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Releases: open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation

Version 1.25.0

13 Apr 20:25
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This release targets the OpenTelemetry SDK 1.25.0.

Note that many artifacts have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

Migration notes

  • Apache Pulsar instrumentation name is changed from io.opentelemetry.apache-pulsar-2.8 to io.opentelemetry.pulsar-2.8 and Apache Camel instrumentation name is changed from io.opentelemetry.apache-camel-2.20 to io.opentelemetry.camel-2.20 (#8195)
  • Mojarra instrumentation suppression key has changed from mojarra to jsf-mojarra and MyFaces instrumentation suppression key has changed from myfaces to jsf-myfaces (#7811)

🌟 New javaagent instrumentation

  • R2DBC (#7977)
  • Add JFR streaming metrics gatherer (#7886)
  • ZIO 2.0 instrumentation (#7980)

🌟 New library instrumentation

  • R2DBC (#7977)
  • Add JFR streaming metrics gatherer (#7886)
  • Add library instrumentation for java http client (#8138)

📈 Enhancements

  • Move X-Ray Env Variable propagation to span link instead of parent (#7970)
  • Reduce memory usage for ClassLoaderHasClassesNamedMatcher (#7866)
  • Remove password from db.user parsed from JDBC url (#8106)
  • Ignore appd agent classes (#8065)
  • Add http client metrics to apache http library instrumentation (#8128)
  • Instrument additional pulsar receive methods (#8171)
  • Support latest Hibernate 6 version (#8189)
  • Support spring boot service name detector when spring boot application is packaged in one jar (#8101)
  • Support parsing Spring boot service name when more than one yaml is defined (#8006)
  • Add option to capture logback key value pairs (#8074)
  • Bridge agent logs into application's slf4j logger (#7339, #8228)
  • Better container ID parsing (#8206)
  • Pulsar batch receive instrumentation (#8173)
  • Improve compatibility with SecurityManager (#7983)
  • Instrument akka-http bindAndHandle (#8174)
  • Spring scheduling: run error handler with the same context as task (#8220)
  • Switch from http.flavor to net.protocol.* (#8131, #8244)
  • Support latest Armeria release (#8247)
  • Populate process.command_args for Java 9+ and improve process.command_line for Java 8 (#8130)

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Fix TracingCqlSession ClassCastException (#8041)
  • Kafka: avoid registering duplicate metrics reporter (#8099)
  • Prefix baggage key not value when adding it to logback mdc (#8066)
  • Fix error when using shardingsphere (#8110)
  • Fix order of cxf handlers to enable symmetric tracing around jaxws handler chain (#8160)
  • Fix javaagent armeria server instrumentation (#8281)

🧰 Tooling

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 1.24.0

15 Mar 16:32
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This release targets the OpenTelemetry SDK 1.24.0.

Note that many artifacts have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

Migration notes

🌟 New javaagent instrumentation

🌟 New library instrumentation

  • Add Ktor client instrumentation (#7982, #7997)
  • Add Spring Webflux server instrumentation (#7899)

📈 Enhancements

  • Implement messaging.kafka.* attributes spec (#7824, #7860)
  • Make RxJava2 instrumentation Android-friendly (#7895)
  • Support more semantic convention for RocketMQ trace (#7871)
  • Instrumenting cassandra executeReactive method (#6441)
  • Make the OpenTelemetry Logback appender work with GraalVM native images (#7989)
  • Add baggage to Logback MDC; controlled by a configuration flag (#7892)
  • Make the Spring Boot autoconfigure module work with Spring Boot 3 (#8028, #8051)

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Handle JMX MBean attributes with embedded dots (#7841)
  • Fix ClassCastException when using (#7884)
  • Fix NPE in the AWS SDK 2 instrumentation when request instrumentation is suppressed (#7953)
  • Fix Kotlin coroutine context propagation (#7879)
  • Fix the JAX-RS annotation instrumentation on Open Liberty (#7890)
  • Fix an AbstractMethodError in the Logback instrumentation (#7967)
  • Fix NPE in the RabbitMQ instrumentation (#8021)
  • Fix JMX metrics usage examples (#7877)

