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This is an extension for AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui which enables communication between an SDWebUI instance and other web pages. This plugin utilizes the WebSocket protocol to establish a real-time connection between two endpoints.

Note: Before trying this plugin, please ensure that you have reviewed the official API documentation for SDWebUI, considering that it is better supported.

Warning: Make sure that you trust the WebSocket server you are connecting to.



Copy the link to this repository into Install from URL:

Also you may clone/download this repository and put it to stable-diffusion-webui/extensions directory.


You will see a section titled Websocket on txt2img tab, which looks like this:

Before click on Enable checkbox, you should setup a WebSocket server and specify its address in Route field.

An example of a WebSocket server can be found in demo directory. It is a simple Node.js script that provides HTTP services and websocket services. You can run it with the following command:

# on first run, after installing node.js
npm install

# default port is 39000, which can be set in demo.js
node demo.js

After the server is started, you can specify its address in Route field and click on Enable checkbox. If everything is correct, you will see a message in the console:

All messages sent or received by sd-webui-websocket plugin will be displayed in the Chatbot box. Some messages are truncated since they are too long.

Now you can open http://localhost:39000 or other address in your browser. You will see a page like this:

Here is a brief description of the function of each button:

  • Send Message: Send a message to sd-webui-websocket plugin. The message will be displayed in the console of sd-webui-websocket plugin.
  • Get All UI: Get all UI elements of SDWebUI.
  • Get UI: Get the UI element specified by the Query field. Using querySelector to find the element.
  • Upload Image: Upload an image to Value field.
  • Set UI: Set the value of the UI element specified by the Query field.

This is implemented by sending a JSON message to sd-webui-websocket plugin. The format of the messages are as follows:

        // response message has the same id as this
        "id": 0,
        "type": "get_all_ui"
        "id": 5,
        "type": "get_ui",
        "query": "#html-element-id input"
        "id": 12,
        "type": "set_ui",
        "query": "#html-element-id input",
        "value": "string or number or file base64"

Successful response to these messages:

        "id": 0,
        "type": "response_get_all_ui",
        "status": "success",
        "currentTab": "txt2img",
        "elements": [
                "tab": "tab_txt2img",
                "id": "closest ancesotr id",
                "ancestorIds": [
                "type": "textarea, button, file, etc.",
                "value": "input's value or button's text content"
        "id": 5,
        "type": "response_get_ui",
        "status": "success",
        "element": {
            "type": "textarea, button, file, etc.",
            "value": "input's value or button's text content"
        "id": 12,
        "type": "response_set_ui",
        "status": "success",

Note: Although I don't know why, sometimes if the Stable Diffusion webui is not in the foreground, it won't trigger a reply.

In addition, sd-web-websocket will send messages to the WebSocket server when the following events occur:

        "type": "process",
        "p": {
            "outpath_samples": "",
            "outpath_grids": "",
            "prompt": "",
            "prompt_for_display": null,
            "negative_prompt": "",
            "other attribution of StableDiffusionProcessing": "..."
        "type": "before_process_batch",
        "batch_number": 0,
        "prompts": [],
        "seeds": [],
        "subseeds": []
        "type": "process_batch",
        "batch_number": 0,
        "prompts": [],
        "seeds": [],
        "subseeds": []
        "type": "postprocess_batch",
        "batch_number": 0
        "type": "postprocess_image",
        "pp": {
            "image": "base64code",
        "type": "postprocess",
        "processed": {
            "images": ["base64code"],
            "prompt": "",
            "batch_size": 1,
            "info": "",
            "width": 512,
            "sampler_name": "Euler a",
            "steps": 20,
            "other attribution of Processed": "..."


Set txt2img parameters and generate

    { "id": 0, "type": "set_ui", "query": "#txt2img_prompt textarea", "value": "a cat playing with a hat" },
    { "id": 0, "type": "response_set_ui", "status": "success" },
    { "id": 1, "type": "set_ui", "query": "#txt2img_neg_prompt textarea", "value": "blurred" },
    { "id": 1, "type": "response_set_ui", "status": "success" },
    { "id": 2, "type": "set_ui", "query": "#txt2img_sampling input", "value": "DPM++ SDE Karras" },
    { "id": 2, "type": "response_set_ui", "status": "success" },
    { "id": 3, "type": "set_ui", "query": "#txt2img_steps input", "value": "30" },
    { "id": 3, "type": "response_set_ui", "status": "success" },
    { "id": 4, "type": "set_ui", "query": "#txt2img_height input", "value": "720" },
    { "id": 4, "type": "response_set_ui", "status": "success" },
    { "id": 5, "type": "set_ui", "query": "#txt2img_generate", "value": "" },
    { "id": 5, "type": "response_set_ui", "status": "success" },
    { "type": "process", "p": { "...": "..."} },
    { "type": "before_process_batch", "...": "..." },
    { "type": "process_batch", "...": "..." },
    { "type": "postprocess_batch", "batch_number": 0},
    { "type": "postprocess_image", "pp": { "image": ""} },
    { "type": "postprocess", "processed" : { "...": "..." } }

Set img2img inpainting image and mask

    { "id": 0, "type": "set_ui", "query": "#tabs button:nth-child(2)", "value": "" },
    { "id": 0, "type": "response_set_ui", "status": "success" },
    { "id": 1, "type": "set_ui", "query": "#mode_img2img button:nth-child(5)", "value": "" },
    { "id": 1, "type": "response_set_ui", "status": "success" },
    { "id": 2, "type": "set_ui", "query": "#img_inpaint_base input", "value": "data:image/jpeg;base64,..." },
    { "id": 2, "type": "response_set_ui", "status": "success" },
    { "id": 3, "type": "set_ui", "query": "#img_inpaint_mask input", "value": "data:image/jpeg;base64,..." },
    { "id": 3, "type": "response_set_ui", "status": "success" }


{"query":"#txt2img_controlnet_ControlNet_controlnet_enable_checkbox input","value":"true","type":"set_ui","id":0}
{"id": 1, "query":"#txt2img_controlnet_ControlNet_input_image input","value":"data:image/jpeg;base64,..."}
{"query":"#txt2img_controlnet_ControlNet_controlnet_preprocessor_dropdown input","value":"tile_colorfix","type":"set_ui","id":2}
{"query":"#txt2img_controlnet_ControlNet_controlnet_model_dropdown input","value":"control_v11f1e_sd15_tile [a371b31b]","type":"set_ui","id":3}


Show hidden elements

comment out the following code in style.css:

display: none

How this extension works

  1. scripts/ create gradio UI and monitor events for Stable Diffusion WebUI.
  2. javascript/sd-webui-websocket.js send messages to WebSocket server and get or set UI elements of Stable Diffusion WebUI.