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Carl Jackson edited this page Jan 13, 2018 · 3 revisions

Quick and dirty because I'm leaving for a flight shortly.

To get started, clone the repository locally.

git clone

When you want to do some work, create a new branch like this.

git checkout master
git fetch
git pull
git checkout -b branch-name

code code code

git add *
git commit -am "Fixed an obnoxious bug blah blah blah"
git push -u

Now you just need to issue a pull request.

If you need help setting up testing, I'm not surprised. Theres some stuff missing here. Ask @Lorenzooone how they setup their test environment if you need help until I can come back to this.



Useful Resources

Use this before submitting pull requests with changes to JSON to make sure there are no trailing commas or other issues. Thanks!

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