🧰 Tooling

  • Remove deprecated instrumentation-api-semconv code (#7838)
  • Look up helper class bytes when they are needed (#7839)
  • Run smoke tests using Open Liberty and (#7878, #7857)
  • Add additional groovy script classloaders to ignore list. (#7460)
  • Make AggregationTemporality configurable for OtlpInMemoryMetricExporter in the agent-for-testing module (#7904)
  • Upgrade to gradle 8.0.2 (#7910, 7978)
  • Replace the test-sets plugin with Gradle test suites (#7930, #7933, #7932, #7931, #7929, #7946, #7945, #7944, #7943, #7942, #7928, #7951)
  • Add a utility for tracking HTTP resends (#7986)
  • Remove deprecated messaging.url attribute from messaging getter (#8008)
  • Add protocol name&version to net attribute getters (#7994)
  • Test http client captured headers (#7993)
  • Improve compatibility with other agents (#7916)
  • Share timer class used by messaging instrumentations (#8009)
  • Convert groovy tests to java (#7976, #7975, #7912)
  • Check that extracting extension jar doesn't escape designated directory (#7908)
  • Assert user agent when it is present in HTTP client tests (#7918)
  • Update the OpenTelemetry SDK version to 1.24.0 (#8027)
  • Provide ability to add HTTP server response headers, with Tomcat implementation (#7990)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 1.23.0

16 Feb 01:26
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This release targets the OpenTelemetry SDK 1.23.1.

Note that many artifacts have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

Migration notes

  • HTTP span names are now "{http.method} {http.route}" instead of just "{http.route}", reflecting the recent change in the HTTP semantic conventions (#7730)
  • Added the base version into library package names to make room for other base versions without breaking backwards compatibility in the future once these artifacts are declared stable (#7608, #7752, #7764)
    • io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.spring.web.SpringWebTelemetryio.opentelemetry.instrumentation.spring.web.v3_1.SpringWebTelemetry
    • io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.spring.webflux.SpringWebfluxTelemetryio.opentelemetry.instrumentation.spring.webflux.v5_0.SpringWebfluxTelemetry
    • io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.spring.integration.SpringIntegrationTelemetryio.opentelemetry.instrumentation.spring.integration.v4_1.SpringIntegrationTelemetry
    • io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.logback.v1_0.OpenTelemetryAppenderio.opentelemetry.instrumentation.logback.mdc.v1_0.OpenTelemetryAppender
    • io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.apachedbcp.ApacheDbcpTelemetryio.opentelemetry.instrumentation.apachedbcp.v2_0.ApacheDbcpTelemetry
    • io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.c3p0.C3p0Telemetryio.opentelemetry.instrumentation.c3p0.v0_9.C3p0Telemetry
    • io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.graphql.GraphQLTelemetryio.opentelemetry.instrumentation.graphql.v12_0.GraphQLTelemetry
    • io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.guava.GuavaAsyncOperationEndStrategyio.opentelemetry.instrumentation.guava.v10_0.GuavaAsyncOperationEndStrategy
    • io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.hikaricp.HikariTelemetryio.opentelemetry.instrumentation.hikaricp.v3_0.HikariTelemetry
    • io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.kafkaclients.KafkaTelemetryio.opentelemetry.instrumentation.kafkaclients.v2_6.KafkaTelemetry
    • io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.oracleucp.OracleUcpTelemetryio.opentelemetry.instrumentation.oracleucp.v11_2.OracleUcpTelemetry
    • io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.ratpack.RatpackTelemetryio.opentelemetry.instrumentation.ratpack.v1_7.RatpackTelemetry
    • io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.reactor.ContextPropagationOperator io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.reactor.v3_1.ContextPropagationOperator
    • io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.viburdbcp.ViburTelemetryio.opentelemetry.instrumentation.viburdbcp.v11_0.ViburTelemetry
  • Several instrumentation scope names have been fixed (#7632)
    • io.opentelemetry.cxf-jaxrs-3.2io.opentelemetry.jaxrs-2.0-cxf-3.2
    • io.opentelemetry.jersey-2.0io.opentelemetry.jaxrs-2.0-jersey-2.0 or io.opentelemetry.jaxrs-3.0-jersey-3.0 as appropriate
    • io.opentelemetry.resteasy-3.0io.opentelemetry.jaxrs-2.0-resteasy-3.0
    • io.opentelemetry.resteasy-3.1io.opentelemetry.jaxrs-2.0-resteasy-3.1
    • io.opentelemetry.resteasy-6.0io.opentelemetry.jaxrs-3.0-resteasy-6.0
    • io.opentelemetry.jws-1.1io.opentelemetry.jaxws-jws-api-1.1
    • io.opentelemetry.vertx-kafka-client-3.5io.opentelemetry.vertx-kafka-client-3.6
    • io.opentelemetry.hibernate-4.3io.opentelemetry.hibernate-procedure-call-4.3
  • All methods in all *Getter classes in instrumentation-api-semconv have been renamed to use the get*() naming scheme (#7619)
  • Return interfaces instead of concrete implementations in instrumentation-api-semconv (#7658)

