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Tom Barbette edited this page Oct 3, 2018 · 2 revisions

SetTimestamp Element Documentation


SetTimestamp — Click element; store the time in the packet's timestamp annotation


SetTimestamp([TIMESTAMP, keyword FIRST])

Batching: Batching natively supported
Ports: 1 input, 1 output
Processing: agnostic


Store the specified TIMESTAMP in the packet's timestamp annotation. If TIMESTAMP is not specified, then sets the annotation to the system time when the packet arrived at the SetTimestamp element.

Keyword arguments are:

  • FIRST — Boolean. If true, then set the packet's "first timestamp" annotation, not its timestamp annotation. Default is false.


StoreTimestamp, AdjustTimestamp, SetTimestampDelta, PrintOld

Generated by click-elem2man from ../elements/standard/settimestamp.hh:7 on 2018/10/03.

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