server is using LDAP to manage auth and is designed to be used with AD servers.



APP_ENVIRONMENT - what environment app is running in. Possible values are local (default) and production. Affects configuration lookup.

CONFIG_DIR - path to directory with configuration files, default is /etc/stand-control-bot for production environment.

INCLUDE_SPAN_EVENTS - flag to include span events in log output, making it much more verbose. Possible values are true and false (default).

TELOXIDE_TOKEN - telegram bot token to enable telegram notifications. Can be obtained from @Botfather bot on telegram.

Configuration files

Consult base.toml for a list of all possible configuration options.

Both base.toml and production.toml (or local.toml for APP_ENVIRONMENT=local) need to be present in CONFIG_DIR.

Configuration presidence is as follows: env > production.toml/local.toml > base.toml.



  • Up to date Rust compiler (rustup is strongly recommended)
  • Postgres (>=13)
  • sqlx-cli
  • LDAP server

To initialize the database and run migrations use script. If you don't have podman or running a native server you can skip the initialization stage with SKIP_START=true environment variable to just run migrations.

To set up a local LDAP server consult ldap3 repo. If run as is, authentication with empty credentials is possible.

To allow sqlx to connect to your development database create .env file in the root of this repository with a line


Replace localhost:5432 with the address and port of your postgres server

Notes about LDAP/AD server

It is preferable to use a real AD server to run auth tests since auth is designed to work with AD specifically.

It is possible to use LDAP-server instead, though you will have to use fully qualified names as logins.