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Tom Barbette edited this page Oct 3, 2018 · 2 revisions

FromDPDKRing Element Documentation


FromDPDKRing — Click element; reads packets from a circular ring buffer using DPDK (user-level)


FromDPDKRing(MEMPOOL [, keywords BURST, NDESC])

Batching: Batching natively supported
Ports: no inputs, 1 output
Processing: push
Drivers: userlevel


Reads packets from the ring buffer with name MEMPOOL. On the contrary to FromDevice.u which acts as a sniffer by default, packets received by devices put in DPDK mode will NOT be received by the kernel, and will thus be processed only once.


  • MEMPOOL — String. The name of the memory pool to attach.
  • FROM_PROC — String. The name of the Click-DPDK process that uses this element. It can be a made-up name, however, the other end (a ToDPDKRing) must use the same name at its own TO_PROC parameter.
  • TO_PROC — String. The name of the Click-DPDK process that is attached to our process. It can be a made-up name, however, the other end (a ToDPDKRing) must use the same name at its own FROM_PROC parameter.
  • BURST — Integer. Maximum number of packets that will be processed before rescheduling. The default is 32.
  • NDESC — Integer. Number of descriptors per ring. The default is 1024.
  • NUMA_ZONE — Integer. The NUMA memory zone (or CPU socket ID) where we allocate resources.

This element is only available at user level, when compiled with DPDK support.


  FromDPDKRing(MEM_POOL 1, FROM_PROC nf1_rx, TO_PROC nf2_tx) -> ...


  • pkt_count (read-only) — Returns the number of packets read from the ring.
  • byte_count (read-only) — Returns the number of bytes read from the ring.



Generated by click-elem2man from ../elements/userlevel/fromdpdkring.hh:11 on 2018/10/03.

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