📈 Enhancements

  • Support Spring Web 6 in library instrumentation (#7551)
  • Add gRPC request metadata instrumentation (#7011)
  • Pass context to content length http metrics meters (#7506)
  • Update SQL span name for procedures (#7557)
  • Ratpack services OpenTelemetry (#7477)
  • Ignore janino classloader (#7710)
  • Improve type resolution cache for classes in java package (#7714)
  • End netty client span before callbacks (#7737)
  • Support slf4j to log4j2 (#7656)
  • Add to the http.server.active_requests metric (#7757)
  • Allow JDBC library instrumentation to use a custom OpenTelemetry instance to be more DI (e.g. Spring Boot) friendly (#7697)
  • Dubbo: don't create spans for calls inside the same jvm (#7761)
  • Bridge OpenTelemetry metrics batch API (#7762)
  • Support Spring Boot 3 in autoconfigure module (#7784)
  • Change Spring Scheduling to not capture span for one-time jobs (only repeated jobs) (#7760)
  • Add instrumentation for hibernate 6 (#7773)
  • Put http.route attribute onto http.server.duration on Play framework request processing (#7801)
  • Add Jakarta JSF 3.0+ instrumentation (#7786)
  • Capture net.sock.peer.addr more reliably in grpc client instrumentation (#7742)

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Fix potential startup failure (#7567)
  • Fix NoClassDefFoundError happening when snakeyaml is used on a custom JRE (#7598)
  • Fix inconsistent handling of net.peer.port in HTTP instrumentations (#7618)
  • Fix concurrency issue in OpenTelemetryDriver (#7628)
  • Fix ClassCastException with redisson batch with atomic write option (#7743)
  • Ensure kafka configuration remains serializable (#7754, #7789)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 1.22.1

14 Jan 03:11
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This is a patch release on the previous 1.22.0 release, fixing the issue(s) below.

  • Fix potential startup failure (#7567)

Version 1.22.0

12 Jan 20:09
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This release targets the OpenTelemetry SDK 1.22.0.

Note that many artifacts have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

📈 Enhancements

  • Add resource injection for getResourceAsStream (#7476)
  • GRPC: Adds peer socket address when the client call is ready (#7451)
  • Make OpenTelemetryAppender.Builder public (#7521)
  • Disable internal TaskScheduler spans in Spring Kafka instrumentation (#7553)
  • Support Spring Web MVC in library instrumentation (#7552)
  • Instrument JMS 3.0 (Jakarta) (#7418)
  • Shade in agent extension class loader (#7519)
  • Use new reactor contextWrite when available (from reactor 3.4.0) (#7538)
  • Make config file available in early agent initialization phase (#7550)
  • Support Spring JMS 6.0 (#7438)

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Preserve original exception in jetty http client wrappers (#7455)
  • Propagate original exception through kafka wrapper (#7452)
  • Fix class file load error when using spring-guice together with spring-web instrumentation (#7447)
  • Fix NPE in servlet AsyncListener on OpenLiberty (#7498)

🧰 Tooling

  • Muzzle logs should be logged using the io.opentelemetry.* logger name (#7446)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 1.21.0

13 Dec 23:36
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This release targets the OpenTelemetry SDK 1.21.0.

Note that many artifacts have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

📈 Enhancements

  • Remove deprecated HTTP semconv code (#7259)
  • Rocketmq 5: set context for async callback (#7238)
  • HTTP semconv: filter out default peer/host ports (#7258)
  • Allow multiple YAML configuration files for JMX rules (#7284)
  • OpenTelemetryDriver better support for native images (#7089)
  • Support Spring Kafka 3 (#7271)
  • Add instrumentation for opentelemetry-extension-kotlin (#7341)
  • Populate messaging.kafka.message.offset in all kafka instrumentations (#7374)
  • More flexible cgroupv2 container id parsing (and podman support) (#7361)
  • Instrument spring-web 6 & spring-webmvc 6 (#7366)
  • Change log4j MapMessage attribute names (#7397)
  • Don't call Thread#setContextClassLoader() (#7391)

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Webflux instrumentation doesn't capture http.status_code in some cases (#7251)
  • Clean WeakConcurrentMap from background thread (#6240)
  • Update gwt rpc span from INTERNAL to SERVER (#7342)
  • JMXMetricInsight should log nothing at INFO level (#7367)
  • Fix NullPointerException when uri is null (#7387)
  • Agent context storage wrapper should not override other wrappers (#7355)
  • Do not install GC metrics when GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo is not available (#7405)
  • Fix connection pool timeouts unit (#7404)

🧰 Tooling

  • Allow disabling muzzle checks for specific methods (#7289)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 1.20.2

22 Nov 00:51
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This is a patch release on the previous 1.20.1 release, fixing the issue(s) below.

🛠️ Bug fixes

Version 1.20.1

19 Nov 01:48
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This is a patch release on the previous 1.20.0 release, fixing the issue(s) below.

📈 Enhancements

  • Update SDK version from 1.19.0 to 1.20.1 (#7223)

Version 1.20.0

17 Nov 05:21
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This release targets the OpenTelemetry SDK 1.20.0.

Note that many artifacts have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

Instrumentation annotations module is declared stable in this release (io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-instrumentation-annotations:1.20.0).

Migration notes

  • Renamed configuration property otel.instrumentation.kafka.client-propagation.enabled to otel.instrumentation.kafka.producer-propagation.enabled and update code so that it only affects producer propagation (#6957)
  • Deprecated RocketMQ configuration property otel.instrumentation.rocketmq-client.propagation (#6958)
  • Deprecated HttpServerAttributesExtractor#create(HttpServerAttributesGetter) and HttpServerAttributesExtractor#builder(HttpServerAttributesGetter) (#7020)
  • Renamed annotation instrumentation property name for the recent opentelemetry-instrumentation-annotations package from otel.instrumentation.opentelemetry-annotations.exclude-methods to otel.instrumentation.opentelemetry-instrumentation-annotations.exclude-methods (#7196)

🌟 New javaagent instrumentation

  • OpenSearch 1.x and 2.x (#6998)
  • JMX Metric Insight (#6573)

📈 Enhancements

  • Add meter version to runtime metrics (#6874)
  • Auto-detect service name based on the jar name (#6817)
  • okhttp: run our interceptor before other interceptors (#6997)
  • Implement producer part of RocketMQ new client instrumentation (#6884)
  • Ignore presto-jdbc shaded okhttp3 connection pool. (#7031)
  • Record memory usage after garbage collection (#6963)
  • Ignore trino shaded okhttp pool (#7114)
  • Ignore Nashorn's class loader for performance reasons (#7116)
  • Add gRPC library configuration for additionalServerExtractors (#7155)
  • Implement consumer part of rocketmq new client instrumentation (#7019)
  • Support cgroup v2 (#7167)
  • Replace runtime.jvm.gc.time / runtime.jvm.gc.count metrics with process.runtime.jvm.gc.duration histogram (#6964)

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • End reactor-netty HTTP client span properly on Mono#timeout() (#6891)
  • Capture for netty (#6892)
  • 6929 - fixing unit for runtime.jvm.gc.count (#6930)
  • fix spring-webflux cast to PathPattern throws ClassCastException (#6872)
  • Fix metric units (#6931)
  • Fix RocketMQ ClassCastException on hook conflict (#6940)
  • Handle UnsupportedClassVersionError in ServiceLoader on jdk9 (#7090)
  • Avoid NPE when DirectWithAttributesChannel class is not available (#7133)

🧰 Tooling

  • Revert removing the mavenCentral repo from the muzzle check plugin (#6937)
  • Make java.sql classes available to the agent and extensions (#7038)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:


Version 1.19.2

02 Nov 02:55
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This is a patch release on the previous 1.19.1 release, fixing the issue(s) below.

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Bring back two public methods in opentelemetry-instrumentation-api-semconv that were mistakenly removed in v1.19.1 without a deprecation cycle (#7020)